A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

One thing motivating my support for the Kriss plan is that it's important to have a credible less-Russian party in Washington. The Democrats need an inch so that our relations with America can go the mile, and be more constructive. Then we can get America to more easily acquiesce if and when we need to get a deal with them in particular. We aren't giving up our levers, not in the slightest. Just using them tactically.

Well, hopefully they do, that ties them down. And allows us to maintain an appearance of closer relations than we actually do have.
I think we ought to remember that the more pro-russian force in American politics in the long term is going to be right-wing isolationist populism, not the Democrats, specially when considering the social and cultural issues we already voted. We are getting our Roe v. Wade.
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Then perhaps a more limited counter-offer: Nato Baltics for either CSTO Ukraine or WTO membership (depending how confident we are in our ability to send tanks against a color revolution in Kiev at this time), saying nothing about Caucasus/Central Asia
Then perhaps a more limited counter-offer: Nato Baltics for either CSTO Ukraine or WTO membership (depending how confident we are in our ability to send tanks against a color revolution in Kiev at this time), saying nothing about Caucasus/Central Asia
Ukraine in the CSTO gives us a pathway to intervene in Ukraine legally if need arise, like what Putin did in Kazakhastan a couple years ago. I argue its more a priority than entry into the WTO, which we are getting either way in the long run.
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Ukraine in the CSTO gives us a pathway to intervene in Ukraine legally if need arise, like what Putin did in Kazakhastan a couple years ago. I argue its more a priority than entry into the WTO.
Very good point, then the counteroffer is Nato Baltics for CSTO Ukraine, no comment on WTO or Caucasus and Central Asia
Ukraine in the CSTO gives us a pathway to intervene in Ukraine legally if need arise, like what Putin did in Kazakhastan a couple years ago. I argue its more a priority than entry into the WTO, which we are getting either way in the long run.
A couple of years ago he entered Kazakhstan legally at the request of the Kazakh president, who was saying "Hey guys, don't worry, we just finally replaced the old dictator with a new one. Our relationship is not changing."
Why ? Even China will enter WTO in a couple of years

Generally we'll have our chance to join WTO in 2001, or 2003 but as of now cost is to great. Opening Central Asia and Caucusus to USA economic penetration means that we will probably get CIS custom union to low down tarrifs a little which will create direct competition for our industries in these state's as well as weaken home industries of these countries. Not to mention open natural resources of these countries to American exploitation. For example we want to stop any project that has Gas Pipelines going from central Asia, through Caucasus to the Europe for example, we want them all going through Russia in one form, or another.

We can join WTO later and enjoy the benefits without really making a concessions, maybe in 2001 together with China.
I honestly think Kriss plan is too soft on the Americans. We should play tought with them and only backdown if no alternative is offered . Every kind of concession imaginable should be tried before we consent towards full NATO expansion towards the Baltics. The Americans don't know how far we are willing to take this, so some kind of bluff is viable.

Problem is the perception, we want to lie low and build up our economy and for that we don't want major confrontation with the West, especially not in the moment of perceived weakness in the USA as that will motivate policymakers in America to act tough.

We want to show policy makers in Washington that we are reasonable partners they can work with and not a potential threat.
So this is a hard deal. I'm willing to allow Baltics to join as there's nothing we can do there and there's no a way for us to confront the West over it. I also don't want USA to try something in Ukraine in this moment like in 2014.

So I'll go with counter proposal.

C) Agree to entry of the Baltics in the NATO in exchange for Ukraine's entry in CSTO .

Regarding WTO, we should try again after American invasion of Afganistan, or Irak.

I'm unwilling to allow American penetration of our underbelly, but this also shows us that we have ignored Euroasian Integrations for to long after founding those institutions after the collapse of USSR. We should focus there during Lukashenko's term.
I also votes for @Kriss proposal. Union State cannot afford to lose Central Asia to American economic influence.
C) Agree to entry of the Baltics in the NATO in exchange for Ukraine's entry in CSTO .

Regarding WTO, we should try again after American invasion of Afganistan, or Irak.

I'm unwilling to allow American penetration of our underbelly, but this also shows us that we have ignored Euroasian Integrations for to long after founding those institutions after the collapse of USSR. We should focus there during Lukashenko's term.
Very good point, then the counteroffer is Nato Baltics for CSTO Ukraine, no comment on WTO or Caucasus and Central Asia
I just realized I basically said Kriss plan in different words, so I will vote to support Kriss plan
1. Should the death penalty be abolished in the Union State?
A) Yes
B) No

2. Should Russia invite the following countries: Ukraine, Georgia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria into the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)?
A) Yes
B) No

3. Please write down, how should the Russian government deal with ongoing demographic changes (that is, lower fertility rate and aging population)?

4. Please write down, how should the Russian government deal with diversification of the economy?

5. Please write down, how should the Russian government development of the countryside and rural areas in Russia?

1) B. No, we should keep the death penalty, but restrict it's use to the absolute very worst of society and scum who are incapable of living with us.

2) An offer should be made, but we should focus on expanding the alliance for a better strategic point. CSTO should not be only in former Soviet countries.

3) Usually, pronatal incentives are not very effective, so we must implement propaganda and use better benefits to encourage couples (especially Russians and other Slavs rather than Muslim populations) to have more children. However, we cannot be encouraging couples to have massive families irresponsibly, which will raise the abortion and abandonment rates and counteract the higher number of people.

3.1: Make Family Leave and childcare completely free (state funded) across Russia, while after four children, the primary income (if there are two incomes) will receive tax breaks larger in number each time based on dependents. The Secondary income will receive no income taxes after four children. Three children will be a small tax break.

3.2: Increase efforts to promote child-safe activities and sports, and increase funds to sports development for children. This doesn't directly lead to more people but it is excellent for physical health and national development.

3.3: Rent and Housing assistance for families with more than three children would go a long way in promoting larger families. Also, increasing education funding to encompass safer transport options and better schooling will ensure that parents put their children in a good environment and keep them safe there and back.

4) A diverse economy is a strong economy, and we should put our focus into the production of goods and services. Leaving ourselves dependent on resource extraction or banking could lead to an economic crisis because of a market crash or a drop in energy prices. But manufactured goods, especially high technology like Aerospace or heavy equipment that is resource intensive will probably never go out of fashion. It is always needed. Let us promote the development of manufacturing and high-tech machining. We have a highly educated population and cheap labor, the perfect circumstances for setting up a powerful electronics industry. We should focus on the future rather than the past for now.

5) Our rural areas (in fact many areas outside of Moscow in general) are generally much poorer and less affluent than cities. This is not only the case in Russia, but we can lift ourselves out of it. We should promote the development of a middle class of farmers and workers in rural areas, and begin to build funds for more farms, both state and privately owned, and implement more modern technology. Currently, much of our farming looks the same as it did forty years ago, only with newer tractors, and we should begin to use electronics and modern navigational systems in our large-scale farming operations. Along with the military, this also boosts our domestic market of electronics, which would go well with the previous point of technology manufacturing.
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Okay everyone and @panpiotr i just saw major flaws in my pro Natalistic plan regarding the retirememt and I changed it appropriately in order to avoid protests, or loss in next elections.

We need to do restructuring of our society to encourage population to have more children and make it more advantagous.

1) Change retirement age of the population based on number of children .
- 2 children means earlier retirememt for 1 year
- three children means earlier retirememt for 3 years
- four children equals 5 years earlier retirememt.
- no children, or one child means normal retirememt as peer usual.

Basically i excluded later retirememt for people with no, or one child as i believe this would be unpopular and would cause protests, instead we have earlier retirememt for people with 2 to 4 children. We could penalize people easier in Communism, but not in democracy.
So this is a hard deal. I'm willing to allow Baltics to join as there's nothing we can do there and there's no a way for us to confront the West over it. I also don't want USA to try something in Ukraine in this moment like in 2014.

So I'll go with counter proposal.

C) Agree to entry of the Baltics in the NATO in exchange for Ukraine's entry in CSTO .

Regarding WTO, we should try again after American invasion of Afganistan, or Irak.

I'm unwilling to allow American penetration of our underbelly, but this also shows us that we have ignored Euroasian Integrations for to long after founding those institutions after the collapse of USSR. We should focus there during Lukashenko's term.
I support this
Okay everyone and @panpiotr i just saw major flaws in my pro Natalistic plan regarding the retirememt and I changed it appropriately in order to avoid protests, or loss in next elections.

We need to do restructuring of our society to encourage population to have more children and make it more advantagous.

1) Change retirement age of the population based on number of children .
- 2 children means earlier retirememt for 1 year
- three children means earlier retirememt for 3 years
- four children equals 5 years earlier retirememt.
- no children, or one child means normal retirememt as peer usual.

Basically i excluded later retirememt for people with no, or one child as i believe this would be unpopular and would cause protests, instead we have earlier retirememt for people with 2 to 4 children. We could penalize people easier in Communism, but not in democracy.
Will you edit your original response?