2010 US Presidential Election

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Election Day! This thread is pretty epic and thanks to all who worked on it. Looking forward to see who come out on top!
I've been following this for a few months, but never got around to expressing my appreciation or contributing.

I hope it doesn't end with the election despite the thread title!

When do we get the first exit polls?
Ok, I am now booked into my election night hideway, well a hotel in Croydon.
I will start the NBS Coverage at 6.00 PM, (EST), 10.00 PM (UK).
In the first hour, 6-7 you will get first exit polls....
As a French reader, I couldn't vote in this TL, but I have to contragulate all the team of this thread and hope Camille Aubry will pull an upset in Colorado!

President Santos Casts Ballot, Will Stop in Austin Before Heading Back to DC


President Matthew Santos stopping to talk to reporters after casting his vote.

President Matthew Santos returned to Houston this morning to cast his vote for President, and vote for several other offices and ballot initiatives at his local polling place. After he emerged from his booth to applause, the President waited for his wife, and they both stopped to speak with several reporters. President Santos said that he would stop in Austin to speak at a rally before returning to D.C. He seemed confident and relaxed-Certainly not the expression of a man who could be losing his job later tonight.
Ooh, Santos is rocking the mustache! He's got to win now, just because we haven't had a president with facial hair in decades! ;):p

But anyways, I'm kind of sad to see this thread go, but I'm anxious where you guys will leave us off at.
Mark has said that he wants to go through the British Elections, which take place in June, so it's not like everything is just going to stop tomorrow. :D

This means we get the first 100 days of either Walken or Santos, the new Congress, Cabinet, etc. So most of the storylines will be resolved.

There have been discussions among some people of possibly continuing this idea into the midterms of 2012 even, though on a different thread. So, plenty of options!
Mark has said that he wants to go through the British Elections, which take place in June, so it's not like everything is just going to stop tomorrow. :D

This means we get the first 100 days of either Walken or Santos, the new Congress, Cabinet, etc. So most of the storylines will be resolved.

There have been discussions among some people of possibly continuing this idea into the midterms of 2012 even, though on a different thread. So, plenty of options!

And speaking for myself, I'd like to do a profile of the emerging Elderton family dynasty in Utah. I'm wading through all their mentions in this thread now. I might do a little more research here and do some stuff about Louisiana (since it's my homestate).
Tuesday November 2, 2010

Alright I'm writing on this blog because I just finished voting for my Representatives, Senators, President blah blah... It got me thinking though

Majority of us have seen Rocky III or have at least heard of it, In the movie which follows Rocky's heavyweight title victory over Apollo Creed, the story begins to dive into the mindset of Rocky Balboa. Those that have seen the movie knows that after Rocky wins the belt, the glamore and fame goes to his head and he becomes soft...the exact opposite of what he use to be prior to the Creed fight which was a hard nosed work-a-holic. Anyway before I begin ranting some more...Rocky's less passionate outlook leads to his eventual downfall in a heavyweight title contest.

I couldn't help to think that President Matt Santos is playing the part of Rocky in our reality. Since winning the Presidency Santos' appears to be more tame and content with what is happening to our country. I have to admit it was his passion and his creative thinking that convinced me to vote for him back in 2006. I believe he had the campaigning magic that only happens every so often. I couldn't help but think about the lack of passion and "go get it" attitude from my President come this election. I now find Mr. Walken to be that inspirational figure just by the way he speaks. If President Santos is playing the Role of Rocky than this is his heavyweight title fight, a must win to hold on to whatever power is that he has.

My name is Chris Geary and I am proud to say that I voted for President Walken in 2010 :D

THE MIX, Dave Dernazza.

Hey guys! It's finally Election Day!

So, I'll be blogging throughout the day and night, probably not on a consistent basis though. Right now, I'm at the Mix Manor with my Lab Mix, Woodward. I've already voted, and will be chilling for the most part.

The early voters are already done, and those are a mixed bag so far. It seems that Walken has a slight edge, but Democrats are doing well on downballot races. From what I've seen, turnout seems to be high, on both sides. I've seen a lot of younger people-Perhaps the result of the Youth in Revolt?

Anyways, I'll keep you updated throughout the day. I'll be talking with my colleagues and friends, getting info and relaying it to you. Remember-Go and vote!



Bush found guilty of fraud

George W Bush, son of former Vice-President and Acting President George HW Bush pleaded guilty today in Arlington, TX district court to embezzeling billions of dollars. Bush who filed for bankruptcy in 2005 was discovered to be involved in an elaborate ponzi scheme with the help of Texas oilman Buckley Smith, Bush and Smith have pleaded guilty and have both been sentenced to thirty years in prison. This morning when President Santos was asked by reporters about Bush after voting he said "he makes me feel ashamed to be from Texas."

Tuesday November 2nd 2010

Walken Road Trip ends in Liberty

The four day, Glen Allen Walken, roadtrip which he hopes will end in the early hours on Wednesday morning with him on the way to the White-House ended in his home town of Liberty, Missouri.
Monday he driven down through New-England, stopping of at various places along the way, including in New York, where he arrived for an early morning meal at an all-night diner.
Then it was down into West Virginia,Hungtington, where he attended a rally for Senate candidate Charles Oakley, before heading into Virginia, a state where President Santos had been moving up in the polls in recent days. He left Richmond to fly back to Missouri, where he voted, and then went to campaign headquarters to work the phones, and called un-decided voters.
Dear Mr. Mulk,

This thread is, at least in my view, a friendly game open to those of all political persuasions. To the extent that we engage in "friendly" political give and take it is through avatars such as Arnie Vinick,, Matt Santos and Glen Allen Walken.
I therefore respectfully request that you keep any political views you may have about real world individuals out of this thread. The possibilities for flame wars of every nature are simply too great.
Of course, I speak only for myself and I will defer to the "Creator", Mr. Bunny himself.

Your humble servant,

6.OO pm (est)
Voice Over- And now it's over to the NBS Election Centre in New York City for Decision 2010...

Mark Bunn
Hello and good evening, and a very warm welcome to NBS coverage of the 2010 Presidential election. Over the course of tonight we will see if President Matthew Santos can not only win an historic second term in the White-House and a 4th consecutive presidential election victory for the Democrats.
Of course standing in his way is former Acting President, and Speaker of the House and Missouri Congressman Glen Allen Walken, who is aiming to be the first Republican to win a Presidential election since Owen Lassiter won re-election in 1994, a generation ago.
The final polls show the race too close to call, but tonight the polls matter no more, what matters now is the counting of real votes across the nation.
The focus is on the key battleground states where this election will be decided, we have reporters not only with each campaign, but also on the ground in the key swing states.
The first polls close in just under an hours time in six states, and we should be able to give our first results of what promises to be a long and exciting night.
Of course as well tonight, the whole of Congress is up for re-election, as well as 37 senate races, and 21 Gubernatorial elections.
First of all lets go and speak to our reporters with each of the campaigns. First lets go to Eric Jones who is with the Santos team, in Houston Texas.
EJ Yes, thanks Mark. President Santos has been campaigning through out the day. He has done over thirty radio and TV interviews in the key states of Florida, New York, Ohio and of course here in Texas. He voted then went to campaign headquarters to thank workers. The President is now at home, with his family and closest aids, including Nate Singer, Mitch Bryce, and CJ Craig. We have been told that he is very relaxed, and will be watching the returns as they come in.
MB Eric, what is the feeling on the ground, there from the Santos camp.
EJ They believe they have been pushing hard in the key battleground states, and believe they have done just enough to edge out a win in Florida, Ohio, New York and Texas.
MB Thanks Eric, we will be back with you as the night goes on, and now it's over to Brooke West with the Walken campaign, in Liberty Missouri, how are things there.
BW Well the Walken supporters are at the International Hotel in Kansas, a few miles away from the Walken family home in Liberty, Missouri. The reason is there is no hotel bigger enough in Liberty to hold such an event.
the Walken camp are what I can only describe as nervously excited.
The Walken road-trip which has dominated the last few days of the campaign ended today in Liberty, when he voted with his Wife Mary and his daughters. He went to campaign headquarters, where we understand he called up undecided voters, with many voters refusing to believe they where talking to him. He has left the main talking on TV and radio to main surrogates Liz Clark, Matt Hunt and Harry Schallick.
MB Has Liz Clark arrived in Liberty?
BW Yes. She arrived at the Walken home, around 30 minutes ago, with her husband Harry. Walken seems determined not to come in from the sort of criticism that Arnold Vinick did four years ago, by not having his VP pick with him, espically in the case of a close result.
MB Any feeling from the Walken team how they feel the voting has gone.
BW They believe from the first exit polls they believe they have done enough to win, we are told they are very pleased with Ohio, Michigan, and New Jersey. Of course we will see if they do win those states, and the key battlegrounds of Florida, New York and Texas. Walken will be having dinner, before watching the results.
MB Thanks Brooke, we will be back with you through out the course of the night.
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Mark Bunn
Away from the Presidential election lets go to Allan Sansome in the NBS Results centre who be looking at the key Senate and Governor races as they come in.
Thanks, Mark. Thats right we have some exciting races for the Senate and State Mansions.
The race that every one will be looking at is the Ohio Senate race. The race between Hayden Straus and Caroline McIntosh has had everything. We believe that this race will be very close, and could come down just to a few hundred votes.
The other races for the Senate to look out is the New York race. Could former GOP Congressman and Talk show host Jay Cruger really defeat veteran New York Senator Michael Daschowitz. Again it's look it will be very, very close.
The other race that everyone is talking about is California, where Former Deputy White House Chief of Staff Sam Seaborn is taking on Richard Lassiter the son of the former President Owen Lassiter, in what has been a very bitter race.
We should also look at Florida between Governor Eric Swenson and Congressman John Tandy, and in Minnesota in the race to replace Liberal legend Howard Stackhouse.
There are also 21 Governors races with some intriguing ones to keep an eye on. In New York, District Attorney Matthew Lewis is seen by many as a potential future Presidential candidate – but first he’ll need to overcome the former Mayor of New York City Blake Marshall. Latest polls have the race as a dead heat.
In the Governor races,there are very competitive races in Connecticut, Colorado, Nevada, North Carolina and South Dakota but the biggest story is probably in New Mexico where former Governor Rudi Vansen is fighting to reclaim his office after being accused of fraud and other criminal activity back in April. He has been completely exonerated but time will tell whether he can win enough support to beat out Governor Henry Gomez and Democratic Congressman Simon Ratner.
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Mark Bunn
Now here tonight I will be joined by the living legend that is Timothy Thomason, who will be looking at and commentating on the results as they come. Tim, what states should be looking at tonight.
TT Mark, its great to be here tonight. Of course everyone will be looking at Texas, Florida, Ohio and New York. Now New York is a state that is in play for the Republicans, if Walken could win that win that would be a great victory. Of course Walken is also looking to winning Michigan, New Jersey, Minnesota, and Colorado, all states carried by the President, four years ago.
MB Tim, Its going to very close
TT Yes from what we are seeing from the first early exit polls, it's going to be as close in the electoral college as 2006.
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Mark Bunn
Right it has just turned eleven o'clock on the east coast,and polls in six states have just closed in six states.
We are ready to make our first calls of the night.
Right NBS are ready to call Georgia (15 ev), Indiania (11 ev) and Kentukcy (8 ev) for President Walken.
South Carolina (8 ev), Vermont (3 ev), and Virginia (13 ev) are too close to call.
This is the electoral map.

Walken 34 ev
Santos 0 ev
Polls still open 480
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