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  • Huehuecoyotl


  • I don't use X anymore so this is my Twitter now. You see this message now because I'm goofing off at work. It's justified I promise.
  • Lady Visenya

    Lady Visenya

  • I really do like your fic, and I'm sad that a bunch of assholes came in to nitpick and just be negative about a fresh and original premise. Especially as your presentation of things was fairly good compared with the masturbatory SIs a lot of them tend to enjoy.
    Huehuecoyotl 1
    I did! I'm enjoying the story so far. Keep it up.
    Lady Visenya
    Lady Visenya
    Oh, uhh... what do you like about it? I'm curious, I apologize for asking but... I like knowing peoples' thoughts on it. As many as I can get.
    Huehuecoyotl 1
    I find the SI's reactions to the situation they're in very believable, and I'm enjoying the way the conquest is unfolding. I'm curious what will happen when *Visenya gets more used to being a part of this world and gets more comfortable changing things :)
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