Ekhronoplanes effect on operation sea lion


Honestly for Sealion to have even a chance some ASB would have to conjure up the maximum Plan Z fleet in 1940, oh and the bats would also probably have to give Doenitz his 300 U-Boats while their at it.
Quick question. If ekranoplans are so wonderful, why is nobody using them?

Well we are actually but they are pretty niche considering their utility. Like hovercraft they are not going to really be usable for servicing any major transport market unless they are pretty huge so the only use so far is small recreation and transport use.
The bigger issue as has been brought up there is that they require pretty much the same port structure as seaplanes and in general seaplanes will be a bit faster (especially during this time period) which entails a lot of existing infrastructure being in place to support them.

They really don't come into their own without navigation and safety aids such as radar and high performance turbo-prop or jet engines.

The Vikings never took all of England.
The Normans were the last ones to take all of England.

I'd say the Vikings were successful enough landing in the British islands to not be included in the with the Spanish armada, Napoleon and Sealion
See I first thought (as in the viking is telling the later guys what they should have done), but he look really depressed about it and dinghies doesn't make much sense as a suggestion in general or for a viking
Of course he's depressed. He's in Hell. They're probably drinking American 'beer'.
The OTL attitude to other occupied countries appeared to involve a lot of not caring if the local population went hungry or starved. I can't see why they'd make an exception for Britain.
A cannot see what use Britain would be to the Germans even if they let the people starve. The economy relies on imports from the empire and elsewhere to function. Occupying Britain would be just a drain on resources and it would be even worse if they have to control Ireland too.
Well we are actually but they are pretty niche considering their utility. Like hovercraft they are not going to really be usable for servicing any major transport market unless they are pretty huge so the only use so far is small recreation and transport use.
The bigger issue as has been brought up there is that they require pretty much the same port structure as seaplanes and in general seaplanes will be a bit faster (especially during this time period) which entails a lot of existing infrastructure being in place to support them.

They really don't come into their own without navigation and safety aids such as radar and high performance turbo-prop or jet engines.

There used to be a cross channel hovercraft service at one time. I don't think it was a great success. I think the real problem is that while a fast crossing is nice, unless the loading and unloading are also much faster, it's not a real big time saver.
There used to be a cross channel hovercraft service at one time. I don't think it was a great success. I think the real problem is that while a fast crossing is nice, unless the loading and unloading are also much faster, it's not a real big time saver.

And much like the issues the hovercraft ran into you still have to deal with sea-state and pilot/crew workload issues. The thing is that Ekranoplan's can actually fly above most sea states IF the wing area* is sufficient and you can design then for rapid loading and unloading BUT at the time in question this was much less clear.

*= One of the current 'trends' is to increase the wing area for a larger 'GE' cushion by making the 'wings' wider, or multiple wings or "wing-body" fuselages. They all pretty much introduce other problems of course but with the right design... Not sure the aerodynamic or control design was up to the task though versus a more 'normal' seaplane.
Two divisions even without supply and they have taken the whole island the home islands had less than 1 german division worth of infantry in 41 given time they could call on millions across the empire but britian itself would be defeated long before then

How do two divisions without food, fuel or ammunition take a whole island?

If two divisions could do it, why did the Germans think they would need a first wave of up to 13 divisions, and a total of 39?

Are you trying to tell us that you, here in 2023, know more about what the German army of 1940 could do than that army itself?

Do you seriously think that your estimate of two divisions is more reliable than the German one of 39? Really?
Yep it easy to think of the HG as Warmington-on-sea's finest, but the reality was a bit different, especially in the target areas were it would matter.

If very old memory is correct, even Captain Mainwaring's bunch always won in the end. :). Any remnants of two divisions who manage to get to Warmington would probably be easy to beat, especially since they would be without ammunition.
They'll be making them out of Handwavium, which will also power them.

That's the usual route, isn't it?

Nope, the original plan was for them to be towed by giant ASBs. Then Willy Messerschmitt got involved with the design, went down his usual minimalist route, and ended up just putting platforms that allowed one complete battalion to just sit on the back of each ASB. It worked brilliantly until all 500 of the ASBs went in to land at Shingle Street in Suffolk, where it was found that planning had not allowed for the fact that, like all bats, ASBs do a flick roll on landing and try to hang upside down on a tree branch.
even assuming the Germans win in Britain, how do they feed it?
Britain relied otl on food imports for the empire and elsewhere that will not be coming.
What do the Germans do with the British with a collapsing economy and starving due to a lack of imports?
What do the Germans do with the island of Ireland?
They will not want the being used by the Americans as a base to invade from.
All of this would use the reserve of oil the Germans intend to use for the invasion of the Soviet Union.
Not only is sealion asb it is not even desirable from a German point of view.
The best outcome for Germany is Britain coming to terms and withdrawing from the war without having to invade and occupy the country.

That's a very interesting point; we talk so much about why it couldn't have worked that many of the fascinating aspects of a successful invasion are not discussed.

Damn it, now I'm trying to work out a way the pinniped could have worked, so I can consider the consequences. This way madness lies.....
And much like the issues the hovercraft ran into you still have to deal with sea-state and pilot/crew workload issues. The thing is that Ekranoplan's can actually fly above most sea states IF the wing area* is sufficient and you can design then for rapid loading and unloading BUT at the time in question this was much less clear.

*= One of the current 'trends' is to increase the wing area for a larger 'GE' cushion by making the 'wings' wider, or multiple wings or "wing-body" fuselages. They all pretty much introduce other problems of course but with the right design... Not sure the aerodynamic or control design was up to the task though versus a more 'normal' seaplane.
Talking of E-kranoplans, I Googled 'Electric ekranoplan' and found many fascinating things [1] to distract me from my work.

Of relevance to this thread is that they can operate from beaches, so unloading isn't constrained by lack of port infrastructure when they arrive at the British coast.

The Caspian Seamonster (built approximately 20 years later than S**lion would need it) had capacity for about 200 troops and a couple of Panzer 2 sized tanks. The two companies might not mind jumping into dinghies or getting wet, but the tanks probably would need to be DD tanks or to be landed at ports.

Fortunately nobody will notice a giant futuristic 'boat' [2] traversing the channel and offloading various war materiel.

[1] It is a little alarming to see that in some countries, you only need a boat licence to pilot something that can travel at 180mph - what could possibly go wrong?
[2] As Admiral Raeder said to Goering, "But Herr Reichsmarshall, you only need a boat licence to drive it, so it must be a boat..."