America: My Third TL

Pushing the Attack in the Pacific

At 0400 on September 10 British Commonwealth forces garrisoned in the port cities of Jonesboro, Kuching, Miri, & Balikpapen awoke to the explosive bombardment of American naval guns. The US had begun their Borneo Campaign with a bang. At 0600 the 2nd & 3rd Marine Division's as well as the 1st & 4th Division from the 9th Army under overall command from General Lejuene began a four pronged amphibious assault on the island. League forces on Borneo were composed of 120, 000 mostly Australian troops cross the entire island. These troops had seen little combat however & the overwhelming force of the American invasion lead to the US only suffering 5000 casualties during their initial invasion. While using the entire 9th Army & 2nd & 3rd Marine Division the Australians were completely overwhelmed. By late November over 80% of Borneo was under American control. On December 7 all League forces on Borneo had surrendered ending the Borneo Campaign.

Elsewhere in the Pacific the Americans were making every effort to sweep the League from the region completely. Since the summer the US Navy had been capturing island after islnad fron Britain & France, usually without a fight. There were a few exceptions however one being in the retaking of Samoa where the occupying New Zealanders would hold American Marines at bay for nearly a week before they surrendered in mid September. Another wold be at Fiji. The Fijian Campaign would last from September 17 to October 4 & cost the US 2700 casualties & one sunk destroyer before the tiny island group was pulled from Britain's grasp.
On the Move

In September Germany agreed to finally assist its ally China. Their numbers were withered & their troops exhausted however & so putting them at the front was out of the question. They were however willing to take over most of the occupation of French Indochina & thereby freeing up a Chinese Army. Beginning in early October German & Filipino forces began arriving in Indochina & by the end of the year they had taken over occupation in all areas but Tonkin & northern Laos.

Though it would take a while for an entire army to be moved to the front China's war continued. Against the British, Chinese forces continued to slowly push them back along the Malay Peninsula. On November 23 after the conclusion of the Battle of Trang the last British forces withdrew from Siam & into British Malaya. On December 10 Sino-Siamese forces crossed into British Malaya.

Further north in Burma the speed in which Chinese forces advanced was increasing. Two Chinese armies had crossed the Irrawaddy River in force on October 20 & began their drive to expel the Anglo-Indian armies fully from Burma. As the British retreated from southern Burma, Chinese forces made numerous attempts to cut them off that were however beaten back. Despite allowing several divisions of Anglo-Indian forces to escape capture the Chinese still advanced. The Battle of Hakha, which began on November 22, was Britain's final attempt to halt the Chinese before they reached India. By December 10 however they had been defeated & the last major British force withdrew into India.

The Battle of Pyongyang went on until September 18 when the Japanese finally withdrew. Anxious to drive the Japanese from the war Chinese forces were advancing quickly down Korea's western coast. China's rapid advance however came with the problem of its flank being unprotected. That was a problem that Japan was quick to take advantage of. On October 2 Japan launched a major counterattack against China's eastern flank, easily overrunning the meager force defending it & racing towards the sea. Within three days the Japanese counterattack cut off China's advance force of 150,000. cut off these troops too up defensive positions within the city of Sariwon on October 9. In the Battle of Sariwon China would hold out for nearly a month against continuous Japanese onslaught. However on November 13, low on ammo & low on hope, they would finally surrender to Japan. At the loss of nearly half their fighting force in Korea China abandoned any advances & began to dig in at Pyonyang awaiting another Japanese attack. Another attack however would never come, exhausted & with over 80,000 casualties the Japanese had to rest before they continued.

Asian Theater end of 1913


Singapore is now the next target for a Chinese/American assault.

looks like 1914 will be the end.

In the Pacific, USA can go a number of ways
1.) Continue west - Singapore, Andaman Islands, Sri Lanka
2.) Go South - link up the Fiji and East Indies by isolating Australia and New Zealand
3.) Go East - invade Taiwan and then Hong Kong to isolate Japan
4.) Go North from Alaska, Aleutians, Kamchatka, Kurile

Looks like they can do two of the four, most likely stay on the course of 1 and 2.

With no Panama Canal and the need to go through the Straits of Magellan, has the US captured the Falklands to use them as a base/coaling station?

Also, the Home Fronts in USA, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Balkan countries, and Ottomans , support for the war is still high or is it beginning to wain?

Same question for Britain, Russia, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, and India. I can see where Allied agents might be working in India to pull support from the Commonwealth in support of an independent India that is neutral. The same could be said to New Zealand, Australia and S. Africa, that is they can exit the war gracefully without too much of a reprisal.

Lastly, if the war does go on to a bloody end, there is a chance that this could be the war to end all wars if the Allies behave properly. My view though is that Russia, Japan and perhaps France will rebuild themselves for round two. Maybe, just maybe though, Britain will have had enough of war if the peace is not too hard on them.

Thank you for a good thought provoking timeline
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Singapore is now the next target for a Chinese/American assault.

looks like 1914 will be the end.

In the Pacific, USA can go a number of ways
1.) Continue west - Singapore, Andaman Islands, Sri Lanka
2.) Go South - link up the Fiji and East Indies by isolating Australia and New Zealand
3.) Go East - invade Taiwan and then Hong Kong to isolate Japan
4.) Go North from Alaska, Aleutians, Kamchatka, Kurile

With no Panama Canal and the need to go through the Straits of Magellan, has the US captured the Falklands to use them as a base/coaling station?

Thank you for a good thought provoking timeline

i guess we'll see

well if i remember right the Panama Canal should get finished in 1914

thanks for liking it

& an FYI since so many fronts are now closed instead of covering four months at a time I'll start covering six months now so i can get this war done with sooner.

German & American forces in France were being transported as quickly as possible to the Eastern Front. Both the Netherlands & Italy were exhausted from fighting so, while they did send two divisions each to the Eastern Front, it was just a token force that would be attached to its allies armies & not under independent command. So, Italian & Dutch forces in France took over much of their occupation zones. By February all but a division of the US 2nd Army had been moved into East Prussia & Germany had moved an entire army into he East Prussia-Poland order region.

Not only the Germans & Americans were preparing to move on Russia, all across he Eastern Front Allied troops halted their offensives & began building up their reserves for a mass offensive all along the front. For months Allied operations on the Eastern Front outside those of defense were nil. The Russians knew that the Allies were preparing something big, they just were no sure where the main thrust would come.

At 0200 on May 5, from Finland to the Caucasus, the Russians were awoken by an artillery bombardment of a scale never before seen. Operation Fury was now in motion. For five hours Russian lines were pounded with an assortment of both explosive & gas rounds. At 0715 the bombardment eased in East Prussia & northern Poland. The sound of exploding shells was replaced by the roaring engines of 360 American built & German captured British & French built tanks moved forward. The Russians had never been under a tank assault before & so the tanks, supported by 300,000 American & German infantry quickly overran their trenches & by noon were rampaging in their rear. The Germans were aimed at northeastern Poland, hoping to strike into Belorussia & the Americans were looking to move into Lithuania. By the end of the day German & American forces had advanced 15 miles & captured more than 200,000 Russian prisoners before the exhausted infantry stopped.

The attack out of East Prussia was not the only attack that the Allies were launching in Operation Fury. While Russian troops on the front were being pounded by Allied artillery, the citizens of the Estonian city of Riga awoke to the sight of hundreds of Allied warships in the gulf. At 0800 100 landing craft began making the first of many runs transporting the US 1st Army to shore. Riga was only lightly defended & its few defender were quickly taken out. By 1600 Riga was in American hands. Over the next three days the rest of the 1st Army was offloaded as American forward units increased their toehold. With enemies to their front & rear Russian forces in Lithuania began to fall back quickly. Within ten days the 1st & 2nd Armies had met one another & began to push inland & towards St. Petersburg. Throughout the rest of May German & American forces moved almost unimpeded. By late June all of Poland was under Allied control as well as a significant portion of the Baltic States & Belorussia.
Wow, the Russian Front's falling apart.

Also, what's happening in the rest of Africa? Is there a von Lettow-Vorbeck-like figure fighting the British in a guerrilla campaign?
Ah. BTW I don't remember reading it if you posted it but did Marx exist in TTL and if so did he write his Communist Manifesto?
i didn't cover it i just went as if he did exist
Wow, the Russian Front's falling apart.

Also, what's happening in the rest of Africa? Is there a von Lettow-Vorbeck-like figure fighting the British in a guerrilla campaign?

since everything else in Africa fell pretty early like OTL i only had one post on Africa early in the war. & yes there is an ATL version of von Lettow-Vorbeck still fighting in east africa
I don't remember where I heard it, might have been a world war one special on the history network, but wasn't Lenin sent by the Germans to destabilize the Russians so they could focus there efforts on France?
Who says that it has to be Lenin that is let loose.

With the USA in a more active presence on the Eastern front and with Global politics in general, who says that it will not be a Republican type let loose in Russia to gather the center. left center, and right center forces against the Russians.

Who says that through diplomacy a deal cannot be struck where the Romanovs yield power to the Duma; a constitutional Monarchy is established. Of course communism/capitalism is the economic structure of the state. More economic concessions would have to be made to the workers. So Russia would become a Constitutional Monarchy and a Socialist state, a democratic socialist state similar to France or Canada today.
Dark Fury

As Operation Fury began with German & American attacks into the Baltic & Belorussia, Sweden was beginning its own portion of the offensive in Finland. Since American troops started arriving in Sweden the two military's had been working together to prepare for the coming attack on & Russia. At 1115 on May 5 six Swedish divisions, supported by two Italian & two Dutch divisions & American naval support, began an amphibious invasion of southern Finland at Rauma. Rauma had only a small Russian garrison &, while its shore batteries succeeded in damaging four Allied ships, had fallen to the Swedes. A Swedish invasion of southern Finland took the Russians, who had very little in the way of troops in the area, completely by surprise. In just five days Allied forces had captured Pori & Turku from the Russians & were quickly marching on Helsinki. On May 17 the Battle of Helsinki began & would be fought for over three weeks. Soon after the Swedish invasion Russia began rerouting troops from the front in central Finland to counter them. On May 20 the Swedes here, though severely understrengthed, went on the offensive as well. By the end of June Swedish forces had recaptured all that they had lost the previous year &were moving towards the Karelian Isthmus.

From Romania & Galicia Allied forces began their offensives in the early hours of May 6. The Russians tried to hold them at Balti,Kishinev, & Lviv. But by late May all three cities had fallen & the Allied armies were on the move once more. By the end of June Allied forces were nearing Brest & Lutsk in the north & in the south they wre nearing Odessa which would be beieged, along with 400,000 Russian troops, on July 2.

Finally there was the Caucasaian Front were the Turks started their offensive on June 2. The Russians had already removed many of the troops in occupied Turkey therby allowing Turkish forces to take back the area at last. The Ottoman main thrust however was aimed at Tbilisi. For a month Turkish forces moved slowly towards the city skirmishing with the Russians all the way. On July 9 however, they finally reached their objective & the Battle of Tbilisi began.
Russia is toast

It will be interesting to see what the Ottoman Empire turns into. It might implode. Arab states may revolt. ...

Losing 200,000 troops in early May has got to hurt the Russians, bring them to their knees. Basically the only thing stopping the Allies is their own supply lines. This is the final straw in St. Pete and Moscow as workers revolt for change.

Russia does not make it past September

In South Africa, how are the Afrikaners doing? OTL they were loyal Allied soldier. But now with the Dutch joining the Germans against the Brits, are they wanting another round?
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