Comic Books significantly less popular?

With a POD no earlier than 1970, what would have to happen to make comic books become less and less popular than they already are in OTL?
With a POD no earlier than 1970, what would have to happen to make comic books become less and less popular than they already are in OTL?

Well I don't know how much this is the case in other countries or contexts, but my own father (now in his 50s, although his attitudes used to reflect those of people a lot older) tended to consider cartoons and comic books to be for children, whilst live-action programming was for adults. This even extended to adult-oriented cartoons such as the Simpsons, although unashamedly 'mature' cartoons like Family Guy made him change his views on this. Maybe keep those mind of attitudes and you wouldn't get the Marvel/DC comic revival, although this might be helped even more by a Hays Code of sorts for comic books
I suppose if Marvel had been bought out and dissolved by Carl Ichohn in the late 90's, that could've potentially ruined the comic industry, and made comic properties less valuable, and hence less popular.

Or The Flash never gets revived, so comics end up just sterile after the imposition of the Comics Code.
One thing that helped the rise of independent comics in the 80s was computers capable of desktop publishing (i.e. the Macintosh). Maybe have Apple go bankrupt after the Lisa flops.