
  1. Medieval Carthage, the story

  2. WORLDBUILDING THREAD: A world with a neutered Rome and Punic Victory

    First we shall look at how exactly to neuter Rome. For this scenario, I will go with a Punic victory in the 2nd Punic War. What is the best way to have Carthage win in a way that neuters Rome, limiting them to the Italian Peninsula indefinitely? What does a post-defeat Rome look like? How might...
  3. AlfLandonFan

    The Future of Rome in a World Where Carthage Won the Second Punic War

    Basically what I'm wondering is what the future holds for Rome in a world where Carthage won the Second Punic War. I doubt Carthage would do anything as drastic as conquer all of Rome. They'd probably just take back Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica. So after a Roman humiliation, what would happen...
  4. Notthedarkweb

    Annihilation - A 2nd Punic War TL.

    This alternate history is intended to be a combination of alternate history and hallucinatory images of impossible worlds. As such, it will not focus on detailing of traditional facts, but shall give its account through participants in history who might or might not have been real. It shall keep...
  5. Collondi

    Mauro-Romans conquer Carthage before Justinian

    I think this premise is plausible. Militarily the vandals had an estimated army size of 15-20,000 men, and it wouldn’t be hard to meet or surpass that. If needed Masuna could ally with local Berber tribes. The Vandal kingdom in the 6th century was also weak, which is evidenced by how easy it was...
  6. Hamilcar wins the Battle of Himera (480 BCE) - a Carthage Timeline
    Threadmarks: The Prompt

    OTL: 500-480s BCE, Doric Greek "tyrants" became the dominant powers in Sicily, most especially the city of Gela. Gela, led by Gelon, takes Syracuse and makes it his capital. Gelon undertakes an ethnic cleansing of Ionian Greeks and Sicels. Ionian Greeks requested aid and support from Carthage...
  7. Alternate axial age religions in Punic Victory scenario

    What are some ideas for an Axial age religion that Carthaginians could adopt in a world where they won the Punic Wars?
  8. Sarthak

    Carthage 'wins' the Third Punic War

    By win, I don't mean march to Rome like Hannibal did. At this point, though economically prosperous and militarily recovering, Carthage had no ability to do that anymore without a land link through Iberia and due to the Numidians. What I mean by 'win' is repel all Roman invasions of Africa...
  9. Alexander the Great doesn't die and lives to 80s and conquers North India, Carthage, Italy

    Please answer the follow up questions and like and share Alexander doesn't die and lives to 80s like Ptolemy He conquers Arabia He conquers North India Chandragupta Maurya doesn't rise since he created his first army from power vacuum created by death of Alexander in his indian provinces Nanda...
  10. Plausibility check: A Syracusan empire?

    Syracuse was a powerful Greek colony located in southeastern corner of Sicily. For centuries it fought several battles against Carthage for supremacy over the island, but neither side managed to overcome the other decisively, creating a stalemate that lasted until the outbreak of the Punic Wars...
  11. Carthage conquers Syracuse in 310 B.C.?

    For three centuries, Carthage's nemesis was the Greek colony of Syracuse. The two states vied for dominance in Sicily, with several major battles and sieges being fought, but in the end neither side managed to dominate the island completely, the stalemate between them lasting until the rise of...
  12. Crazymachines

    AHC: have Carthage survive a century longer than it did historically

    with a POD not before 263 BCE, extend the lifetime of the Carthaginian city state at least a century past its OTL demise
  13. In a scenario where the byzantines are able to hold Syria and Egypt and repeal the arabs, can they hold the Exarchate of Africa?

    Can they hold the Exarchate of Africa because of the roman identity, or would it eventually break free from the empire?
  14. Mr_Fanboy

    How big can the Carthaginian empire get?

    A while back, I posted a thread asking what the maximum plausible extent of the Roman Empire might have been. Well, consider this something of a companion thread. Imagine a world where Carthage had decisively defeated Rome at some point during the Punic Wars (choose whatever specific point of...
  15. SunKing105

    WI: Less harsh Treaty of Lutatius?

    The Treaty of Lutatius essentially ended the First Punic War and marked the acscension of Rome as a growing power. Also, it saddled a heavy indemnity, plus reparations, on the Carthaginians, which would drive the events of the Mercenary War and of the Barcid clan's expansion in Spain. A certain...
  16. SunKing105

    WI: Bomilcar restores monarchy in Carthage?

    Carthage, when it was originally founded, remained a monarchy with significant powers given to the Malik, or ruler, up until around 480 BC, with the disastrous defeat sustained by Carthage at Himera against the Greeks, power was given more to elected suffetes, the Adirim(basically a senate of...
  17. SunKing105

    WI: Carthaginian Diadochi State?

    The POD is that Alexander lives longer, but only for long enough to conquer Arabia and to conquer Carthage, as well as impose some status of vassalage or tributary status on the Greek cities of Magna Graecia, and to keep the Italian tribes quiet, but that he suffers a fatal wound that kills him...
  18. SunKing105

    WI: No Barcid Iberia?

    After the defeat of Carthage in the First Punic War and the subsequent Mercenary War, the Barcid family decided to expand their holdings in Iberia, and according to legend, Hannibal's oath happened around this time. It took decades, but many of the Iberian tribes were eventually subdued and...
  19. SunKing105

    WI: Hiero II stays allied with Carthage?

    One interesting First Punic War POD that I have had includes Hiero II staying allied with Carthage instead of turning on his ally, allowing a general Carthaginian victory or even stalemate in Sicily, and preventing the chain of events that lead to the loss in all Punic Wars and the eventual...
  20. SunKing105

    WI: Carthage wins the Battle of Himera

    In 480 BC, supposedly on the same day as the Battle of Salamis, the Greek forces of Gelon, King of Syracuse, and Theron, tyrant of Agrigentum, defeat the Carthaginian force under the Carthaginian Malik(Carthage was not yet a republic.) Hamilcar I. It had far reaching consequences, inaugurating...