Effects and repercussions of a hereditary Venice?

This is something that I've been pondering for a while. The early history of the Venetian Republic is littered with Doges trying to ensure the successions of their sons, and thus create a continuous line of Doges from their dynasty. This never really happened - reigning Doges occasionally had success in ensuring the rise of their next of kin, but it was sporadic and the reforms following the dogeship of Giacomo Tiepolo put an end to this practice altogether.

What would have happened if one of these Doges had succeeded in his efforts, and his family ended up controlling the dogeship for a century or two? What repercussions would result from the domination of the Venetian political sphere by one family? I'll post some more thoughts on this later. In the meantime, discuss!
Venice had a mostly hereditary system of government in OTL, it's just that it was more of a hereditary oligarchy instead of a monarchy.
Well I guess Venice would become like Florence did with the Medici. I'm not sure if it would change much of their politics but the Venetian Royal House (any idea which family would be most likely?) would be able to intermarry with the royal Houses. Also, Venice might be restored at the Congress of Vienna if it had a Royal House.