AH Cultural Descriptions

Oh them Sneaky Greeky Geekies
Catch phrase of the character Comicus, the villain of the 60s Saturday Morning Cartoon, “The Hilarious Adventures of Odysseus” which showed Odysseus and his men trying to escape from monsters and other henchman trying to get home to Ithaca.

Comicus was voiced by voice actor Sterling Holloway, while Odysseus was voiced by William Conrad. Many guest stars appeared on the show and it’s remained a children’s classic through the early 90s with reruns on TNT and Cartoon Network.

Arch Madness
Arch Madness
Alias of singer-songwriter and actress Isabelle Wood, who was known for her dark and violently misandrist lyrics (which she always claims as satirical irony) that contrasted to her bubbly and colorful fashion aesthetic. She never earned mainstream success but had a cult following on Twitter, mostly from her LGBTQ+ fans who perceive her as a gay icon. Her frequent donations towards charities for LGBTQ+ homeless youth - while at the same time using multiple slurs in public - tainted her image further.

Sound of the Wind Is Whispering in My Head
Sound of the Wind Is Whispering in My Head
One of HP Lovecraft's last stories and his second novel ever published. Written during the winter of 1953 - 1954 when major snowfalls left much of the North East snowed in, the story is a very obvious refutation of Lovecrafts earlier racist views. Having been slowly converted from his elitist and racist views during the Great Depression showed the white elite's inability to solve the crisis like he imagined, Lovecraft shifted radically to the left. The swing from right to left had largely finished by the late 30s and about that time Lovecraft, angered at the public's lack of enthusiasm for his stories, ended his literary career, living a quiet life in Providence. However, the rise in popularity of pulp fiction during the late 40s and early 50s reinvigorated his long dormant career. Suddenly his stories were ready by thousands in pulp magazines and in standalone collections. Lovecraft, by now dying of what was later to be determined as intestinal cancer, was prodded by his friends into writing one last novel, the 400 page Sound of the Wind is Whispering in My Head.

The story details the life of Julius Arkham who lived at his home in Arkham, the last descendant of the founder of the city Alphonse Arkham. The book makes plain that Arkham is not a good man. He is a racist, misogynist, elitist, angry man who is prone to violence at the drop of a hat. All of this is because of The Voice, a disembodied voice in his head that everybody in the family suffers from. In the first chapters, during Julius's school life, he is expelled after punching another child in the face so hard he nearly killed him. The middle chapters detail Julius's life as an "ineligible bachelor" as he calls himself. Without the need for work (he lives off of the exorbitant trust fund left by his great great grandfather) Julius simply walks around Arkham and does nothing. That is until one day, while in the cavernous Arkham Library he finds a book written by a distant, ancient cousin of his. The book details that cousin's research into The Voice. As he reads it Julius finds out that The Voice is actually the voice of the demon Nyarlathotep and that he is not the only one who has The Voice. The later third of the book details Julius unfolding a grand conspiracy by Nyarlathotep to use The Voice to cause enough chaos and anger and hate in the world to strengthen his cult and bring about some unknown disaster. The book ends on a uniquely light-hearted note with Julius freeing himself of the Voice and marrying the love interest of the book, a woman named Mary.

The Book was recieved mixed reviews. Some liked it, praising it has a needed change in tone from the eternally dark and dreadful Mythos Lovecraft himself created. The novel sold well enough that Lovecraft was able to live in relative luxury for the last half decade of his life. However, the book also illicited some heavy critisim. Some criticized some of the more contrived plot points and the shallow characters but the most venemous critics came from his own fans. They derided the book for his light hearted tone and happy ending and for barely mentioning the Mythos until the book was over half-way through. They called it more Grimm than grim. In the end however history vindicated the books supporters. In the modern day most Lovecraft readers consider the book a critical part of the largely Mythos as it is and it is credited as the reason that the Mythos went in a lighter, more largely palatable direction.

The Starvin Marvins
The Miku Revolution
One of HP Lovecraft's last stories and his second novel ever published. Written during the winter of 1953 - 1954 when major snowfalls left much of the North East snowed in, the story is a very obvious refutation of Lovecrafts earlier racist views. Having been slowly converted from his elitist and racist views during the Great Depression showed the white elite's inability to solve the crisis like he imagined, Lovecraft shifted radically to the left. The swing from right to left had largely finished by the late 30s and about that time Lovecraft, angered at the public's lack of enthusiasm for his stories, ended his literary career, living a quiet life in Providence. However, the rise in popularity of pulp fiction during the late 40s and early 50s reinvigorated his long dormant career. Suddenly his stories were ready by thousands in pulp magazines and in standalone collections. Lovecraft, by now dying of what was later to be determined as intestinal cancer, was prodded by his friends into writing one last novel, the 400 page Sound of the Wind is Whispering in My Head.

The story details the life of Julius Arkham who lived at his home in Arkham, the last descendant of the founder of the city Alphonse Arkham. The book makes plain that Arkham is not a good man. He is a racist, misogynist, elitist, angry man who is prone to violence at the drop of a hat. All of this is because of The Voice, a disembodied voice in his head that everybody in the family suffers from. In the first chapters, during Julius's school life, he is expelled after punching another child in the face so hard he nearly killed him. The middle chapters detail Julius's life as an "ineligible bachelor" as he calls himself. Without the need for work (he lives off of the exorbitant trust fund left by his great great grandfather) Julius simply walks around Arkham and does nothing. That is until one day, while in the cavernous Arkham Library he finds a book written by a distant, ancient cousin of his. The book details that cousin's research into The Voice. As he reads it Julius finds out that The Voice is actually the voice of the demon Nyarlathotep and that he is not the only one who has The Voice. The later third of the book details Julius unfolding a grand conspiracy by Nyarlathotep to use The Voice to cause enough chaos and anger and hate in the world to strengthen his cult and bring about some unknown disaster. The book ends on a uniquely light-hearted note with Julius freeing himself of the Voice and marrying the love interest of the book, a woman named Mary.

The Book was recieved mixed reviews. Some liked it, praising it has a needed change in tone from the eternally dark and dreadful Mythos Lovecraft himself created. The novel sold well enough that Lovecraft was able to live in relative luxury for the last half decade of his life. However, the book also illicited some heavy critisim. Some criticized some of the more contrived plot points and the shallow characters but the most venemous critics came from his own fans. They derided the book for his light hearted tone and happy ending and for barely mentioning the Mythos until the book was over half-way through. They called it more Grimm than grim. In the end however history vindicated the books supporters. In the modern day most Lovecraft readers consider the book a critical part of the largely Mythos as it is and it is credited as the reason that the Mythos went in a lighter, more largely palatable direction.

The Starvin Marvins
The Miku Revolution
Legacy: A 2019 movie about the retirement of the Vyond legacy video maker.

Thomas and Friends in: The fat controller kills the Powerpuff Girls.
Legacy: A 2019 movie about the retirement of the Vyond legacy video maker.

Thomas and Friends in: The fat controller kills the Powerpuff Girls.

A rather poorly made "Lost Episodes" creepypasta video that gained notoriety in social medias because of its low production quality and ridiculous premise.

Lobotomy Corporation: Inside America's Multibillion-Dollar Psychiatric Industry
Lobotomy Corporation: Inside America's Multibillion-Dollar Psychiatric Industry
An expose by investigative journalist and immigrant to the US from the UK, Jon Oliver, following on his previous exposes about the Sackler Family, Special Taxing Districts, ALEC and a dozen other deep-dives. The man is infamous for exploring the most depressing topics in America, and bringing every single awful truth to light.

Last Year This Week With Trever Noah
An expose by investigative journalist and immigrant to the US from the UK, Jon Oliver, following on his previous exposes about the Sackler Family, Special Taxing Districts, ALEC and a dozen other deep-dives. The man is infamous for exploring the most depressing topics in America, and bringing every single awful truth to light.

Last Year This Week With Trever Noah
Trevor Noah travels back in time to last year and turns into this week.

Aloysius O'Hare: the series
Aloysius O'Hare: the series

A Catholic detective series written by John Tolkien, a South African academic who achieved worldwide fame with his fantasy writing. Tolkien had based the character on a physician turned priest named Allen McMurphy, a Scotsman who served as head of a local Dominican order in Bloemfontein.

Tolkien wrote the works during his studies at Witswaterand University and eventually had them published in short story magazines based in London and New York. The stories were not as famous as his fantasy works but showed his love of Africa and all of its people, as O’Hare often helped out poor Africans against often villainous Boer landowners, though many said Tolkien was simply just pro British in these stories, as O’Hare himself proclaims he is both loyal to the British and papal crowns and sees no conflict.

Long Kong Silver
A pirate character released in the third Donkey Kong Country game, who's name is of course a parody of the pirate themed restaurant.

Whittaker & Fowl
In the late 90s, the recently reformed United States was struggling. It’s communist government had crashed in 1991 after a series of wars in the Middle East trying to form a bulwark against Tsarist and British expansion, and many men and women returned home to a country they recognized and loved but had no prospects. It was in this environment that the new folk revival took place, especially on the west coast, and it was led by Reed Whittaker and Eugene D. “Gene” Fowl.

Both men had been serving in the People’s Army of the USA and didn’t like the authoritarian rule of of the US Revolutionary Socialist Party, but still wanted a government who took care of people but allowed true freedom. Thus they started writing folk songs while living as Bohemians in Oakland, but soon became the most influential musical duo of the 90s and 2000s.

Donkey Punch Soda
Donkey Punch Soda
This was a mass Hydrogen Sulfide poisoning attack committed against the Democratic national convention in 1998 Atlanta, Georgia by a member of the Church of Scientology. An agent associated with the church who was only identified in legal proceedings as Suspect X managed to acquire volunteer positions at the Convention under a false identity of Bennett Schrödinger. He was motivated to do this because of the series of arrests and raids conducted by the FBI against Scientology which were ordered by Bill Clinton in response to the death of Lisa McPherson. He claimed to be a staunch democratic supporter originating from the Atlanta area who worked in construction. Democratic organizers accepted his story at face value without conducting any kind of serious background check. Bennett was assigned to the entrance of the a small after party starting at 6:00 pm and he had first arrived at 5:49 pm getting through security with no issue. For approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes the party went on without issue the party went on without issue, several major speakers including most notably vice president Al Gore gave speeches during this time, ironically Al Gore would praise Bill Clinton with his “effective work dealing with the Scientology cult.” Bennett then left his post at 9:37 and moved over to the parties Punch Bowl. He then poured a fatal dose of pure Hydrogen Sulfide into the bowl and in order to mask the taste again added several cups of sugar to the mix all of which he had smuggled in with a water flask. Bennett then swiftly deserted the party. This incident forced 6 party attendants to go to the hospital one of which later died of her complications. This led to a total lockdown at the convention and a massive manhunt for the killer. Bennett manned to flee to Clearwater Florida where it is believed he committed suicidal by drowning however his body was never recovered. The resulting investigation into Scientology and public outrage contributed to the collapse of Scientology as an organized religion. Bill Clinton also formed the REID or Religious extremist investigation division of the FBI in order to better prevent further cult attacks in the future which many conservatives say contributed to the “war on religion”.
You all anti-matter.
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You all anti-matter.
The tagline for the 2018 hit blockbuster movie Justice League: Infinite Crisis. The film acted as the capstone of the DCEU after ten years of build up and featured the Anti-Monitor as the ultimate threat. Notable for its downer ending that led into the sequel Justice League: Endgame.

The Tsalal Hypothesis
The Tsalal Hypothesis

A theory by American anthropologist David Valdron, formulated after reading "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket" by Edgar Allan Poe. Valdron had become obsessed with the novel, somehow convincing himself that the island named Tsalal was real. He managed to organize an expedition to find it, only to disappear with his ship during a storm near the South Pole. Valdron's corpse resurfaced a few weeks later on a beach in Argentina, and it showed signs of human bites...

One Piece Film: Robin's Revenge
A theory by American anthropologist David Valdron, formulated after reading "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket" by Edgar Allan Poe. Valdron had become obsessed with the novel, somehow convincing himself that the island named Tsalal was real. He managed to organize an expedition to find it, only to disappear with his ship during a storm near the South Pole. Valdron's corpse resurfaced a few weeks later on a beach in Argentina, and it showed signs of human bites...

One Piece Film: Robin's Revenge

A successful motion picture company during the reign of Henry IX, generally focussing on older English folktales adjusted for the 1990's audience. "Robin's Revenge" was however, a notorious flop. Attempting to capitalise on the success of its predecessor whilst several actors from the original left due to pay disputes. It did however, make a comeback in the 2010's as something of a cult classic, having been frequently broadcast on television and thus available to many children unable to see it in the cinemas.

The Maltese and the Mirror
The Maltese and the Mirror is a 2006 American stop-motion adult animated crime drama directed by Wes Anderson and written by Steven Zaillian - with Martin Scorsese serving as a producer. The film is set in Italy during the Years of Lead in the mid-1970s, and follows an Italian-American detective in his investigation of a series of brutal murders committed by a Maltese national with ties to the Italian far-right.

Star vs. The Forces of Evil S5E40: We'll Meet Again
Star vs. The Forces of Evil S5E40: We'll Meet Again

The final episode from the British animated show “Shooting Star” which aired from 1975 to 1978 made about Liverpool FC and soccer player Richard “Star” Starkey, who became known as the lovable goofball of England’s 1966 World Cup winning team.

The show focused on “Star” as player manager of the fictional Luna Rovers FC, playing in the Intergalactic Football League and the finale episode had them finally beating hated rivals Martian Exiles FC but it was hinted they’d meat again in the Intergalactic Cup.

The show was canceled but eventually, Starkey would become a real life manager of Glasgow Celtic and Arsenal, though the later was a disastrous term, with Arsenal nearly being relegated.

Totally Average Comics Presents: Boy Man and Man Boy in Tales of Crushing Mediocrity
Totally Average Comics Presents: Boy Man and Man Boy in Tales of Crushing Mediocrity
Late 1990s/early 2000s satire of the very dark and gritty "Iron Age of Comics," independently published by Jhonen Vasquez. A spin-off of his very brutal Johnny the Homicidal Maniac comic, this comic strongly referenced the deconstructive themes of Alan Moore's  Watchmen and lampooned the blatant militarism/copaganda of the contemporary superhero media environment. Immediately wildly popular among the emo teens and tweens, as well as receiving praise from Moore himself, Boy Man and Man Boy was quickly picked up for syndication as an animated television show on Toonami. This ultimately led to a collaboration between Vasquez and Tim Burton to produce a gruesome stop-motion movie adaptation of Boy Man and Man Boy which released in the late 2010s, to moderate critical acclaim and resounding box office success.

Super Wario 64: Return of Waluigi
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The Rowdyruff Boys turn good
A deceptively good Power Puff girls fanfic. By the time the Power Puff girls grow up to teenagers, the Rowdy Ruff boys have too, and all of them start crushing on the Power Puff girls, one boy crushing on one girl. Understandably, the boys have trouble with processing their feelings and emotions on the subject.

What starts as them doing villainous cartoon versions of 'pulling her hair because you like her' (deliberately causing trouble so the PPG have to come and stop you, et cetera) eventually turns into them realizing that they might have better luck if they tried impressing the girls with heroics. Cue a whole arc of them failing at heroics because no one trusts them and they have no idea what they're doing, but eventually they suceed, and over the course of another story arc, start to realize that being good actually feels good too.

The story doesn't end when the RRB ask the PPG out, but when the PPG ask the RRB out. The fic has gone down as one of the best Power Puff Girl fanfics out there, and spawned a lot of works inspired by it.

The Day Fanfiction Stood Still