
  1. Lexyflop

    Less anti-semetic middle ages europe

    Ok so this is a very broad question but doing research on medieval europe and often the Jewish community’s story during this period it’s been on my mind. What if the Bible did not have anti semetic texts or messages? or at least a reduced amount. and perhaps one or two moments of Jesus saying...
  2. Whiteshore

    Competition to Christianity in a World Without Islam

    In a world without Islam (let's just say Muhammad dies a sickly infant or something along those lines), an assumption is that Christianity is a religion which does better without the Islamic Conquests with how the Middle East and North Africa were very much centers of Christianity prior to the...
  3. Names for an alternate Jewish homeland

    Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, proposals for a homeland for the Jews have been made, either by prominent Jewish figures like Theodor Herzl or by the colonial empires that be. Ranging from the Levant to Uganda to even Sitka in Alaska, There have been many proposals and projects...
  4. Highest possible Jewish population with a post-1900 POD?

    Title. Curious about how high the Jewish population could get by the 21st century with such a late POD. Avoiding the Holocaust is obviously needed, but not sure how to push it higher beyond that. Probably higher adoption of the Haredi or just Orthodox lifestyle among Jews, plus much higher...
  5. vulpesvelox

    What is the after effects of a Grand Sanhedrin surviving in the Jewish world if Napoleon wins?

    In a timeline where Napoleon wins the Napoleonic Wars (the means to do so can be anything from him winning the invasion of Russia somehow, him avoiding his great ulcers that lead to his demise, etc.) In any situation where Napoleon wins, what happens to the Grand Sanhedrin project in the wider...
  6. ParasaurEwan

    AHC: Majority Jewish Fertile Crescent post-500 BC

    The challenge: Have everywhere from at least Sanai to the Tigris and from the OTL Turkish border to Kuwait be Majority of Jewish faith at some point after 500 BC, but prior to 0 AD.
  7. AHC; 4th major Abrahamic religion

    Your challenge is to create a 4th major Abrahamic religion, with at least as many adherants as Judaism. You can uplift a group like the Druze, or take an extinct movement and wank them, or push a fringe denomination into becoming its own religion - regardless of your method, there needs to be...
  8. Surviving Sadducees

    Or rather is there any sort of way without altering history too drastically to get some sort of Hellenistic Judaism to survive the first century AD? It’s generally seem that modern Rabbinic Judaism evolved out of the Pharisees traditions, so I was wondering if another branch coming from the...
  9. Plausibility check: Judeo-Turkic polity in Kiev in modern day?

    I thought it'd be interesting to get the community's thoughts on this. Is this even remotely plausible? Could it work?
  10. What if the Jewish Autonomous Oblast (an autonomous subdivision in russia and USSR for jews) succeeded and became a second Israel?

    What if the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, created by the Soviet Union as a tool to show religious tolerance and respect of minorities turned into a prosperous jewish majority region and became basically like a second Israel? What would need to be changed for it to happen? (Removing Israel isn't...
  11. Judaism if Maccabees fail

    what if Maccabees were defeated completely by Seleucids? what would be the effects on Judaism ?
  12. WI the Jews of England were not expelled?

    Historically there is no evidence for the habitation of a Jewish community in England until William the Conqueror; however, that community only lasted slightly over two centuries until they were formally expelled in 1290 following a gradual intensification of anti-Semitism in England during the...
  13. WI/AHC: Rise of Sabbatianism

    In 1648, a Jew named Sabbatai Zevi declared himself the long-awaited messiah. He gathered many followers in a short time. In 1651, the rabbis expelled Sabbatai and his followers from Smyrna. .... Today, Sabbateanism is the 3rd most widespread religion in the world. Fill in the gaps.
  14. Napoleon proclaims a Jewish State

    In 1799 Napoleon lost at Acre to a British-Ottoman force. Supposedly after winning he had planned to march to Jerusalem where he would proclaim a Jewish state or would make a proclamation for the Jewish people to return to their homeland. What if Napoleon had won in Acre, entered Jerusalem and...
  15. PakistaniGuyUK

    WI The Lost Tribe Returns: Israel develops a ‘Special Relationship’ with Afghanistan in the 1960s?

    The belief that the ethnic Pashtuns of Afghanistan and Pakistan are in fact descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel has persisted for a long time amongst Pashtuns themselves and Israeli academics in the last few decades. It likely has some basis in fact with many historical mentions of it going...
  16. Where do the Jewish people go if Israel ceases to exist early on?

    This is not directly related to what's going on right now in the Arab-Israeli conflict (that would be for chat/politics). But it does have me, someone of Jewish heritage, thinking about what could have happened in the past. If, for whatever reason, either the UN Partition Plan to create both an...
  17. WI: WW2 and the Holocaust Occur But No Israeli/Palestinian State

    As someone of Jewish heritage and a history major who's studied the history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, I've always wondered what would happen if there were no plans for a state of Israel located in Palestine and the Jews could not end up there. Kind of a follow-up/opposite side of the...
  18. Mr_Fanboy

    In the absence of Islam, which religion becomes the primary competitor to Christianity?

    Let's keep the point of divergence simple: imagine a world where Muhammad had simply never been born. In such a scenario, what religion is most likely to be the most significant competitor to Christianity in terms of number of followers by the year 2021? Said religion does not have to garner...
  19. Fate of Jews if Rome remains pagan

    Assuming, that Roman Empire never converts to Christianity (perhaps Greco-Roman faith evolves into something resembling western Hinduism or Neoplatonism became western Buddhism?) how would Jews fare in Mediterranean world? I assume better than IOTL, although I've encountered opposite views...
  20. British Biscuit

    Agriculture/Animal Husbandry In a World Judaism is the Dominant Religion?

    I was thinking about how agriculture impacts everything from population growth to local environments to global warming... which made me think of this: Given that Judaism has a bunch of dietary taboos (most famous being "no pork!" & "no shellfish!" but there are others) how would the world &...