A Less American Map

North America circa 1900:
CHALLENGE: Make a TL with a PoD of no earlier than 1630

Dominions of the British Empire:
Kingdom of Newfoundland
Realm of Québec
Kingdom of Canada
Kingdom of British Columbia

Autonomous Realms of the French Empire:
Autonomous Realm of Centramérique

Overseas Kingdoms of the Spanish Empire:
Overseas Kingdom of New Spain
Overseas Kingdom of the Royal Grandine Confederation

Independent nations:
Federation of America
Southern Republic of America
Free Republic of the Negroes and Seminoles (also speak Negro Creole, Seminole, and Spanish)
Republic of Louisiana & Saint-Domingue

how does Quebec hold on to its territory taht is right between Newfoundland and Canada. I dont think that would be possible for very long. For a free black republic the whites would either have to be all dead or very willing to be under black rule (unlikely). most whites at that time felt blacks were inferior
how does Quebec hold on to its territory taht is right between Newfoundland and Canada. I dont think that would be possible for very long. For a free black republic the whites would either have to be all dead or very willing to be under black rule (unlikely). most whites at that time felt blacks were inferior

Actually, that part of Quebec is probably the area they most likely would be able to hold on to, considering it contains Montreal, Quebec City, and the bulk of the French Canadian population. Newfoundland is large but a large portion of its territory is very marginal land, so it would in no way pose a threat to Quebec.

I'm not sure about the rest of Quebec, though... Surely you could carve an independent Native American country or a few out of that large western portion.


The big problem is the British Columbia- it could not be settled from the Pacific by the British.


I'd recommend a couple small border changes.

Reduce the Negro Republic so that it is only within the borders of Florida. I have a hard time picturing a timeline where they could have been that successful taking those coasts.

Also, the lengthy border dividing Cuba seems odd. Recommend you either do a North/South short border cut, or just give it to one or the other.
I'd recommend a couple small border changes.

Reduce the Negro Republic so that it is only within the borders of Florida. I have a hard time picturing a timeline where they could have been that successful taking those coasts.

Also, the lengthy border dividing Cuba seems odd. Recommend you either do a North/South short border cut, or just give it to one or the other.

I agree, but I would even go further than that. The Negro Republic is not only too big, but it probably wouldn't exist at all. It would make much more sense for Florida to have been absorbed into the Southern Republic, and then divert fugitive slaves and freed blacks to Louisiana and Sainte Domingue to give it a bigger of a population base.