Recent content by penquista

  1. Malê Rising

    Happy 10th birthday to MR! and thanks Jonathan for sharing with us this story
  2. WI: Greco-Turkish ERE

    maybe you coul real An Age of Miracles from Basileus444
  3. Malê Rising

    I had almost forgotten how REAL your writing feels, thanks Jonathan
  4. Una diferente ‘Plus Ultra’ - the Avís-Trastámara Kings of All Spain and the Indies (Updated 11/7)

    I saw a notification from Torbald and my heart jumped of joy.
  5. The New World of the White Huns

    In the last couple of weeks I read The Rise and The New World of the White Huns and it has been a great adventure. I will wait with patience what will we see happen in South Solvia, and maybe what TTL Chile would look in the future thanks for your great work
  6. Moonlight in a Jar: An Al-Andalus Timeline

    Hey @Planet of Hats last couples of day I readed this TL and it's great! A lot of times in the past i was close to start reading, but the idea of a muslim iberia irked me ( i'm from Chile, so one of the fundations of my culture comes from christian spain, even if I am atheist)... Finally, I...
  7. A Kingdom of Swans: The Spanish Empire under the House of Wittelsbach

    real life is more important, take care and take time
  8. AHC: Pirates vs Ninjas in real life

    Thande did it in Look to the West
  9. Look to the West Volume VII: The Eye Against the Prism

    I just wanted to take a moment to show my apretation and gratitude to Thande. In 2007 this was the TL that made me a fan of, as a Chilean a TL were my land is almost at the center of the world history was mind blowing, and opened a windows to learn, share and have fun that has been really...
  10. An Age of Miracles Continues: The Empire of Rhomania

    A couple ideas: - I don't think D3 it's going to abdicate soon, I presume that he HAS PLANS for after the war. More likely Odyseus is crowned co-Emperor and D3 get out of the spotlight and little to little start to transfer reponsibilities to his son. - With a more Roman Italy, what's going to...