BNA Proper's Leanings in a Second ARW.

Here's something I doubt many really think of in many 'Second ARW' scenario.

It's a popular thought to have a parallel/TTL War of 1812 be the 'Second American Revolution' and it fits - even in reality, many Americans of the age called 1812 the Second War of Independence and saw it as truly being able to call themselves a nation, not a quasi-colony or still dependent on British trade and whims. Naturally, in a failed ARW this will have even more significance AND fit in with all the Latin American independence movements moving on at this time. Convenient!

But. What about the northernmost colonies? By which I mean the OTL Canadian provinces.

Upper Canada was being settled heavily by Americans and (though I'll admit I have to link the source once out of work) these Americans were very ambivelent to British rule. Similarly, the Maritimes won't get the Loyalist influx that made it hostile to American republicanism and will still be full of the old Yankee population that made it an extension of New England proper and had some sympathy to the ARW. And we might even see some Anglo-Americans trickle into Lower Canada too, witnessing the Eastern Township settlements ala OTL.

Going with traditional ARW-wankage, one could argue the Loyalist influx for the Bahamas and Bermuda won't exist as well, keeping their blood and trade ties to the mainland. Bermuda won't be a Royal Navy fortress either, which will cement it further to America.

Will these colonies revolt alongside the *American ones in this Second ARW/parallel 1812 War? I'm almost tempted to lean to yes, since the Loyalist influx doesn't exist, the American invasions of Canada that galvanized them to Britain won't exist, and even traditionally r(l)oyalist areas in Hispanic America and the OTL American Revolution had some rioting for 'independence'.

I don't know which way the colonies would go in said second ARW, but one observation I will make is that you seem to be making a semi-comprehensive list of all the ways that loyalist support will be dying out, while seemingly totally disregarding any possibility of an increase of loyalism in any areas.
A lot will depend on the after war policy --And how well the Parliament in London differentiates between the various colonies.
Any one size fits all policy, will act to unite the Colonies.

?Does Britain continue using Georgia as a Penal Colony? This would have big impacts on the loyalty of the Southern Colonies.
[and on the expansion of Slavery into Western Georgia and North Florida.]