AHC Multipolar World in 2000 after 1930

With a POD any time after 1930 you must make the world a multipolar place (ie no single super power dominating the globe) by the year 2000.

Benny have a moment of fear or clarity and decide to wait before Dow the Allies; without fighting Italy the British not only don't waste a lot of resources but also are capable of resist the Japanese attack.

This mean a shorter and less expansive war for both France and UK and in the end we can have the USA, the Anglo-French, the Soviets and a little block of fascist nation lead by Italy jokeying for power and influence in the postwar.


Gone Fishin'
I think I can give you five-fold polar world, maybe a bit of a stretch, and mainly post-WWII.

China and Russia remain at odds following the fairly serious 1970(?) border clashes which did result in loss of life.

Britain has smoother decolonisation, maybe even earlier, but definitely smoother and slicker. They remain a major trading partner with India for example, where the trade is tilted in Britain's favor 60-40, or maybe only 55-45. Britain rebuilds as an economic powerhouse.

The U.S. goes earlier and harder in Vietnam, which turns into a very mixed bag. The U.S. also builds up conventional forces in western Europe the equal of Russia and the Warsaw Pact. This one has a stabilizing influence.

And fifthly, and one of my favorites, the Non-Aligned Movement is much bigger and more influential. Many developing countries don't merely land somewhere on the number line between capitalism and socialism, but develop their own sweet spots of a mix between formal and informal economies and even have a thing or two to teach the West. For example, of course there are multiple paths to becoming a doctor and of course about two-thirds of our doctors formerly worked as nurses, how else would you do it? (!) (?)