Your real life is far more important, as is the job you actually get paid for. We, or at least I, are just glad that you intend to continue this tale at some point. Enjoy whatever solstice-adjacent events you so choose.
Good to know this is/will continue, although I'm a little disappointed. When I saw the notification I was hoping for an update. Well, oh well. Take care of yourself and take your time. Merry Christmas and happy new year.
Aww I just hope that we see the Third Crusade and the conquest of Egypt. The conquest of Egypt means that the Muslims are locked out of the Levant and makes the Catholics a lot stronger in the region. The linguistics of the region will also be very interesting due to the conquest, and I for one am very hyped for the actual conquest. Also Mongols flipping the chessboard. That is fun indeed.
As @Fortuna has said - real life comes first. And, obviously, being a Dad is going to be time consuming!!!

I am assuming that, should we be skipping to 1240, the long prophecied Crusader Kingdom of Egypt shall already exist :)

Either way: I look forward to the story you are telling. Its been a wild ride so far, I've learned a lot along it. And I'm assume I will be saying the same thing about volume 2, 3 and 14 :)
I was dying to see TTLs Las Navas de Tolosa and Reconquista, damn. Anyway, TTL is definitely in the GOAT discussion, so I'll support whatever decision you take.
Oh, nice to see an update over the future of this timeline, i found the idea of a new volume very attractive! I will be waiting for the developments anxiously :), i feel like this TL casually transcended my teenager-into-adult phase of life, so it would be very painful to see it dying prematurely.
Oh, nice to see an update over the future of this timeline, i found the idea of a new volume very attractive! I will be waiting for the developments anxiously :), i feel like this TL casually transcended my teenager-into-adult phase of life, so it would be very painful to see it dying prematurely.
tbf I really would like a time jump after the third crusade, since the intervening years could very well be summarised, then we jump again to the 1400s post fall-out of the Mongols just for the early modern period where things are bound to get interesting for the Christian powers of the Mid East.

I really would hope we see the tl go to the modern day where we get European powers in the region for around a thousand years and we'd still get very interesting conflicts due to it.
Are the Crusader States really European though after centuries of going native?
From what Ricard said they'd be majority Romance/Germanic speaking, and Europe as a concept definitely would include the Crusader states due to the continued movement of ideas between the ME and southern Europe. It would not be wrong to say that Europe is more Middle Eastern than otl.


It would essentially be a return to normal really, up until the Christian/Muslim split the entire Mediterranean basin was essentially just part, really more of the center, of what we consider Europe today. This tl just makes the split last only ~400 years rather than 1,000+.
From what Ricard said they'd be majority Romance/Germanic speaking, and Europe as a concept definitely would include the Crusader states due to the continued movement of ideas between the ME and southern Europe. It would not be wrong to say that Europe is more Middle Eastern than otl.

It could definitely play into the old notion that Europe was defined simply as the lands that were once ruled by Rome. And since there is a significant Christian presence in North Africa in this ATL - that region will be included as well, strengthening the connection between the concept of Europe, Christianity and Rome.
Apparently Maimonades fled persecution in Almoravid al-Andalus to Almoravid Morocco to Crusader Levant to Egypt. He didn't stay in Crusader Levant cuz the Jewish institutions there had suffered alot due to the back and forth warring. Would Jewish institutions in the Crusader Levant be good enough in this timeline to attract his and general Almoravid Jewish and Christian migration?(African Christians especially, but I guess those would most migrate to Italy).


And remember, Maimonades was apparently the doctor to Saladin would a worse doctor put his dynasty and himself in more danger?.
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I actually agree with this situation. If anything, I would say the development of language in Egypt would be closer to something akin to Maltese than anything remotely related to Coptic (which IMO would likely play out exactly the same way as it did IOTL, largely a language that is forever endangered and has only recently been extinct as a spoken language, but still around as a liturgical language (though there is the possibility it could be rendered flat-out extinct completely, even as a liturgical language)

While Egyptian Arabic evolving like that makes sense, Coptic was still a spoken language. Maybe not in say, Cairo but certainly in much of Egypt, especially upper Egypt Coptic still is a spoken language. We don't even know when the final Coptic settlement switched to Egyptian Arabic, something that still may not have happened as an Egyptian reporter wrote an article of Coptic still being the spoken language of an urban family.

Maybe something like Maltese may develop for a while but it'll be stuck in the part of society that most easily switches languages, for a while at least.
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