DBWI: No Norse culture revivals?

Hi, folks, I was just coming back from a trip to Minnesota for the annual Viking Fest, and boy, did I have fun up there! So, anyway, having read a neat little pamphlet I brought from there, it got me thinking: what if there hadn't been a revival of Norse culture in the late 19th, early 20th Centuries? How would American, Canadian, and, to a lesser extent, English culture(it never really took off in Wales, Cornwall or most of Scotland) look like? Would Norse myths have become quite as popular for use in adaptations of graphic novels, comic books, etc., as they did IOTL?

Let's not forget, by the way, that several early proponents of the Norse Revival were also fairly progressive(including, most notably, William Shipstead, the Progressive governor of Washington who later became an early Civil Rights advocate) just as the Welsh Brotherhood and other Bretonic Celtic cultural associations(particularly in California as well as Colorado and Kansas, too) had been just before them.

OOC: POD is sometime prior to 1860, by the way.