Changing of the Seasons: an Independent Oregon TL

You have built a fascinatingly fucked up world here and you have my plauditz. Still, Kessler syndrome being seen as a public positive is so deliciously insidious..... what is the average opinion about this in non-GDC countries? Are there any people who are disseminating information about the potential opportunities for better everything that is now taken away from the world without their consent?
Opinions are mixed across the board, most non-GDC countries would complain about overreach, although some non-space capable ones might be relieved that there’s no longer any reason to invest in it. There are people who might dream about space travel, although at this point there’s nothing they can do about, and it’s seen as more of a necessary evil at this point. That being said, the curtain will fall eventually, and long term planners in various countries are making plans for when that happens.
I think, Bretwalda or so would be better. Because Pendragon is the persinal epithet, not tithe ath first, and Welsh, at second.
That’s true, but I think it’s funnier to use an arbitrary term with limited connections to the past, because it’s more emblematic of how arbitrary nationalist movements are
Did any other European royal houses joined the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas in their flight to Australasia?
Yes, many royal families from around the world congregated in either Australasia or Brazil, both of which were very accepting of them. The Labuan Pact is probably the most friendly place in the world to rich people who don’t provide for society, and so there are frequent parties in Hawaii and Sydney for former royals to hang out with; after all, most European royalty is related to an extent. They’d be joined by the Japanese and Hawaiian royals, who while no longer being recognized still have some degree of wealth and influence from their respective countries. ‘Free Germany’ in Walvis bay is de jure ruled by an obscure branch of the Hohenzollern, and Gustavia in the Caribbean is ruled by the bernadottes, although both countries are more tax havens than sovereign states
Changing of the Seasons: an Independent Oregon TL
Hello everyone, this is another iteration of the TL that I've been planning for a while. Going from a POD of John Tyler dying in the USS Princeton incident, the world kind of spirals over the next century and a half, with a lot of changes. Unlike my written TL, I actually have several graphics ready, so I should be able to post a lot. Feel free to ask plenty of questions about the world at large!
Awesome map.

Capital of Northern Mandate should be spelled "Fort McMurray" (missing an "a")
Capital of Poland should be "Warszawa" (missing a "z")
The country in Mecca is marked "ITNL. MECCA" but should probably be "INTL. MECCA" (abbreviation of "international")
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FUBE Rights

Rights for FUBE (Fricatrive, Uranian, Burdashi, and Epicene) people have over the course of the 20th century been a major point in discussions over human rights, with the rights of Uranian marriage and sexual relations being majorly split between Integralist and Prismatic-influenced areas.
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Rights for FUBE (Fricatrive, Uranian, Burdashi, and Epicene) people have over the course of the 20th century been a major point in discussions over human rights, with the rights of Uranian marriage and sexual relations being majorly split between Integralist and Prismatic-influenced areas.
What does each of these words mean, exactly? What sexual and gender identities of OTL would they correspond to?
Also, it's pet peeve of mine when maps like this are referred to as maps of *LGBT rights, when they make zero mention of the *T in any way, shape, or form. Though maybe I shouldn't speak so soon here, cuz I don't even know yet if any of these words means trans.
Also, it's pet peeve of mine when maps like this are referred to as maps of *LGBT rights, when they make zero mention of the *T in any way, shape, or form. Though maybe I shouldn't speak so soon here, cuz I don't even know yet if any of these words means trans.
I don't think it's inevitable that people from an alternate timeline with a pre-1900 PoD would even recognise the T as being a thing that exists like we do. After all "bisexuality" is basically a pretty new modern construct as well, and doesn't reflect the way many ancient cultures categorised such things.
I don't think it's inevitable that people from an alternate timeline with a pre-1900 PoD would even recognise the T as being a thing that exists like we do. After all "bisexuality" is basically a pretty new modern construct as well, and doesn't reflect the way many ancient cultures categorised such things.
Potentially. Uranian I remember doesn't mean transgender in OTL, and my brief readings on grammatical gender tell me Epicene is more likely to mean something like agender or bigender or genderfluid in this context, so honestly who knows. You might well be right about the concept of transgender identities not being as widespread in TTL.

Rights for FUBE (Fricatrive, Uranian, Burdashi, and Epicene) people have over the course of the 20th century been a major point in discussions over human rights, with the rights of Uranian marriage and sexual relations being majorly split between Integralist and Prismatic-influenced areas.
Translation please? I need to know what bisexuals are called lmao
Also is there really an island named Fakfakk? I love the immaturity of my brain helping prevent innate xenophobia in me lol
What does each of these words mean, exactly? What sexual and gender identities of OTL would they correspond to?




So likely, Lesbian, Gay, Two-spirit/Third-Gender, Asexual

A basic map of the United States and its Constituent Nations as of 2024, denoting internal county borders within the states (this is from back when I thought it would be a good idea to map out 1000 alternate counties in QGIS)

First look at the star of our story, the Republic of Oregon. Founded in 1864 from the remains of Oregon Territory, the Republic of Oregon (Chinukan: Konomoxt Oregon) is a large Kutultai Republic in North America. In the present day, Oregon has a population of close to 4.5 million and growing. The principal ethnic groups of Oregon are Oregonians, descendants of early settlers who speak Chinukan, Anglo-Californians, who speak Californian English and live mostly in the Klamath and Umpquah departments, and Americans, who speak English and live mostly in the sparsely-population Eastern Oregon. In recent years, there have also been many Asian immigrants to Oregon, with Asians now making up a plurality of the population in Kuitch department. Three-fourths of the population is located West of the Cascade range, concentrated around Westport and the Willamette Valley.

This is a new Article from the Westport SĪNANĪTCHISH, one the main newspapers in Oregon and one of the largest representing the Liberal Ameliorians. (SĪNANĪTCHISH means (those who)watch the sea in Chinukan, and represented a word for cosmopolitan Westport residents who during the Gatch dictatorship in the early 20th century would ''look out to sea'' for foreign intervention in their county; when this did come and the Liberals overthrew the regime in the 50s, the Westport Daily renamed itself) - also your first look at Chinukan, and the orthography I used for it

Kind of stupid, but I made a wojak compass thing to give a better look at the dynamics of the Oregonian political system. The Axes are for those favoring societal dynamism compared to tradition, and those favoring state institutions compared to societal ones.

Nawitca Tilikum Voter: He grew up in rural Clatsop, and listened intently to his grandfather's stories of the ‘59 war with Whuljia. Masked his insecurities and desire for acceptance by being insanely racist with his fellow nationalists. Actually believes in the concept of ‘conquest marriages’ (as bad as it sounds). He totally admires the army, but won’t actually join, instead working at a local factory. He brags to his friends at the cafeteria about the one time he faced off against a ‘savage native’ (they were on opposite sides of the Columbia river).

Eastern Farmer: He was born in Ochoco department, and has only left once in his life, to go to a fair in the Dalles. His whole family would vote Nationalist if they could. Opposes the single tax, and wishes that the ‘Big-city Westport fat cats’ could get their hands out of his business. He receives large subsidies paid for by Westport manufacturing output. Is vaguely put out about the idea that his crops are being sent to famine relief in Korea, although he won’t specify why. Speaks a mixed dialect of English and Chinukan that would give a Westerner an aneurysm.

Oecologist: Born outside of Chemaketa near the Cascades, his formative experience was from his time in the Oregon Wilderness Scouts, which drilled into him love for the environment (and hazing solidarity). He was enraptured by malthusian arguments pumped out by the French Oecology movement of the ‘00s. He was pushed away from the Ameliorians and Nationals because of their immigration policy, which he cloaks in arguments over sustainability. He secretly admires the total closed-border policy of Enchewana and wishes Oregon could do the same. Saw a same-sex couple on trail one time and to take deep breaths to calm down.

Border Guard: she was born in Portland, and educated by stories of the heroic Oregonians of Willamette valley history. Was disconsolable when she wasn’t able to join the Wilderness Scouts, spent her time reading Pioneer Tales and watching The Last Stand!. Joined the army out of school, whose culture perpetuated her personal siege mentality. Hates Whuljia, the US, and Mexico with a passion. She secretly wishes it was 1861 so she could go into battle with the original Oregon Rifles (women were not allowed in the Oregon Rifles).

Methodist: He was born to middle class hard-working immigrant parents from California, disappointed them by joining the ministry instead. Avoids cafeterias and potlatches, tends to private works of charity which make him feel better about himself. Guilt complex drives his sense of moralism. He is very kind and accepting to anyone (as long as they’re protestant, will become more racist than you can imagine regarding Catholics, Jews, and Enchewaneans). Wants to go on a mission to Whuljia to ‘civilize the noble savage’ (Whuljians are 90% Christian).

National Party Voter: She grew up in Fort Boise and loves Oregon. She thinks that everyone should have the right to become an Oregonian, even immigrants (not natives, obviously). When her daughter made friends with the children of a Japanese family, she told her not to eat their ‘ethnic’ food. Lobbies with other ‘Wives of Boise’ at local potlatches to not have ‘undesirable elements’ move into their city. Racially prejudiced against Asians, Americans, Mexicans, and ‘mixed-blood’ people from Teton.

Oregon City Housewife: Born in Yapoa, she never went to highschool, instead working from a young age at cafeterias and newspapers. Her marriage has yet to morph into the Caiapora romance novels she read as a kid, but more of an Encantado. She lives for her weekend potlatches with friends, and spends the rest of time doing housework and self-medicating for stress. She lives vicariously for her daughter, who may or may not resent her for it in the future.

Union Worker: Grew up in the staunchly union-working dockside neighborhood in Port Orford to a poor family. Taught from a young age by his parents to be responsible and work for himself, internalized it with intense misogyny. Went to trade school, works now in a factory on the Alsea, spends his union-won extra hours in the cafeteria trying to convince his union leader to vote Worker’s at the next Kurultai (he will vote Ameliorian) because he longs for a world where ‘no women has to work, and they can stay at home where they belong.’ (his wife does all the housework, which he doesn't consider work because it's unpaid).

Anglo-Californian: her ancestors lived in California since the 1860s, and were forced to flee after the first rebellion in ‘54. Can’t speak Chinukan, and can barely understand American Standard English. Lives in Rouge River in a mostly-Californian town at a lumber mill that may or may not be a secret weapons smuggling scheme. Will urge her local delegate to vote for whoever has the harshest stance against Mexico. She’s still mad about how America abandoned the Californian rebels during the Great War.

Kurultai Guy: Grew up in Cincinnati, Yamhill. His grandfather fought in the prismatic army. He loves horses, and has been to every Lee City Kokpar game for the last 8 years. He thinks that the country would be better off if everyone lived a nomadic life like a ‘true prismatic warrior.’ During his childhood, he longed to be a runner at the WorldGames like his idol, Joaquim Cruz. Since his failure to find success in running, he puts an unhealthy amount of pressure on his son to be good at sports, which will lead to the latter resenting all physical exercises.

Coast Retiree: Born in Umpquah City, he made a fortune in Eastern agriculture. Now spends his time lobbying the government to increase R&D funding into Gemulaic development. Bought oceanside property in the Yamhill coast where he holds get-togethers with his estranged family, and spends his summers fishing in Patagonia with his Brazilian work buddies. Opposes immigration and social change, but will vote Ameliorian anyway for free trade and immigration. He thinks Brazilian NGOs should ‘open up’ Whuljia and Enchewna to ‘development.’

Ameliorian: Despite being born and raised in Portneuf, she is a very progressive person. Her parents taught her to think for herself (while providing an Ameliorian perspective), and she’s always been the one to play devil's advocate in conversation. She thinks Kokpur is violent and brutish, and watches the slightly-less violent Calcio instead. Has a bookshelf full of foreign books, and delights in letting her friends know she’s learning portuguese. Wants Oregon to lower all trade and immigration barriers so there'll be more exotic ingredients in stores.

Prismatic Burdashi: They grew up in a small town in Champoeg. Watched Khorasan twenty times as a kid and cried every time when Pyotr died. Their life was changed by reading Sexual Eonism and Generational Dialectics, was converted to Prismaticism and tried learning Russian. Moved away from small-town isolation at 18 to Yapoa, where they now spend their time working at a bakery and arguing with other Prismaticists about means of generational difference and societal advancement.

Sinantichish: Born in Applegate, her parents put up everything to put her in College, where her top marks allowed a prized study abroad in Australasia. Her world was broadened to include Cariñosa music, oyster sauce, and representative democracy. When she can afford it, she talks to her Aussie friends through the telecommunications line in Westport, bemoaning the reactionary and unequal aspects of Oregonian society. She has a Union Jack on her bedroom wall. She works in a unionized garment factory and spends time in the cafeteria with her girlfriend (both are socially discouraged in Australasia).

Urbanite: He was born in Milkwich, but went to school and studied in Westport, has never left. He was forced to confront his own biases when he fell for a Malaysian foreign student, and has since made it his mission to tell everyone how progressive he is. Became a national delegate through years of hard work and service, and makes sure to take lots of pictures of the national kurultai to rub in his friends faces later at the Eleham Affinity Board luncheons (he’s too proud to go to a cafeteria). Is legitimately accepting if in a patronizing way.

Aid Worker: Her small-town Lutheran parents taught her the importance of service. When she left her insulated community, she was shocked to see conditions in public housing in the poorer neighborhoods of Oregon City. She joined the UMRC aid mission to Korea where she got a full taste of the depths of human misery. There, she was swayed by pan-humanism and became a fervent defender of the Global Defence Council. She wouldn’t vote if made a delegate, and once yelled at her son’s teacher for teaching him about space travel.

Could just be me but I can't see the images in these posts (but I can see the ones in others).
Yeah, it's not a good idea to use Discord as a file hosting service for other sites anymore, they've been progressively limiting this for a few months.
Yes, yout got it pretty much correct (Lesbian, Gay, Enby / Trans, Asexual), these terms are pretty broad too, so bisexuals might just go by Uranian or Fricatrive, and intersex people could go by either Burdashi or Epicene. I should make a map for trans / enby rights, because it would be quite different than Gay rights, and there would be substantial regional variation in what is considered to be non-bianary genders and sexualities (even the concept of two-spirit is overgeneralized and a historic anachronism for many native cultures)
It's interesting to see Russia and Western Europe swap with regards to LGBT matters. I am intrigued by Turkey having gay marriage and Afghanistan have civil unions, maybe they've become massively secularized like The West IOTL.