China refuses to recognise Tennessean independence

Recipe for ATL Situation:
Combine Early Awakening of China with DisUnited States of America TL. Somewhere in the 1900s, China allies with North Carolina or Carolina, which has a Tenessean insurgency, and world war eruprts between China and allies in Asia and Europe, and North Carolina is Chinese ally. Mixed results in the war: China isn't really that bad off, but North Carolina/Carolina loses it's western possesions, one of which is Tennessee.
China still goes with it's ally and refuses to acknowledge the independence of Tennessse. Hmm?
What would the Chinese misread? Did they even have diplomatic relations with the United States in the 18th century?
Ah, I get it now. I did not see Thande's thread in the Post-1900 forum until this moment. :eek:

But my point still stands, I don't think China even had diplomatic relations with the United States at this point.
Ah, I get it now. I did not see Thande's thread in the Post-1900 forum until this moment. :eek:

But my point still stands, I don't think China even had diplomatic relations with the United States at this point.

I don't understand. I misread Thande's post on Taiwan independence, and posted one on Tennessean independence, thereby inviting theories as to how such a state of affairs could come about in 2008. It's pre-1900 because I think it would need a long range POD to work.
Okay, how about an actual theory...

Yorktown ends in a draw in 1781, negotiated peace due to exhaustion of all. America gets New York, and British the Carolinas and Georgia in 1782, with OTL's Kentucky/Tennessee and Virginia/North Carolina borders the border.

British abolish slavery in early 1830s, squash rebellion, as they are now stronger. They slowly let colonies go in the next couple decades, just as they did Canada, till the area is given Dominion status in 1867, the same year as Canada's. However, sensing the problem with large militias whicha re reminded of the previous revolutions, they divide the region (which includes OTL Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee) into about 20 separate regions. One of those provinces is named "Tennessee."

Tennessee sits on the western part of the Tennessee River, in the northwest part of the Dominion. Hence, it has much American influence; especially because when Britain seized New Orleans from the French in 1803, America sent trips west and a litle bit south in a gesture of good will by President Adams, who looked to cement British/U.S. relations by teaming up against the French. The bornder between the U.S. and BNA is hence the Arkansas River.

Once British North America gained its Dominion status (sorry, can't come up with a good country name), though, they continued to oppress minorities, especially blacks. While the United States slowly integrated in the mid-1900s, BNA continued a harsh, South African type of rule. However, with the help of blacks from the United States, the region of Tennessee had balked against that trend. Finally, Tennessee declared independence from BNA.

BNA's government has not yet invaded Tennessee, becasue some of their populace likes to idea of letting all their minorities go there. However, they are also concerned about the fragmentation of their nation. Hence, they have pressured other countries - especially China, which is a major trading partner - not to recognize Tennessee. The Untied States does, of course, which has chilled relations between the usually friendly nations.