
  1. Lexyflop

    Less anti-semetic middle ages europe

    Ok so this is a very broad question but doing research on medieval europe and often the Jewish community’s story during this period it’s been on my mind. What if the Bible did not have anti semetic texts or messages? or at least a reduced amount. and perhaps one or two moments of Jesus saying...
  2. Lexyflop

    Languedocian Jewish history/culture without the Albigensian crusade

    Hi so first thing if i’m saying anything here that is inaccurate or misinformation pls do say! i really want to learn more and be better at research. but yeah so… from what i understand, prior to the albegensian crusade in Languedoc/county of Toulouse there was a thriving Jewish population...
  3. vulpesvelox

    What is the after effects of a Grand Sanhedrin surviving in the Jewish world if Napoleon wins?

    In a timeline where Napoleon wins the Napoleonic Wars (the means to do so can be anything from him winning the invasion of Russia somehow, him avoiding his great ulcers that lead to his demise, etc.) In any situation where Napoleon wins, what happens to the Grand Sanhedrin project in the wider...
  4. durante

    Shtetl House on the Prairie

    What if the Canadian prairies became a refuge for Jews from the Russian empire, beginning prior to large-scale immigration on the Canadian prairies? The Canadian prairies are distinct because of the larger numbers of settlers that came from the Austrian and Russian Empires, especially leading...
  5. Ryker of Terra

    Surviving Jews in Nazi Europe - how long can they last?

    I'm not sure why, but I've always been fascinated by remnants - both remnant populations of ethnic/linguistic/religious groups, as well as remnants of 'resistance' that continue for longer than they would be expected to, like the post-WWII Japanese holdouts for example. However, in this thread...
  6. ComradeLenin22

    David's Northern Star

    David's Northern Star The History of Alyeska The land in which would later become Alyeska was first colonized by the Russian Empire during the 17th century. Early colonists which arrived sometime around the 1640's already made inferences about the land and it's people with a geographer named...
  7. How will a fiercely polygamous Christianity really have been for many Europeans?

    How will a fiercely polygamous Christianity really have been for many Europeans? So let's just say that there was some sect of Christianity before and after the Roman empire converted to Christianity and this sect was fiercely polygamous meaning the males practicing it typically take more than...
  8. Napoleon proclaims a Jewish State

    In 1799 Napoleon lost at Acre to a British-Ottoman force. Supposedly after winning he had planned to march to Jerusalem where he would proclaim a Jewish state or would make a proclamation for the Jewish people to return to their homeland. What if Napoleon had won in Acre, entered Jerusalem and...
  9. PakistaniGuyUK

    WI The Lost Tribe Returns: Israel develops a ‘Special Relationship’ with Afghanistan in the 1960s?

    The belief that the ethnic Pashtuns of Afghanistan and Pakistan are in fact descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel has persisted for a long time amongst Pashtuns themselves and Israeli academics in the last few decades. It likely has some basis in fact with many historical mentions of it going...
  10. PNWKing

    AHC: Jewish POTUS Before 2015

    So this is your AHC, have a Jewish POTUS before 2015.
  11. Peele Commission "Creates" Israel , How Does It Changes The World?

    As the title says, how the world changes with 10 year before created Israel?
  12. British Biscuit

    Agriculture/Animal Husbandry In a World Judaism is the Dominant Religion?

    I was thinking about how agriculture impacts everything from population growth to local environments to global warming... which made me think of this: Given that Judaism has a bunch of dietary taboos (most famous being "no pork!" & "no shellfish!" but there are others) how would the world &...
  13. What if all Jews eventually adopt Esperanto as a native tongue since it was created by a Jew

    As a Jewish American, I was just curious about this nearly impossible alternate reality since I'd wonder if Jews would embrace it and, you know, its creator was literally a Jew. I thought of this concept since the hotel where the Yiddish Police Man's Union begins has Esperanto signs. Anyway, I...
  14. What if American Jewish migrants eventually have a patois or mixed language created from English and Yiddish as their main native language?

    What if American Jewish migrants eventually have a patois or mixed language created from English and Yiddish as their main native language? What would that language be like(like how much English or Yiddish would penetrate the language, would it be written in Hebrew or Latin characters, what...
  15. An Eye Looks Towards The West: A Jewish Colony in the Caribbean.

    I'm excited to start my first timeline here. With that being said, I cannot make any promises as to how this turns out. I don't consider myself a good writer, I only have slightly more than a month until I start grad school, and I have the attention span of a lobotomized goldfish. But hey...
  16. WI: UN Decides Not To Create Israel

    In the wake of the Holocaust, the United Nations decided to formally create the state of Israel in 1947. But what if the UN decided against it? What would happen to the Jews already in Palestine (over 500,000) and the Palestinian Arabs. Furthermore, what happens to Judaism and the Jews outside...
  17. Make Jews in Ireland a large minority. How can this happen

    How could Ireland have a large Jewish Minority, how would this affect Ireland's history and culture? 'Would there be an Irish Jewish language likenYiddish and Ladino?
  18. AHC: Exactly Equal Proportions of the Abrahamic Religions

    As of 2015, the Abrahamic religions make up 55.7% of the world's populations, with 31.2% Christian, 24.1% Muslim, and 0.2% Jewish. My challenge is to make a world where by the current year, equal percentages of Jews, Christians, and Muslims make up the Abrahamic religion's population. To not...
  19. AHC/WI: Jewish SSR in Central Asia

    As the title says, what happens if the Soviets decided to make a Jewish SSR in Central Asia with an idea similar to Jewish Autonomous Oblast, a Soviet Socialist Republic for Jews? Where exactly in Central Asia you reckoned the Jewish SSR will be placed in? Will this Jewish SSR break-away from...
  20. WI: WW2 Never Happens, Does Israel Still Exist?

    With a POD of no earlier than 1917 (right after Britain signs the Balfour Declaration, signifying a desire to create a Jewish state in Palestine) how plausible would it be for a TL to take place where WW2 never happens and Israel also exists? Obviously in this No WW2 timeline there is no...