AHQ: What Would Napeleon have Demanded with a Waterloo Victory?

Let's say that for whatever reason Napoleon wins at Waterloo. Maybe he doesn't delay the start of the battle, and catches the enemies with their pants down, or maybe the Prussians are held up joining the British. Whatever the case, Napoleon is able to win, and continue winning, securing the imperial throne of France once again. This late in the game, what are his demands?


Gone Fishin'
A victory at Waterloo would not have put him in any position to make demands. Coalition forces simply would have regrouped and caught him later
Napoleon was already losing at this point. I don't think that him had any chances to win even if he would win Coalition troops at Waterloo. Probably at very best he could try negotiate secure pre-Napoleonic Wars French borders and remain as emperor of France. But I don't think that Coalition would agree that.
I'm not really asking what he could have actually gained, so much as what he might have considered reasonable from his point of view.

If he was any realistic he probably could had just asked that could be emperor of France and let Coalition to decide what borders his "empire" has.
If he was any realistic he probably could had just asked that could be emperor of France and let Coalition to decide what borders his "empire" has.
Napoleon has been described as both shrewd and a megalomaniac. I can imagine him expecting a Rhine border and the Lower Netherlands (not actually getting them, of course).
The true test of the 1815 campaign, as far as I can perceive, was whether or not Napoleon could overthrow the impending Austro-Russian invasion of Alsace-Lorraine. Of course, IIRC, if Berthier had been appointed chief-of-staff of the Armée du Nord, then Waterloo need not have occurred, the woeful Prussian army destroyed, and Wellington thrown-back against Ostend...

Essentially, Napoleon's military hope in the 'Hundred Days' was in accordance with the principle of defeating the Coalition armies in detail. He very well could have achieved that in Flanders.