
  1. WI: Popham Colony Survives

    In August 1607, The Gift of God and the Mary and John arrived at the mouth of the Sagadhoc River (now the Kennebec River) in present-day Maine. The colonists decided to name the colony Popham for its primary financial backer Sir John Popham (and by extension the president of the colony, George...
  2. WI: Kentucky Is Admitted as a US State Under The Articles of Confederation in 1788

    Originally, on July 4, 1788, Kentucky was slated to be, according to the Enabling Acts passed by Virginia (via the journal article When Did the Articles of Confederation Cease to Be Law?), admitted into the United States as the 14th state under the Articles of Confederation. In our timeline...
  3. King's Dominion: a Fractured North American Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Baltimore's Ambition

    Hello hello! This is my first attempt at writing a timeline for this site, and it's one I'm quite excited for. This timeline explores a world where the 13 Colonies (or what few of them were around by 1700) never got the chance to form a common American identity and instead separated into three...
  4. A more industrialized American South?

    With a POD after 1800, how can large industrial complexes like the Tredegar Iron Works become a more common sight in the south of the United States? IIRC there was a plan to establish a similar (if smaller) factory in Birmingham, Alabama, but AFAIK the project never went ahead. How would a South...
  5. MarquessAngewoah

    AHC: Greater Virginia

    Make a way for Virginia to retain WV and KY and create natural borders without losing any of OTL Virginia. Also what impact would that have on American Elections if Virginia got this land during the Revolution?
  6. WI: The Richard Reaches America in 1606

    In 1606, The Plymouth Company was formed as a division of the Virginia Company and was granted a royal charter along with the rights to the Atlantic coast of North America between 38° and 45° N. Later that year in August, the Richard (a Plymouth Company ship) sailed from Plymouth, England for...
  7. Richmond in a Confederate victory scenario

    I think one of the things not usually discussed in Confederate States victory scenarios is the very fate of the capital Richmond, Virginia. Most of the time, Richmond basically remains Virginia's capital even when it more or less becomes the Confederate equivalent of Washington D.C. (albeit...
  8. How to Split Virginia before 1861

    From 1792 (when Kentucky became its own state) until 1861, the state of Virginia consisted of present-day Virginia and West Virginia. It was not until West Virginia broke off from Virginia during the Civil War that they became two separate states. Would a split of Virginia into two state before...
  9. GauchoBadger

    WI: Chanco fails to arrive in time; Jamestown destroyed in 1622?

    There's a story occasionally told about the Virginia Massacres of 1622, an attack carried out by the Powhatan tribes with the intent of wiping out and driving away the early colonists of the area, about a colonist-friendly native boy now known as "Chanco" who, upon hearing of a Powhatan band's...
  10. AH Challenge: President John Randolph

    With a POD after the Louisiana Purchase, make John Randolph of Roanoke President of the United States
  11. DBWI: Virginia Secedes

    During the American Civil War, there was a lot of suspense over whether the remaining slave states would stay in the Union or join the seceding states. Virginia was no exception. Things were touch-and-go for a while, but as we all know, Virginia ended up staying in the Union. What if Virginia...
  12. What if the Readjusters stayed in power in Virginia?

    The Readjusters were a center-left populist political party that emerged after the Reconstruction in Virginia, consisting of a coalition of democrats and republicans who represented poor, lower-class whites and freed slaves. They were astonishingly progressive considering the time and place...
  13. FalconHonour

    What if the Confederates had held Alexandria?

    A holiday-inspired pondering this time... In 1861, after the Secession of Virginia, Unionist troops occupied Alexandria and maintained control of it until the end of the US civil war. But what if Virginia had thought to strengthen Alexandria's defences before it seceded? What if the Union hadn't...
  14. Bishops, Oaths and Kings: a Different Nonjuror Schism.
    Threadmarks: Introduction to the Premise, and some notes on divergences.

    Introduction: The nonjurors were clergy who, after the Glorious Revolution, refused to take the oath of Allegiance to William and Mary. Several Bishops, among them William Sancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells, and William Lloyd, Bishop of Norwich, believed...
  15. Odinson

    Independent Virginia

    So, I've been thinking about this for a while and wondering, how/why would Virginia declare independence from the Confederate States of America? The idea is that Virginia leaves the CSA shortly after an 1864 peace agreement that ends the civil war. Is it possible?
  16. Calcaterra

    WI: Disney's America Is Built In Virginia

    What if Disney's America was built as planned in Virginia? How could this be accomplished? What would the consequences be? Would it succeed?
  17. WI: Independent republic and U.S. state in Shenandoah Valley?

    Could the Shenandoah Valley have become a separate U.S. state from the rest of Virginia? Perhaps at the beginning of the Revolutionary War, the settlers of the Shenandoah Valley could proclaim their independence as a separate government, similar to the Vermont Republic. The narrow entrances to...
  18. Consequences of a quick US civil war.

    Say Virginia didn’t secede, resulting in the second wa e of successions not happening. And also the confederacy get really unlucky in the first few battles resulting in the war only lasting a year or two. What long term consequences does this have?
  19. JonasResende

    WI: French East Coast and English *Louisiana

    France tried a couple times in the 16th century to start colonies on North America's East Coast but they ultimately failed. However, she later successfully established her hold over the Mississippi basin and Canada. So, for the intents and purposes of this WI, say France's American colonies...
  20. The Potomac Calls: WI Virginia Elected a Unionist Governor in 1859?

    "The Potomac Calls" WI Virginia Elected a Unionist Governor in 1859? A New Timeline By Japhy Prologue Richmond May 26th, 1859 Evening Even at this late hour, and even with the quirks of the Virginia Constitution which meant that it would be seven months before the result came into effect...