A more aggressive late 19th Century America?

I've been mulling several possible concepts of a more aggressive post Civil War Pre 1900 America and I would be much obliged for any possible advice or inforamtion that could be offered. Several Ideas I had were 1. America keeps Cuba as a state(If possible) 2. wages an early war with Japan 3. some how dominates Centeral and South America as well a the Carribean annexing them in some manner 4. or exerts much more influence over China and MAYBE come into armed conflict with Russia. These are basic sketch concepts and need some serious fleshing out and as stated before I would be very happy with any advice, information, or idea sharing that any of you would give. As you can all tell I'm am new and I look forward to well formulated discussions and debates about the great possibilities of alternate history. Thank you.
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I've been mulling several possible concepts of a more aggressive post Civil War Pre 1900 America and I would be much obliged for any possible advice or inforamtion that could be offered. Several Ideas I had were 1. America keeps Cuba as a state(If possible) 2. wages an early war with Japan 3. some how dominates Centeral and South America as well a the Carribean annexing them in some manner 4. or exerts much more influence over China and MAYBE come into armed conflict with Russia. These are basic sketch concepts and need some serious fleshing out and as stated before I would be very happy with any advice, information, or idea sharing that any of you would give. As you can all tell I'm am new and I look forward to well formulated discussions and debates about the great possibilities of alternate history. Thank you.

1. That would probably involve a war with the Cuban nationalists.

2. Once Japan had started to open up, the two had very little to argue about. The USA was interested in Central and South America, Japan in East Asia. In fact at this time Britain and Japan would be more likely to come to blows because of their greater interests in the same region.

3. The Caribbean would be difficult to dominate because of many of the islands being part of European empires (although in an AH the Danes can sell their islands earlier than 1917). In Latin America a more nationalist environment could lead to American intervention and occupation in order to maintain its commercial interests.

Grey Wolf

Its easier to do BEFORE the civil war, so you've set yourself an interesting challenge !

I think you still have some Fenian type problems around, and some involvement with Canada on this subject that just might be possible to use

You also have attempts by other nations to continue to intervene in what the USA deems its sphere of influence - eg the turn of the century Venezuela crisis

Best Regards
Grey Wolf
The Civil War was a great impediment to American expansion. Prior to the Civil War, the US was expanding through North America under the guide of "Manifest Destiny." The Civil War forced the country to concentrate more on reconstruction than on expansion, and not until nearly the 20th century did the US have another war of expansion. By that time, most of the European powers had established their spheres of influence and WW1 was looming around the corner. If you could avoid the Civil War, you might have the US continuing to expand right up until just before WW1.

Here's one possible timeline:

1793 -- Eli Whitney fails to invent the cotton gin. Instead, he focuses his efforts more on interchangeable parts and arms manufacture, eventually founding a company called Whitney Arms, in New Haven, Connecticut.

1808 -- South Carolina becomes the last state to abolish slavery, after years of national debate over its unprofitability (due to lack of the cotton gin).

1812-1814: The War of 1812 lasts one less year due to improvement in American arms manufacture. In addition, the US is able to seize Canada.

1846: The US acquires Oregon.

1846-1848: Mexican-American War: US acquires Texas and Mexican territory up to California.

1853: The Gadsen Purchase is a much more ambitious plan and purchases larger territory from Mexico, including territory south of the Gila River and West of the Rio Grande.

1859: Alaska is purchased from Russia.

1898 : Spanish-American War: The US acquires Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Phillipines.

1903: The Panama Canal Zone is acquired.

1912: Nicaragua is occupied.

1915: Haiti is occupied.

1916-1917: Second Mexican-American War. Pancho Villa antagonizes American territory, triggering a second war with a rump Mexico that results in its entire annexation.

1917-1919: The Zimmerman Telegram is never sent to Mexico, since it the US is already at war with Mexico by this time. The US never gets involved in WW1 and the war ends in 1919 with exhaustion on all sides. There is still a Versailles Peace Treaty, but it is far less imposing on the Central Powers. Germany agrees to establish an independent Poland on its eastern border, as Russia had been defeated in a separate peace. Poland ends up a German puppet state, used as a buffer between Germany and Russia.

1922: The Russian Civil War concludes with the establishment of the USSR.

1922: Italy becomes fascist.

1923-1933: Austro-Hungarian Civil War leads to fragmentation of the empire into Czechia, Slovakia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hungary, and Croatia. Czechia and Slovakia become allies of the USSR to maintain their new sovereignty.


We win the War of 1812 and then then take Oregon?

Ironic, how those Whitney Rifles were based on Fergusons :D
I had one idea and that was if I could somehow manage to get the Union the ability to mass produce metallic cartridge weapons late 1861 early 1862 maybe brining the war to an end faster coupled with an English-American conflict caused by the Fenian raids latter on. Is that possible?
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