ACH: Swap modern India and China

After seeing the map below, I wanted to develop this scenario.

How could India and China swap places after WW2?

India becomes a powerful authoritarian nation. because it was expansionist at first, it controls the area of the British Raj + Tibet + Nepal + Bhutan. India claims Sri Lanka but the island persists as a democratic nation. (In the map it has a land border with India which doesn't make sense, it should just be the island)

China is an impoverished democratic nation with a weak central government. It is divided into three as was the British Raj. Taiwan may or not be part of the rest of China.



How do we (India) go about controlling Tibet? The Himalayas are impossible to cross during the 1940s, if we somehow end up controlling Tibet, it's asb
The government of Sri Lanka won't see itself as "India" . It's like France and Britain or Britain or Ireland they're close and similar but DON'T see each other as the same country.

Also the division of China is a bit odd a better division would be splitting of the Territories controlled by the Ma and Manchuria and maybe Yunnan and Sichuan .

Does India go through something like the Cultural Revolution because I just don't see that working in India


I believe the light pink means A puppet state instead of outright control
yeah i saw that but my question still stands, How? I have been to the smaller himalayan ranges which are 6,000 meters above sea level and they are beautiful and majestic yes but transportation is a mess, yes modern day India can build roads into Tibet from Arunachala Pradesh