Recent content by Ilta

  1. No United States?

    You're both right: Britain would have eventually Dominion...ized (?) the colonies, as they did with Canada, but it certainly would have been much, much later than IOTL, as the Dominion in 1867 was in no small part prompted by the American Civil War and Britain's desire to avoid maintaining...
  2. Alternate Gender Challenge

    I'll just tackle what looks like the easiest one for now, because it's more or less impossible. While your others would have been thrust into power by virtue of their birth, Truman was *picked* to be VP, as he was elected to his previous possitions. Moreeover, in 1944 we were hardly ready for...
  3. Evidence found confirming the Old Testament

    Well, a whole bunch of those actually *have* been found, although as with anything of import experts differ -- we take them for granted now, but it wasn't always so. For instance, most scientists once thought that the Battle of Jericho was more or less a legend, but then archeologists digging...
  4. remembrances of things not past

    Dewey Defeats Truman, eh?
  5. Faster or Slower Technology

    War is often cited as spurring technological growth, but my perception is that this sort of technology is often limited to that of the military. For instance, while rocketry was develped for WWII, it was a long time before science, and then the general population, reaped tangible benefits from...
  6. GW1 Axis

    Great ATL, DQ. I wonder, what's going on during WWI between Japan and the US? Also, what does Japan do to the British and French colonies? I think it would play out something like this: After the flurry of war declarations in Europe, Japan takes the opportunity to declare war on Britain...
  7. What if the 1987 crash had been even worse?

    I'm not an economics expert, but I've always understood that the 1987 crash didn't become another 30's style Depression was in some large part due to the New Deal safegaurds FDR had put in place to get us out of the last one. Insured banks, the strengthened Federal Reserve, and other such...
  8. Lincoln's Assassination - in 1861

    There's a short story by Harry Turtledove that has Lincoln killed by a sniper as he's overseeing the defense of Washington in 1864. The gist of it is that a Radical Republican is elected in his place, and as a result Reconstruction is essentially a military occupation that lasts into the present...
  9. WI Nazis enslaved the jews

    It's not going to have much of any effect on the war itself; IOTL the Allies either didn't believe what they heard about the death camps, or simply didn't care. Otherwise, they would have bombed the train tracks or the camps themselves during 1944-45. And besides, by the time we were invading...
  10. What if Roswell REALLY happened?

    Quick point of order: Isn't this entire thread, by definition, ASB? Or are we assuming non-bat-like aliens? :) Alright, resume.
  11. Final Solution in Palestine during 1930s/WWII

    Ironically, this would probably be "better" for the Jews in Israel in the long run. They would have been able to fend off the Arab attacks, I think, especially if the British get uppity about the link to Nazis (although they didn't care much IOTL, but perhaps a more forward policy by the Mufti...
  12. Beersheeba Oct 1917- Aust Light Horse fails

    I don't think it would make much difference in the long run, though. The war was won in Europe, and Britain would have demanded the Holy Land from the Ottomans, who, as we all are well aware, were in no place to negotiate by war's end. Although, with a bit of finagling, if the British don't...
  13. Albatross effect poll

    ...but what comes next? I think that it's still either the convergence model or the butterfly model at work here, depending on what happens down the line. The thing about the butterfly model is that any change will inevitably spin out farther and farther, eventually leading to massive change...