Confederate Vietnam


Ok, I don't know if this has been done before, and the "What If" book with this in it was pretty much worthless.

So anyways, what would have happened if Lee, in, falling to the temptation, decides to allow his men to split up into small bands and fight the Union in a guerilla war, instead of surrendering to Grant? Naturally, following Lee's lead, the the other Confederate armies follow suit.

It probably would have led to more power going to the former slaves. It is for certain that the U.S. Army would have pulled out of occupation of the South. I can also see it having an impact on Western Settlement. Probably would have been slower because there would not have been so many former Southerners moving out.
There was no mass media at the time and the terrain was a lot better then tropical jungle.
The US could safely burn down villages supporting the rebels and not have such a hard time of it.
The war could continue a bit longer but not that much longer and we would still be laughing at people who wave around CSA flags.


Any Ex-CSA guerilla campaign could have been easily fixed by arming the local ex-slaves. Who probably would have taken to the task of hunting them down with the proverbial vengenance. AND who know the terrain at least as well as the guerillas would have (Which is usually a big advantage the guerillas have).
Interesting long term implications though, of course. A KKK would not be around very long in a South where there are black militias everywhere.


Would the North still try and rebuild the South with these little bands roaming the countryside? I mean, if it doesn't, the South will just collapse.


First of all, no chance in hell Lee would have done such a thing. The last thing he would have wanted is to see Virginia destroyed and without influence.

Second, with a man like William Sherman running things, pretty much the whole South would be in ruins if they kept fighting.
Three way partition of the south between the former slave owners, the former slaves, and the hillbillies and swamp people who didn't own slaves. Not on a state line basis, just on where people started moving around and settling.
My ancestors suffered enough in the war. They didn't need more war to kill my great grandfather, last of the brothers.


possibility of a fascistic America before 1900. Sotuhernerns, blacks, irish and jewish people are all screwed over in the fascist regime. The stresses of a vietnam type occupation over decades would hurt the economy and lead to fascists getting influence.


Possibly, but I don't think it will ever become "fascist" in that sense.

More likely a restricted democracy.