DC's "Elseworlds"

Have you read any of these? They have come up a few times, Red Son (superman lands in the ukraine), 1602 (marvel heroes in 1602, not isoted just made that way) and some others. What was your opinion
The 1602 series was rather well thought out, which you should expect from Neal Gaiman. Red Son was intersting. Sups' costume getting more and more militaristic was neat. Batman with wool ear warmers not so much. It's always interesting to see how the comic book mythos would work in different settings.
The fanboy inside would like to see something sort of like Eastwood meets 1602. With a Wild west X-men. I've probobly put more thought than really necessary into the idea, but that's for another time.
I've tried to make an effort to collect most of them. There were two really nice Batman ones at the very beginning, Gotham by Gaslight and Master of Tomorrow, which presented Batman in a steampunk timeline. The series has been hit and miss since the start, tho more hits recently.
Just realized the 1602 one should be in the "what if?" thread as i intended this one to be more for dc and the other for marvel.
Anyway try getting some of the amalgam comics American_Samurai as there was a generation hex about jonah hex and x-men being combined
Michael and others: go to the following www.dccomics.com and hit the sub title marked message boads. There are boards dealing with Elseworlds and Kingdom Come(seperately). Also boaards on Superman, Supergirl including the forthcoming movie. I liked Kingdom Come and was surprised at who the hero was. No I will not give any spoilers. Read. Seriously ,go to the Website for DC and you'll find anything you want. :rolleyes:
I forgot! The Elseworlds thread or board has mentioned that DC MIGHT discontinue the series. Don't know if this is true. Will let you know.
Jonah Hex was awesome. That is sort of what inspired my idea, but the way Amalgram comics worked is that there was only one issue for each story and a good number of them felt to contrived trying toshow the mythos of both characters, and not to get nitpicky but Jona Hex was based on Generation X not X Men proper. It shouldn't be a big deal but when it comes to comics (and Alternate History) I can be a big nerd sometimes.
i had an old Elseworld where the Earth was destoryed or something and they had a bunch of ships off to find a new earth, i had the Robin one and i think my dad had the Batman one or Catwoman one...don't remmeber, but they were really cool
I have been a fan for a very long time of Marvel's What if series and DC's Elseworlds. Marvel is supposed to be starting a new What If series this Fall. DC will still put out Elseworld stories, but without the Elseworlds label. I think the Another Nail series is like that.

Some of my favorite Elseworld strories: Kingdom Come, Golden Age, Darkest of night (Bruce Wayne becomes the GL) Speeding Bullets (Kal-el is adopted by Thomas Wayne, becomes Batman after their deaths), some of the Elseworld annuals (World without Superheroes, The Flash annual from that year, Superman annuals that year with the Earth invaded and the heroes having to go underground, JLA defeated by Felix Faust).



The one that alway sticks in my mind is the Victorious Nazis/Green Lantern one.

Hal Jordan is a 'hero of the Reich' who acquires the Green Lantern and slowly wakes up to the evil of the Reich. Various Green Lantern characters pop up throughout the book. There is also a brief appearance by Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) as a resistance leader. I'll have to dig this one out and read it again now that I'm thinking about it...

There was also a 'Superman's Metropolis' that was pretty decent.

Oh, and one called 'The Wild', which was a fantasy take on Batman, with 'Dark Joker' - an evil necromancer - and Batman as a half-human, half-animal hero. I really liked this one.
Golly! Did anyone forget to mention WATCHMEN? Simply the greatest! Camelot 3000-the last page with Lancelot and Guinevere-WOW!.
Watchmen and Camelot 3000 aren't really Elseworld titles. They could certainly be alterante DC history, but they aren't Elseworlds. They were published years before the Elseworld imprint was developed. That reminds me, I need to find my copy of Camelot 3000.

I remember reading Camelot 3000 when I was probobly 11. I thought it was a cool idea very well written but I don't remember inb allusions to the classic DC mythos. Especially cool for a boy moving between his King Arther and Sci fi stages as all young boys do.
I'm putting this here anyway. Yes, WATCHMEN si NOT Elseworlds. HOWEVER it IS going to be filmed at Paramount with a man name Aronofsky as director and a gentleman named Hayter WRITING the script. Let's see how they get out of the ending. Cause some tiem warp?
If the people making the Watchmen movie have any sense they will cast David "To Cool for NYPD Blue" Caruso (Sp?) as Rosharch or however you spell the guys name.


ED(Mister) said:
Let's see how they get out of the ending. Cause some tiem warp?

What do you mean? Why would they 'get out of the ending'? It was the whole point of the story.

BTW, absolutely agree with Caruso as Rorshach. What about Brad Pitt as Ozymandias? :)

Man I hope you're not on crack, Ed. I would friggin LOVE to see a Watchmen movie...