Effects on 1980 if Carter beats Reagan in 1976, BUT...

So I was playing the New Campaign Trail game and began thinking what the effects would be on the 1980 presidential election if Regan beat out Ford for the 1976 republican primary, but then went on to lose to Carter in the electoral college while winning the popular vote. I know this scenario probably isn't that likely, but let's just say for this thought experiment, Carter wins a close election getting below 300 electoral votes with a possible 2000 Florida situation in the tipping point state. Assuming no major butterflies and that Carter's presidency essentially goes the same way it did irl, what are the effects on the 1980 election? Do we see the return of the Gipper? Does Ford see an opportunity? Is it Bush instead who seizes the chance? Anyone else? And what ends up being the final result on election day 1980?

Also, it's REALLY REALLY unlikely, but what if the same scenario from above occurs, but it's even closer and ends up being 269-269, being thrown to the democratic house with a majority of state delegations and Democrats senate where Carter and Mondale win that route.
For those who may question the plausibility, it's possible, just very unlikely