England retain Calais


So we have not just Calais but all of ttl Francland. "Coincidentally, this also means no War of the Roses, meaning a more stabler England. "

So basically job done, let's hit the pub :D

First round on King Harry aha

Would one want all of France and the burdens? Well I known Harry would, but would his descendants do you think?
If French was able to penetrate all the way to Wallonia an area that was very Germanic, the reverse can just as easily happen. Look at say Arabic for another example, sure it is a bit more of a stretch but if a religious element is able to be introduced there is no reason why the same could occur.

I doubt this. Latin was the great prestige language of the time and its descendant languages weren't too far behind. France was previously conquered by Germanic-speaking people (Franks) but its proto-Romance language survived and ultimately was adopted by the royal court. The centuries-long trend was toward the expansion of Romance at Germanic's expense.

A Plantagenet conquest of France quite likely could have had the same effect on the royal house as it did the Franks, causing it to become francophone. The Plantagenets were not fighting to make France part of England, but to become kings of France themselves, an important distinction.


OTL, as I understand it, Calais could have been a Gibraltar (a small city, self contained and very hard to attack) but the townsmen forgot to flood the water line and it got captured!

So... I think doable.
Any time England gets involved in a war on the European continent, there is a good chance whichever continental power they are fighting will take Calais. The first time this would happen would be Philip II and Parma taking it in the 1580s.

The Armada lands in Calais, Parma ferries his army and takes England.
