Alt - Hist challenge

Come up with a pod so that Romania (yes, I said Romania) becomes the leading power of Europe, with a date no earlier than 1900. It should have all or most of the territory claimed historically, or even more if you can make it plausible.


The carismatic Romanian poet Nicolai Literascu publishes his famous book in 1900 starting a fast groving movement for popular education and land reforms. On a great scale cooperatives are started in agriculture and farmers in big numbers attend self made "High School" courses in anything from literature to improved farming techniques. The Scandinavian cooperative and high school movement from the 19th century is the inspiration, but the Rumanians very much develop the ideas further and also start profitting from the oil exports. The old aristocracy of course resist, but by 1914 a true parlimentary system has consolidated. In WWI the enlightened Romanian farmers provide both tough and excellent soldiers and leaders, and many consider the Romanian campaign in 1917 the drop that had the Central powers collapse. Romania enter the 1920's with territory including Transylvania and Moldavia and generally remain an island of prosperous peace in a sea of chaos in central Europe and Russia.

Big money is made on oil and processed agricultural products, but the money is to a large degree used on education, infrastructure and a strong army and airforce. Not at least on the basis of steady orders for the Romanian armed forces a sizeable industry begins to show, and when the Nazis in Germany throw their greedy eyes on Austria and Czeckoslovakia it is not at least the Romanian lead Little Entente that tells Mr.Chamberlain to stuff his appeasement policy.

When the first German troops cross the borders to Austria in 1938 the Little Entente issues an ultimatum demanding withdrawal inside 24 hours. Hectic diplomatic activity follows and before the 24 hours are over France and Poland have supported the ultimatum and Italy have promised to stay out. The Hungarians declare support of Germany. The Germans don't withdraw, and are surprised as enemy troops attack from all sides. First only slowly in Germany, but Hungary is quickly run over by Romanian and Yugoslav troops, and next Germany is pressed by three main trusts. One from SE by Romanian, Yugoslav and Czeckoslovak armies, one from west by the French and one from NE by the Poles. Before Germany is run over Hitler is arrested and shot by a military coup and through British intermediation a peace is concluded.

Romania stands out as the great hero, and a Union of Danube is founded with Romania as the leading partner and including Austria, Czeckoslovakia and Yugoslavia, and with Poland as an associated member.

In the great war following Stalins attack in 1941 on Finland, the Baltics, Poland and the Union of Danube the Soviets initially gain advance, but not at least the heroic Romanian defence at the river Siret forever gains a place in world military history. After this most of Europe and the British and Americans join in the long and bloody campaign to end the red menace.

By 1944 it is over, and although exhausted the peoples of the Union of Danube are as determined of their common fate as ever and look forward to building a better world. The economical system of cooperative farming and privately owned small industry combined with government controlled high tech heavy industry proves highly competitive and in 1950 a large number of European countries including Ukraine, Poland, the German states, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece and of course the Union of Danube agree on the treaty of Bucarest creating a zone of free trade and poltical cooperation.

In 1975 leaders from the entire world meet to celebrate the birthday of the still living 100 year old great Literascu - who is broadly recognised as the inventer of the "Romanian Model" now copied all over the world.


Steffen Redbeard