hubert humphery

  1. Bomster

    WI: Lyndon B. Johnson doesn’t drop out in 1968

    So let’s say that, for whatever reason, no Anti-War candidate emerges for the New Hampshire primary. President LBJ cruises to victory, and becomes the 1968 Democratic nominee against Nixon. Does he win? Would he perform better than Humphrey, or worse?
  2. Chapman

    Supreme Court Nominees if Humphrey wins in ‘68?

    As it says in the title; who would be likely nominees for the Supreme Court in the case where Hubert Humphrey defeated Richard Nixon in 1968? Right off the bat he would be naming Earl Warren’s successor as Chief Justice; either elevating a sitting Justice, or nominating a new Chief Justice...
  3. Claudius66

    Riders On The Storm - A Romney Timeline
    Threadmarks: Intro and Preface

    Riders On The Storm - A Romney Timeline For the sake of prefacing, I will state the following. Firstly, this is not a timeline where I will interject my own beliefs. I will not be attempting to whitewash Romney as some wholesome liberal who will usher in a better world, nor will I use it to...
  4. Bomster

    Lyndon B. Johnson chooses Eugene McCarthy to be his running mate?

    When it came time to pick a running mate in 1964, Lyndon B. Johnson‘s two most likely picks were both of the Senators from Minnesota: Hubert H. Humphrey and Eugene McCarthy. Johnson needed a liberal northerner to balance the ticket (who wasn’t Bobby Kennedy) and these two were who he apparently...
  5. WI: Kennedy/Humphrey In 1960

    What if instead of JFK picking LBJ in 1960 to appeal to the South, he went all in on winning the North and picked Humphrey in 1960? And what if it payed off? John F. Kennedy | Hubert H. Humphrey | 306 EV Richard M. Nixon | Henry C. Lodge Jr. | 181 EV Harry F. Byrd | 49 EV Moreover, because...
  6. Allegheny Aspy

    We Want Hubert! – A President Humphrey TL
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    We Want Hubert! An alternate timeline by Allegheny Aspy Hubert Horatio Humphrey, an orator, leader, and politician, described by both friend or foe as one of the greatest politicians of the twentieth century. His politics were that of principle, and issues were of utmost importance. The man...
  7. WI:RFK not AG but instead takes JFK’s Senate seat?

    The idea of RFK as Attorney General was basically only done with Joe Kennedy maneuvering, and congressional leaders not wanting to start off the new administration on the wrong foot. JFK himself was hesitant to the idea, and RFK was only confirmed by a voice vote. New York Times heavily...
  8. The Lethargic Lett

    WI: President George 1978?

    Former Vice President and presidential contender Hubert Humphrey put serious thought into entering the 1976 Democratic primaries. Humphrey's family and many of his associates, including previous opponents like George McGovern, wanted him to run, seeing him as the most likely to win in the...
  9. DBWI: RFK Runs for President in 1968

    In 1968, Senator Robert Kennedy was pressured to run for President by many anti-war liberals. Yet Kennedy chose not to enter the campaign, and instead endorsed Eugene McCarthy following the New Hampshire primary. What might've happened had RFK decided to run for President in 1968?
  10. DBWI: Nixon Beats Humphrey in 1968

    In 1968, Vice-President Hubert Humphrey scored a surprise upset victory over former Vice-President and 1960 Republican nominee Richard Nixon. Most scholarship has attributed the election result to Humphrey's decision to reveal that Nixon had sabotaged the Vietnam Peace Talks for his own...
  11. Chapman

    WI Spiro Busted Earlier?

    Richard Nixon's Vice President, Spiro Agnew, had a long history of alleged corruption even before he was brought down in 1973 and forced to resign. Democrats and journalists alike accused Agnew of the very behavior that lead to his downfall, but never had any substantial proof. So let's say...
  12. 20thCenturyBoy

    The Bright Sunshine: The Presidency of Hubert H. Humphrey (OLD)

    Hi. I'm going to make this timeline in a little bit. It will be about a Humphrey presidency in 1968. This is my first timeline so I accept all comments. I hope you'll all enjoy it.
  13. 20thCenturyBoy

    AHC: Make Edmund Muskie President

    Hello, I’m new here. But I wanted to post my first thing here. I don’t care how you do it but I want to see how Muskie could’ve become president.
  14. Better Hubert Humphrey Running Mate

    Vice President Hubert Humphrey almost selected Senator Fred R. Harris of Oklahoma as his vice presidential nominee, however, Senator Edmund Muskie of Maine's age, governmental experience, and quiet temperament convinced Humphrey to select him instead. Muskie was surprised to have been nominated...
  15. DBWI: Richard Nixon wins the 1968 Election?

    What if the Peace Talks in the fall of 1968 that ended the Vietnam war failed and Richard Nixon was elected the 37th President of the United States instead of Hubert Humphrey, who was arguably only able to pull off his narrow victory due to the last minute success of the Peace Talks?
  16. HaroldGodwinson

    President Nixon in the 1980's

    POD: Senator Thomas Kuchel runs for Governor of California and Nixon runs for his old senate seat in 1962. 1962: Former Vice President Richard Nixon runs for his old senate seat and narrowly defeats his Democrat opponent 53-47%, thanks in part to the public perception of him as a senior...
  17. HaroldGodwinson

    1976 U.S. Presidential Election (Nixon in the 1980s)

    1976 Democratic Nomination In big surprises Carter beat Udall in Iowa. In New Hampshire, Udall narrowly won over Carter. With Romney running unopposed in the Republican primary in Massachusetts, the whole focus was on the Democratic primary which saw an upset victory for George Wallace...
  18. Gentleman Biaggi

    No Eisenhower | A wikibox timeline (Redux)

    You're back here again? <pulls himself up from the ground> Sigh, yes What's this your 1,000,000,000th TL? Give or take You need to make a promise Sigh, If I don't complete this, I won't make another timeline outside of Shared Worlds Now that that's in order, don't f**k this up I probably will...
  19. The Happy Warrior Laid to Rest: A Vignette

    WASHINGTON D.C., April 19—President Hubert Horatio Humphrey was pronounced dead this morning, having died in his sleep following the announcement a little more than a week ago of his bladder cancer having gone terminal. President Humphrey had made it clear he would be resigning from office at...
  20. Gentleman Biaggi

    No Eisenhower| A wikibox timeline
    Threadmarks: 1956 Republican Primaries

    Wait, you're making another timeline?!? Yeah... All my other ones have pretty much been canceled. Well, 110th time's the charm! Right? Right? So what's the POD? In 1955 Eisenhower announces that, due to heath issues and age he will not be running for re-election. How long will this last if you...