AHC: Make the following 3 empires last as far as plausible

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As the challenge says make either The Moors or Andalucians, The Caroligian or a French empire which isn't the Bourbons and the Eastern Roman empire last as far as plausible. Meaning if you want to last till the 20ht century it's up to you how many butterflies you massacre.
Do they have to be as large as they were at their peak, or do they just have to exist in some form? For example, does Byzantium need to hold Justinian's empire together or could it just be the Greco-Anatolian heartland?
To elaborate it's up to you write something that is believable and not going into ASB territory. For example the only way Rhomania has an empire of Justinian peak till at least th modern times would be to do extreme massacres as seen in the defunkt timeline Out of the Ashes.
Moorish Iberia could survive if they would are able to strangle Asturia on its cradle and Córdoba should be able to stabilise itself instead suffering from power struggles and civil wars which eventually dissolved Córdoban caliphate to several minor kingdoms.

Frankish empire which probably still evolve as France is hard to keep with Charlemagne's borders due that being pretty large. But perhaps you could find way to making France HRE instead Germany.

Byzantine could work if they would win Battle of Manzikert or at least avoid fall of Constantinople during Fourth Crusade.

Perhaps avoid split of Western and Eastern Churches so Byzantine would get more support.
As the challenge says make either The Moors or Andalucians, The Caroligian or a French empire which isn't the Bourbons and the Eastern Roman empire last as far as plausible. Meaning if you want to last till the 20ht century it's up to you how many butterflies you massacre.
Andalusians, have the Battle of Tours be a crushing Muslim victory, allowing for the invasion of France, and allowing there to be no foothold for a Reconquistia in Iberia.
For a Carolingian Empire, Maybe have a marriage between Irene of Athens and Charlemagne, with ideas of Primogeniture changing the succession law either during the later years of Charlemagne when he only has one son, or Loius The Pious taking a good idea after the Carolingian and Roman Empires split again.
For a French Empire, have Napoleon fully pursue a lasting peace, fully throwing his weight in for a Franco-Russian Alliance.
For the Eastern Roman Empire, have Khoshorow I Never take power, and put a nobody in his place. Giving enough time for the Roman armies to fortify their conquests. Also, maybe have the Kingdom of Soissons, a Roman Breakaway state in Northern Gaul, come out triumphant, and form a sort of "Northern Roman Empire", to give Justinian an ally.
If we're not going Justinian's Empire, I'd suggest having either a pod that prevents Islam, or have it so Yarmouk is a crushing victory that allows the borders to be stable.
Have Basil II place importance on ensuring the succession, or just avoid the Angelids and the Fourth Crusade. At the latest pod to save Eastern Rome, I'd suggest the Varna Crusade being successful.
I don't think there is a way to save the Frankish empire of Charlemagne but it's possible for the french to centralize earlier

For the eastern Romans you have a lot Maurice not being killed, no Islamic invasions hint hint, the Muslims conquer less, the roman recoveries start earlier, basil II has competent heir, Constantine fix of Antioch becomes emperor in 1028, some more competent dynasty takes over in 1050s, the battle of manzikert is a victory, John kommenos lives longer Manuel takes iconium etc
As the challenge says make either Andalucians, The Caroligian or a French empire which isn't the Bourbons and the Eastern Roman empire last as far as plausible. Meaning if you want to last till the 20ht century it's up to you how many butterflies you massacre.
Al-Andalus is the only name but explain your post. did you want all three Nations at once)
Whether you decide it to be one world or multiple separate. This is up to you. My two cents. Al Andalus gets backup from other islamic powers causing the Iberia to never be Christian or the Moors become an earlier version of the Ottomans in other words the Boogeyman of Africa. Rhomania or Byzantium which ever name you prefer, my choices Basil II extends the Macedon dynasty by having sons and ensuring a transition to dynasty which isn't Angelos or Doukas, Or prevent the 20 years of Anarchy and have a different dynasty to rise and steer the empire in the right direction. The French I was thinking either Soissons does better or Perhaps Charlemagne ensure a line of succession that ensures Caroligians survive as much as possible, Or Burgundy somehow becomes the nation that would someday form a French nation.
Having a proper succession law could save all three empires. Internal civil wars did more damage to them than any external invasion.
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