A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

Regarding immigration policy.

So i agree with imposing the quotas, especially as how @ruffino put it .

In relation to the quota, I would establish the following percentages:
- Without education: 10% or less.
-Basic education: 15 - 20%
-Medium education: 20%
-Non-university higher education: 25%
-University, analogous or higher education: 25%

Otherwise we should also facilitate immigration of skilled workers and those with IT background education should be excluded from quotas.

Immigrants from fellow members of CIS and EEU should be allowed to Immigrate without the quotas and we should seek to facilitate free movement of people there as these are the countries that have been part of the same state as Russia for centuries and/or have similar culture to our and bulk of our migration should come from there (in regards to Kazakhstan if both Kazakhs and Russian migrate there shouldn't be a problem). This way we will also facilitate cultural exchange and Russian culture and language in these countries.

Regarding the wider immigration policy i believe we should focus on Immigrants from East Asia, India and Vietnam with quotas from above applied to them.

In regards to Europe i say we should do tip for tat and follow similar immigration policies they have towards us (including the Baltics).

Otherwise immigration from the rest of the world should be restricted.

We should also encourage immigration from young and single people into Russia and have them be preferred opposed to families.

We should also avoid allowing mass immigration in ceartin regions where there's a threat of immigrants overtaking native population so i would say that every Russian region will have immigration quotas of how much immigrants they can take in. So no mass immigration to Siberia.

Immigrants themselves will not have full access to Sozial services and child support for example will be conditioned by one of the Parents working full time. Some services like low loans from State bank for housing won't be available, nor will rent reduction.

Otherwise mixed marriages in which immigrants take on Russian culture and Ortodox faith will be encouraged and will result in easier citizenship. Those willing to integrate should be allowed to do so in easy way.
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. Following the failed Russian attempts to rescue the crew of Kursk, the British government, along with France, Germany, Israel, Italy, and Norway, offered help. With the Western help, the crew will be rescued, but at the same time NATO will gain open access to Russia's vital military technology.
B) Don't agree to the Western help - the technology is much more important.

2. Following the canonization of the Romanov Imperial family, nationalists and other right-wing groups organized a large scale demonstrations in Russia, demanding from the government the same compensation to the Romanov family for all the Soviet crimes done to them, which was made earlier by the Russian government to the Russian Orthodox Church.
B) Don't agree to pay the compensation.
I must admit I do think the Russian empire is probably going to for better or worse likely a new model for a nation that's rediscovering but I view this as akin to the French empire and some views on it I don't want to actually restore the royal family. Sides I believe most of the Romanov's don't live in Russia where so purged it's not Nicolas's direct family would get the compensation.

3. Should Wide is My Motherland became a new anthem of the Union State?

B) Yes, but with updated lyrics;

4 and 5 Kriss plan
Immigrants themselves will not have full access to Sozial services like child support for example. Having more than two children won't be financed by the state.
Would this apply even to Ukrainians? Their immigration would the pretty sizeable and the differences between Ukrainians and ethnic Russians are small to non-existent.
We should also avoid allowing mass immigration in ceartin regions where there's a threat of immigrants overtaking native population so i would say that every Russian region will have immigration quotas of how much immigrants they can take in. So no mass immigration to Siberia, or if there's one then it shall be done by the natives.
Not sure how realistic this will be since it seems to me it seems like migration of Russians to Siberia will be taking a large number of people away from other Russian regions with less development rather than actual major growth. Plus we are in a Chicken and the Egg situation where we need people to develop Siberia but we need development to entice people to Siberia so having more people of Siberia is going to be difficult if we do not allow some migration to Siberia. Either way I will try to do something about it in my next contribution to the timeline.
Immigrants themselves will not have full access to Sozial services like child support for example. Having more than two children won't be financed by the state.
I mean we should be careful since not giving them support will likely cause an uptick in broken homes and just poor families. Plus most early migrants are going to have more children early on so we should at the least not penalize them if they have more children since this will hurt things with them and cause resentment.
I mean we should be careful since not giving them support will likely cause an uptick in broken homes and just poor families. Plus most early migrants are going to have more children early on so we should at the least not penalize them if they have more children since this will hurt things with them and cause resentment.

Which is why we should encourage young and unmarried people to move in opposed to fully formed families. Actually we should just introduce quota based on age and Sozial situation as younger and unmarried people are generally easier to integrate.

But you do make a point. Honestly i believe I'll change this to be conditioned on one of the Parents being employed full-time, generally that would be the father. I agree that failing to integrate the next generation would be a mistake, but we also should seek to avoid people abusing our Sozial services.
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Regarding the immigration issue, it would be convenient to establish immigration quotas per nation. Quotas that may be larger or smaller depending on the Union's relations with that nation.
In relation to the quota, I would establish the following percentages:
- Without education: 10% or less.
-Basic education: 15 - 20%
-Medium education: 20%
-Non-university higher education: 25%
-University, analogous or higher education: 25%

Likewise, it would be essential to try to achieve the return of the population that emigrated during the years prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union or that emigrated during the 90s until the nation was stabilized, or that with the dissolution, remained in States that are not members of the Union (Estonia, Lithuania, Uzbekistan...), this population being excluded from the quotas to facilitate their return
I also second this plan
Which is why we should encourage young and unmarried people to move in opposed to fully formed families. Actually we should just introduce quota based on age and Sozial situation as younger and unmarried people are generally easier to integrate.
We shouldn't be bringing in large numbers of unmarried fighting-age men from culturally alien countries, that's a disaster waiting to happen (see: otl Western Europe). Social services don't help us on that front either, as many of these immigrants in Europe live off of welfare while committing crimes at disproportionate rates. The only winning move with immigration from culturally alien countries seems to be not to play. That said, all countries are not the same, their people are not the same, and we should be quite selective about whose people we let in.
We shouldn't be bringing in large numbers of unmarried fighting-age men from culturally alien countries, that's a disaster waiting to happen (see: otl Western Europe). Social services don't help us on that front either, as many of these immigrants in Europe live off of welfare while committing crimes at disproportionate rates. The only winning move with immigration from culturally alien countries seems to be not to play. That said, all countries are not the same, their people are not the same, and we should be quite selective about whose people we let in.
I mean, it depends on what you would call an alien culture. Japanese culture is very alien to Brazil, but Japanese people have been extremely beneficial for the Brazilian nation.

I think the same could be said about the Russian relationship with Vietnamese and East Asians in general.

Russian anxieties about these people are more related to influence and unionist potential they could bring to Russian Eastern Siberian in relation to Korea, China and Japan than individual lack of integration and misbehavior.

Maybe bring East Asians to Western Russia? It isn't the place where they want to go in the first place? Where most opportunities are in Russia? Give them high quotas there.
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1. Following the failed Russian attempts to rescue the crew of Kursk, the British government, along with France, Germany, Israel, Italy, and Norway, offered help. With the Western help, the crew will be rescued, but at the same time NATO will gain open access to Russia's vital military technology.
A) Let's accept Western help to save the lives of the crew, though limit those countries that will help us.
2. Following the canonization of the Romanov Imperial family, nationalists and other right-wing groups organized a large scale demonstrations in Russia, demanding from the government the same compensation to the Romanov family for all the Soviet crimes done to them, which was made earlier by the Russian government to the Russian Orthodox Church.
A) The proposition would seem to be one that has popular support so let's atone for the crimes of the past as we did with the Russian Orthodox Church.
3. Should Wide is My Motherland became a new anthem of the Union State?
B) Yes, though updating the lyrics with regards to the mentions of Stalin.
4. President Lukashenko and Director Putin have decided to begin an anti-atom campaign in the West, to force Europe and America into a dependence on import of Russian gas, oil and coal. Please write down, how should the anti-atom campaign in the West be organized by the Russian government?
I'll add my agreement to the plans of @Kriss and @Fratsup.
5. The term BRIC was originally developed in the context of foreign investment strategies. It was introduced in the 2001 publication, Building Better Global Economic BRICs by then-chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, Jim O'Neill. Please write down, how should be future BRICS organization, including Brazil, Union State, India, China and South Africa be organized and established?
I'll add my agreement to the plans of @Kriss and @Matador de Lagartos
1. A
We only allow Italy and Israel to help us out (and potentially France). Israel can be relied upon to not give our technological details to America due to the way their intelligence systems work while with Italy we can use its somewhat corrupt system to our advantage (Berlusconi's investments into Russia give us a significant lever to pull here) as well their not ideal relations with the Americans at times. We could look to France potentially but I think we can definitely court Israeli and Italian help.

2. B
No compensation to them. If we need to, we can make a "Romanov scholarship" program to be awarded to those undergoing studies in religious matters to capitalise off the recent canonisation of the Romanovs.

3. C
Honestly, the anthem Putin introduced in OTL feels like the best bet. We can adapt it somewhat to include references to the Union State but yea the OTL anthem adopted in 2001 seems like the best bet.

No, we actively do not look to fund any anti-atomic program
. We will be shooting ourselves in the foot. We need to co-operate with Western Europe atomic research to create the next generation of nuclear reactors, especially for ourselves. We also can easily manipulate and gain profits from Uranium extraction and selling from Kazakhstan. Additionally, our gas prices will be so cheap that there is no need to divert resources into a campaign when market forces will make gas-fired powerplants much cheaper to run. Therefore we can look to benefit from solid nuclear energy research from Western Europe while allowing market forces alone to make our gas desirable.

We look to sign preferential economic treaties with fellow members which benefit us. Our growing economy means our companies will soon look to invest outward. We use BRIC(S) to channel this into potential investments into Brazil, India and potentially South Africa if it joins but limit investment into China only into construction and stocks/shares - we do not want a repeat of the 50s and give our high-end technologies to China for them to adapt and then undercut us.

On Immigration:
Unlimited numbers of immigrants with no restrictions allowed from the EEU/ECU
. Those from around the world who can prove to have Russian ancestry will also be allowed in - but they have to show credible proof.

From all other nations (including the West), we apply a strict policy. 75-90% of all applicants should have a higher education background, preferably university or trade school. Additionally, those allowed to immigrate should only be allowed if the job they shall be employed in is 150-200% of per capita income rates. This is important because it focuses immigration to really give us the best and brightest. Additionally, we prefer for immigrants to bring families - we really do not want immigrants who are single. This is because immigrants with children will be more dedicated to ensuring their families have a good life (significantly more likely to be law-abiding) and the children going to Russian schools will be another avenue to allow/encourage integration as parents will want to fit into the greater culture to be able to interact with other parents. Immigrants will also not be allowed to access the full range of services available. They will be allowed the free education for their children but none of the benefits provided for parental leave or tax breaks for their children - until they become Russian.

Our end goal is for immigrants to become Russian citizens. But to ensure this, we need a very strict citizenship criteria where those applying will have to show complete proficiency in the Russian language through vocational exams and written exams which show candidates have a deep understanding of Russian history, values and democratic systems. This will be applicable for all adults, with children under the age of 18 exempt and granted citizenship if their parents manage to obtain this. Children over the age of 18 will be subject to these same criteria of having to undergo the tests. This will apply to all immigrants wanting to become citizens, regardless of background (just because an immigrant may be from the former Soviet Union should not exempt them from meeting these criteria). Once citizens, we will allow naturalised immigrants access to our services.

EEU/ECU applicants will be eligible to apply for citizenship 5 years after staying in Russia, with all other applicants needing 5 years to gain Permanent Resident status and an additional 5 years before becoming eligible for applying for citizenship. No region can have more than 25% of its people being immigrants or 1st generation naturalised citizens.

Note that the strict criteria for immigration means we will be taking in educated people who are much more likely to integrate into Russian culture, regardless of their ethnic background. A lot of this is based on aspects of the British naturalisation process but significantly stricter.
1. Following the failed Russian attempts to rescue the crew of Kursk, the British government, along with France, Germany, Israel, Italy, and Norway, offered help. With the Western help, the crew will be rescued, but at the same time NATO will gain open access to Russia's vital military technology.
A) Agree to the Western help - the crew's lives are most important;
B) Don't agree to the Western help - the technology is much more important.

2. Following the canonization of the Romanov Imperial family, nationalists and other right-wing groups organized a large scale demonstrations in Russia, demanding from the government the same compensation to the Romanov family for all the Soviet crimes done to them, which was made earlier by the Russian government to the Russian Orthodox Church.
A) Agree to pay the compensation;
B) Don't agree to pay the compensation.

3. Should Wide is My Motherland became a new anthem of the Union State?
A) Yes;
B) Yes, but with updated lyrics;
C) No.

1). B. It hurts that we need to lose so many good servicemen, but we cannot allow such sensitive information to be gleaned from the west.

2). A.

3). B. I think it'd make for a better anthem for a new Russia, especially since the current anthem, IMO, carries too much political and historical baggage. Wide is my Motherland is not only a great song in its own right, but also is almost fully devoid of political connections (only that it was written during the Soviet era as a patriotic song, but I think we can forgive it for that).

Besides that, I also think we should do a two-tier voting thing for the anthem with the first round being whether WimM should be adopted at all. As such, we should lump A and B into one bloc. If Wide is my Motherland is adopted, then we can do the second round to ask if the lyrics should be changed.
Following economic and industrial development of Russia, combined with rising living standards, more and more people choose to migrate to Russia from the following directions: Ukraine, the Caucasus, Central Asia, China, Vietnam, Laos, both Korean states, Japan, India, Iran, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria. Please write down, how should the Union government deal with increased immigration to Russia?
I support @Imp plan for immigration, I really don't get all the prejudice against africans and middle easterners here, a poor nigerian is not going to Russia, he is going to Italy or Germany, but an educated nigerian is going to America, and in US, nigerians are wealthier than white people, and that's the human capital we want in our country, doesn't matter if is a nigerian or korean.
I support @Imp plan for immigration, I really don't get all the prejudice against africans and middle easterners here, a poor nigerian is not going to Russia, he is going to Italy or Germany, but an educated nigerian is going to America, and in US, nigerians are wealthier than white people, and that's the human capital we want in our country, doesn't matter if is a nigerian or korean.
It's called crime and terrorism, certain demographics are much more likely to be violently antisocial than others, and let's not have such people running around if we can prevent it
It's called crime and terrorism, certain demographics are much more likely to be violently antisocial than others, and let's not have such people running around if we can prevent it
I call that a failure of immigration policy. Allowing everyone in with no plan leads to ghettos, lack of economic opportunities, and radicalization. Simply letting migrants do what they want and not having a way to deal with the situation is going to lead us to make the same mistakes as Europe since migrants are going to come no matter what. If we don't want to deal with them then I guess using them against western Europe is a possibility.
It's called crime and terrorism, certain demographics are much more likely to be violently antisocial than others, and let's not have such people running around if we can prevent it
We are not letting some random person in, we want human capital to build a stronger economy, highly educated people from anywhere in the world, it doesn't matter
I call that a failure of immigration policy. Allowing everyone in with no plan leads to ghettos, lack of economic opportunities, and radicalization. Simply letting migrants do what they want and not having a way to deal with the situation is going to lead us to make the same mistakes as Europe since migrants are going to come no matter what. If we don't want to deal with them then I guess using them against western Europe is a possibility.
"Migrants are going to come no matter what" only if you're stupid enough to let them in, which isn't something that any European government would do if they gave even one singular damn about their own people. The solution is simple: no more mass immigration, and encourage (and "encourage") those already there to return to their countries.
We are not letting some random person in, we want human capital to build a stronger economy, highly educated people from anywhere in the world, it doesn't matter
Where someone's from matters more than you think, but you're right that high-value individuals should be brought in from wherever, as the value the individual brings would be greater than the negative of ethnic tension. However, these high-value individuals should be 1) few in number, 2) heavily encouraged to Russify to the most they can, and 3) prevented from forming ethnic enclaves, but rather be forced to integrate into the Russian population. We already have enough ethnic problems with Chechens and Tartars and Bashirs and Dagestaners, let's not import more ethnic problems.
"Migrants are going to come no matter what" only if you're stupid enough to let them in, which isn't something that any European government would do if they gave even one singular damn about their own people. The solution is simple: no more mass immigration, and encourage (and "encourage") those already there to return to their countries.
This is getting to close to current politics so all I will say is that migrants will come illegally or otherwise. Either way I will begin writing the next With Vladivostok with love now and include what people were discussing so far.