====== Aussey ====== Aussey is an AH.Com member, most prominent in the Mosaic Earth and pre-1900 Discussion Forums. He is an ardent advocate of monarchies, especially monarchies led by Female rulers. He is also noted for his many flags. He is **NOT** Australian, although [[offtopic:David bar Elias]] seems to think he is. ---- ==== Works ==== * Empire of Lorraine TL ---- ==== Causes Championed ==== * Queens and empresses * Alternate religions * The Hapsburg dynasty * A more powerful Alsace-Lorraine ---- ==== In AH.com Fiction ==== Aussey became captain of the //Flamewar// in //**[[stories:AH.com Wars]]**// after the death of [[offtopic:Imajin]]'s character. ---- ==== Navigation ==== **[[Member List]]**