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  1. WIP Map Thread

    Some little Wittelsbach-wank along the XVIII century that did not last long...
  2. WIP Map Thread

    Some further progress. Not very convinced with some of the colors used :-/. Next stop: Labels and key. Certain shared color outline by two far away regions might hint the POD.
  3. WIP Map Thread

    Thanks! I have the scenario more or less fleshed out, but I still have to finish the map and write annotations and the write-up.
  4. WIP Map Thread

    First post in a LONG time. WIP and still a long way to go.
  5. Q-Bam Historical Map Thread

    Patch for territories held by Military Orders in 1490 Iberia, according to, which looks sufficiently accurate.
  6. Q-Bam Historical Map Thread

    Yes! I took the borders from Geografía política de la España constitucional. La división provincial (Politic geography of Constitutional Spain. Provicial division) by J. Burgueño (1996). Several maps from the book can be found at
  7. Q-Bam Historical Map Thread

    The subdivisions of Spain in the map date from 1749 to 1799. In 1815 the Spanish provinces in the Iberian Peninsula were the following.
  8. Right at the Centre: Spain 1991-2000

    The building is the "Centro Botín" in Santander, Cantabria. Though its opening was planned for 2014, it's still under construction, scheduled for the current year (;););))
  9. Map Thread XIII

    Here's (part) of the write-up:
  10. Map Thread XIII I think it's this? It's not in order, but well. I MIGHT have it stored in my computer, in case you need it.:)
  11. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    ...the amerindian interior (OTL Midwest-Farwest) LRA and PRNA? -Is New Rohan being settled by the French after ther victory over the Maori? -Has any *World Fair taken place? -How are the chinese Free Ports governed? -About the ongoing Great War, have all major conflicts and theaters been...
  12. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    A population account would be great!!! Meanwhile, a few questions, if you don't mind: 1. We know the Suez Channel has been built ITTL. Is there another channel in Panama? Any other engineering feat? 2. What's exactly the situation of the autonomous Aosta Valley? 3. What's the situation...
  13. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    Two Great Updates, Beedok!! It's really nice to see a familiar, yet very different, start for the "first XXth century global war". While I'm not sure which side will win, [spoilers]the infamous map of the second war suggests some kind of Entente victory, which would trigger a revenge by its...
  14. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    Thanks for the new update and the map! I'm glad to see my favourite D398 cliché hasn't been broken: "NO MATTER HOW THE WORLD CHANGES, MOROCCO AND TRAVANCORE WILL PERDURE" Anyway, may I ask some questions? 1-Are all the different shades of orange some kind of loose alliance or just they all...
  15. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    INDECENT PROPOSITION Hi! As I have nothing else to do, would you mind if I tried to do a Q-BAM version of the 1900 D-398 map? I'd just ask some doubts I might have...
  16. Minimal decolonization

    I think Spain could have easily kept and integrated Western Sahara and Equatorial Guinea if they had been made autonomous communities by a surviving and stable II Republic along the second half of the century. This makes (excluding the Morocco protectorate) 100% of Spain's XXth century colonial...
  17. Map Thread XIII

    Thanks!! :D Nah, it was a typo... I think I should have reviewed before submitting it :o
  18. Map Thread XIII

    MOTF-119 THE RISE AND FALL OF THE PLATONIC SOUTHERN REPUBLIC So my very first MOTF entry! (the same text as in the map) By the end of the XVIIth century, the ideals of the Platonic Revival were not yet widespread to all the common citizens of Europe and the Brazilian Colonies although...