Alternate books

I looked first for an alternate books thread and could not find any except one from 2020, which is far too old to gravedig, so I started my own.

Das Kapital-A fiction book about Berlin, with characters that start at the time of Arminius and go on all the way to the fall of the Berlin Wall.
My Struggle-A book by Martin Luther King about his struggle against the racism in the American South.
Pride and Prejudice-A book about Nazi Germany and how between 1933 and 1939 it brought back German pride but was extremely racist whilst doing so.
Jane Eyre-A book about the first woman to become the President of the USA.
Hell's Angel-A book about the only doctor in Auschwitz who didn't commit any war crimes.


An overdue thread !

The 39 Steps - An overly zealous religious epistle outlining the "Path to Salvation"
The Innocents Abroad - Real life excerpts from Doctors Without Borders
Their Finest Hour - A historical compendium of early television hour-long dramas
In Their Ivory Towers (2002): A book written by Future President Angela Davies that promoted her philosophy of wealth redistribution and Democratic communism. It was largely released as a backlash to what she perceived as the backsliding of American into harsh conservatism under the Donald Rumsfeld administration.
Treasure Island-A book about the history of Britain.
Catch-22-A book about the Warsaw Rising and why it took place, pointing out that it was the only way, if it had been successful, of stopping the Nazi occupation of Poland from being replaced by a Soviet one.
Great Expectations-A book about the high hopes from Brexit and how Brexit turned out to be a failure.
1984-A book about the nuclear war between the West and the Soviet Union that took place in that year.
The Brothers Karamazov-A book about the three Karamazov brothers, who ruled Russia after Lenin's death in 1924 until the last of them died in 1978.
Little Women-A nasty tract saying that women are inferior to men, popular within the incel community.
Clarissa-A book about the TV show Clarissa Explains it All, with every episode mentioned.
Don Quixote-A book about the Spanish Don Franco Quixote, and how he won the Spanish Civil War and became the dictator of Spain until his death in 1975.
Nínay - A novel about Ninay, a prostitute with a complex past living in the obscure district of Polillo in the early 20th century, coinciding with the move of the film industry there from Manila.
The Professor-A book about a notorious Mafia boss known as The Professor.
The Life of Charlotte Bronte-A book about the first woman to become the Prime Minister of England.
World War Z-A book about how the invasion of the Ukraine sparked off World War Three. The Z mentioned in the title is the war symbol the Russian tanks had painted on them.
Robinson Crusoe- A book about the famous American scientist who invented the first nuclear bomb.
The Mongol Empire-A nasty neo-Nazi tract ranting about race mixing.
The Turner Diaries-The until now private diaries of President William Turner, in office in the 1960s after the assassination of President Kennedy.
A Tale of Two Cities - Boris Pasternak's epic final novel, long considered lost but unearthed many decades after his death to much acclaim, a story of doomed romance between two Cold War operatives from opposing sides, set amidst the politically tense backdrop of East and West Berlin during the 1950s.
My Uncle Napoleon-A memoir about Napoleon Bonaparte told by his niece Charlotte
To Kill a Mockingbird-A story about a man driven to poaching to make ends meet
Death Comes for the Archbishop-A fictionalization of the assassination of Thomas Beckett
The Grapes of Wrath-A nonfiction book about the Delano Grape Strike
The Devil In The White City- The retelling of how serial killer Ted Bundy was elected mayor of Seattle, while continuing his rampage in office.
Dreadnought --the rise of Theodore Roosevelt to become the greatest post-Civil War president, serving two non-consecutive tenures of (essentially) eight years each.


Le Petit Prince - Clement Ager's autobiographical account of histories first heavier-than-air controlled and sustained flight, back in 1895. ( He had named this historic avion craft "Le Petit Prince" after one of his benefactors). This was the first of several volumes by Ager, promoting aviation in general and presciently predicting its course.
At the Mountains of Madness - an autobiographical report of a defector from the Swiss Democratic People's Republic. It is a bestseller in the English-speaking world but banned throughout continental Europe.
The Myth of the Twentieth Century - the magnum opus of Tym Uils, a controversial historian (420-476 of the post-apocalyptic era) who thought that the nuclear exchange and ensuing civilizational collapse actually took place in the late 19th century, already.


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This isn't for real books, but books that could exist in an alternate world.
My Struggle- A book by Liz Truss about her short time in power as the Prime Minister of the UK.
To Kill a Mockingbird- A book about how the beautiful mockingbird was made extinct so that their feathers could be put on women's hats.
The Two Cities- A book about London and Berlin and how they coped in World War Two.
Chariots of Fire- A book about Queen Boudicca's rebellion and the burning down of Londinium.
Oliver Twist-A book about the man who had King Charles the First beheaded, took over the UK and banned Christmas.
Dr. No: Rick Perlstein's biography of President Coburn and his austere response to the Global Financial Crisis.
Thunderball: The seminal account of the mid-00s Iverson-James duo of the ABA's Tampa Thunder.
Chamber of Secrets: Raksha Dave's account of her discovery of the missing Prussian Amber Room.
The Name of the Rose: Journalist G. Warren Hartpence's retelling of his time with California Governor Rose Bird's historic but ultimately narrowly failed presidential campaign
Go Set a Watchman: Leroy Gingrich's controversial (to say the least) account of the back-to-back deaths of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, famous for its dubious claim that Johnson died after accidentally being shot by a secret service agent (and not from a heart attack, as the autopsy showed).
The Jungle: Joseph Conrad's fictionalized version of his harrowing experiences in the Congo Free State.
Splinter of the Mind's Eye: Former Presidential Candidate-turned-self help guru William Scranton III's 2012 book on transcendental meditation.
Doing Justice: the 2018 book celebrating the 30th anniversary of Superman: The Movie and the crossover film series it spawned; notable for containing Harrison Ford's first interview in fifteen years on his time as Hal Jordan in George Lucas and Richard Donner's Green Lantern movies.