Photos of the Kaiserreich

Map of the world of Kaiserredux on Wednesday, January 1, 1936.

The changes from the original KR timeline include;

-Canada as a Kingdom instead of a Dominion.
-The French National State in place of the French Republic.
-Sebastian Faure as General Secretary of the Commune of France, Philip Snowden as Chairman of the Union of Britain, Giuseppe Di Vittorio as President of Socialist Republic of Italy and Aleksandr Kerensky as President of Russia.
-Arthur Horner as Deputy Chairman of the Union of Britain, Maurice Janin as Prime Minister of the French National State, Pavel Milyukov as Prime Minister of Russia and José María Gil-Robles y Quiñones as Prime Minister of Spain.
-Different Factions for the Second American Civil War.
-William "Bill" Haywood as the leader of the Socialist Party of America.
-Different flags for Canada, Commune of France, Union of Britain and Italian Socialist Republic.
-The Dominion of India in northern India, Bhartiya Commune in western India, Princely Federation in southern India, as well as Sikkim and Madras Republic.
-Malta and Crete as German protectorates.
-Ceylon and Indian Ocean islands as German colonies.
-Republic of Lombardy-Venetia as Austro-Hungarian puppet state.
-Transamur Republic (Provisional Russian Government).
-Don, Kuban and the Mountain Republic in the Caucasus.
-Alash Autonomy as a Russian puppet state.
-Khiva, Bukhara and Kokand in Central Asia.
-German West Africa, the Congo, Nigeria, North Rhodesia, Kenya-Uganda and Madagascar as subdivisions of Mittelafrika.
-Dominion of Rhodesia as an Entente-aligned nation.
-Mau-Mau Uprising in Kenya.
-Different Russo-Mongolian border.
-Different Nepalese-Indian border and Afghan-Indian border.

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Proposed new main street and government buildings in Berlin designed by Albert Speer and Adolf Hitler. The project was cancelled due to Second Weltkrieg.

A Supermarine Camel II of the RAF in Sevilla, 1948.

Designed around the powerful Boulton and Watt BW 506 engine, the Camel II, with a top speed of some 640 km/h (400 mph) and equipped with a pair of 20 mm cannon as well as two 12.7 mm machine guns, was highly respected by Syndicalist and German pilots alike. Widely regarded as one of the best English aircrafts of the Second Weltkrieg, it proved to be extremely effective, destroying a large number of Syndicalist bombers. The first prototype, the Camel II XC205N1 first flew on 1 November 1942, with armament consisting of a 20 mm cannon firing through the propeller hub, and four cowling-mounted 12.7 mm (.5 in) machine guns for which it carried 300–400 and 1,400 rounds of ammunition respectively.


One German pilot, Otto von Bergungzungwaffenstunden, was so impressed with the Camel II that persuaded the top ranks of the Kaiserliche Luftseikrafte to put into service all the captured Camel II that were in flying conditions. Von Bergungzungwaffenstunden, a well known expert in Eastern symbols, used to decorate his fighters with an Indian Swasktika which, accoring to the ace, it gave him luck. The swastika became such a popular symbol that it was copied by several dozens of German pilots. Von Bergungzungwaffenstunden's unit, the 6./Jasta 77, used the Camel II during the summer of 1944, until the unit was equipped with the Fokker Dr CLXII.
Czechian protestors in Prague streets during 1968 Prague Riots. Riots were mainly caused by Germanization policies of Danubian Government. Riots were violently crushed by Army causing the International Community (even German Empire) condemning the violence of Danubian government.

The Alvis Aladdin, a 1960s proposal for a recconoissance vehicle for the Commonwealth army which was not accepted. Ironically, the Popular Republic of Brazilia managed to copy the design to produce the EE-9 Cascavel, which was widely sold to countries of the Middle East like Irak and Siria.

Now almost forgotten by his latest films, there was a time when Nicholas Cage was D'Artagnan in Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's The Three Musketeers.
1970s DDR German soldiers in Ovamboland, carrying G-3 rifles, posing for a photo in front of a truck, in Khaki desert uniforms, 1970s photo

Sudwestafrikan 1st Schutztruppe Brigade during a policing action in the Ovamboland Desert in the 1970s
Granted domestic indepndence in 1973, the Reichsland of Sudwestafrika was Germany's first and only 'white dominion', having been settled by tens of thousands of Europeans in the decades after the First Weltkrieg. With the white minority in Sudwestafrika making up 30% of the country (something enabled by the settlement of criminals and the 'population removal' of hundreds of thousands of Herero) it was believed by the German National United Front Party that the colony was ready for formal independence. The strain on the colonial administration created by the East African Emergency and the Congo Crisis was a large factor in this decision. The Sudwestafrican branch of the DNEF was established as the sole political party of the new Reichsland.

The Sudwestafrikan Schutztruppe were established as Sudwestafrika's primary land military force, designed for counter insurgency operations in the vast plains and deserts of the country. It would be a light, motorized, and widely dispersed force designed for high mobility and supported by helicopters and the Sudwestafrikan Luftwaffe. The Schutztruppe would be accused of many atrocities against the native African population, particularly Hereros and Ovambos, who were viewed as seditious and weren't even permitted to participate in the Sudwestafrikan economy in any meaningful way. The force would be internationally condemned by the League of Nations* and the Cairo Pact in 1965 for the massacre of an entire village of Herero, which was followed up by massive international sanctions against the country by the two alliances.

*The Entente changed its name in 1947 to seem less Euro-centric
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the collapse of Yugoslavia begin in Bulgaria, the heart of Zveno with the formation of Bulgarian People's Revolutionary Organisation or BNRO the clandestine Front of the Bulgarian Communist Party using what has been termed the xinhai method. Poor economic conditions has created ripe conditions for civil unrest with extremely high inflation being the primary cause

T-34 and other scattered assortments of tanks rally near the bombed out remnants of the Kremlin, April 1946. This is one of the last photos taken of the Kremlin in its original form
During the 4 month Battle of Moscow (January 1946-May 1946), Russian forces fought desperately to push back the advancing Reichspakt, using whatever military equipment they could scrounge up to fight against the Germans, up to and including obsolete light tanks from the 1920s, such as those seen in the top right. Fortunately for the defenders and unfortunately for the millions of residents and refugees in Moscow, the Germans launched a massive terror bombing campaign against the city in late December 1945, often referred to as the Christmas Bombing. Using over 2000 strategic bombers, tens of thousands of tons of explosive, incendiary, and poison gas bombs were dropped on Moscow over a week. The city was devastated and almost every single building in Moscow would be damaged in some way, with most simply being reduced to rubble. Refugee camps built across the city were razed to the ground, their occupants bombed with nerve gas as they poured out of the city as the Germans unsuccessfully sought to cut of the railways and roads leading into Moscow. These attempts were unsuccessful.

In all, the Christmas Bombing would kill 150,000 Russians, including military and administrative personnel. The only real military value they had was providing the Russians with a multitude of cover for fighting the Germans. Attempts at encircling the city by Walter Model's armored forces failed under heavy and determined resistance, aided by trench networks and anti tank ditches dug by Russians civilians, many of whom had lost loved ones during the Christmas Bombing. Indeed, even in the face of overwhelming air and armored assaults, Moscow held on. This is often attributed to Marshal Vasilevsky's masterful defense of the city, one that is famous even outside of the history community. A practice of initially not contesting gains by the Reichspakt and then encircling and destroying units that entered the city was so commonplace that Reichspakt forces became hesitant to advance without thoroughly bombing the area around them, which was time consuming and expensive, especially in a massive city such as Moscow.

In the meantime, Savinkov stayed in Moscow, personally giving speeches and rallying soldiers to fight the Russians from the bombed out Kremlin, often visiting as close as possible to the front-line as he could get. Some German snipers would swear to the day they died that they had seen Savinkov through their scopes and taken potshots at the Russian despot, though all invariably ended with the assassination attempt being thwarted in one way or another. The last known photo of Savinkov in Moscow would be on the 20th of April, pinning a medal to a soldier by the name of Victor Reznov, a native of Tsaringrad.

With costs mounting and the offensive seemingly gaining no traction, Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher and the German General Staff ordered the offensive called off on the 25th of April. This was strategically timed, as that was the day that Germany built its first batch of atomic bombs intended to be used in anger. Previous tests in the Alps had been successful, and the two Uranium bombs in Germany's possession were considered to be ready for their first combat test. The first bomb would be dropped directly over the Kremlin, or at least as accurately as the Germans could get using 1940s technology. The other would be the believed headquarters of Marshal Vasilevsky and his staff.

On May 1st, two atomic bombs would be placed on two strategic bombers, each flying with an escort of five fighters. Both groups were left alm one by Russian AA guns, as they didn't present a lucrative enough target. Then within one minute, the Earth had three suns in the area around Moscow. Red Square and the Kremlin were destroyed, and Marshall Vasilevsky was presumed dead. Tens of thousands died in the initial blast at least, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians dying in the years and decades afterwards due to radiation poisoning. Twin mushroom clouds over a destroyed Moscow was what greeted everyone's front page and newsreels the next day. In a speech to Germany over the radio, Schleicher would declare that the atomic bombs had only been used as a last result to prevent even greater suffering, and stated his hopes that such weapons would never been used on fellow humans again.

Reichspakt forces then relaunched the offensive, rapidly taking ground from the demoralized defenders, who began surrendering en masse to the Germans. Victor Reznov, who continued to fight the Germans as a partisan well into the 1960s would describe the scene as the most depressing moments in his entire life, and indeed Russia's existence in his 1968 autobiography, The Call of Duty. Savinkov would not die in the nuclear blast, which he narrowly avoided after his driver got lost in Moscow on a visit to Marshal Vasilevsky. Ironically, it would be a random shell fired by a random Ukrainian artilleryman which killed Savinkov as he left the city in tears.
An unknown picture of Sir Laurence Olivier as a mad pirate in the Caribbean. The film, which was one of the first attempts to bring life to the British film industry after the Liberation, was victim of the lack of funds that plagued the effort.


The Dongfeng-1 ( DF-1 , early codename: 1059 ) short-range ballistic missile was developed by China according to a secret agreement between China and Russian State
Dongfeng-1 is equipped with an RD-101 rocket engine that uses alcohol as fuel . A limited number of Dongfeng-1s were produced in the 1960s and subsequently retired.
Two SS-1 “Scunner” missiles, less warheads, were provided to wang's nationalists in China in the 1950s. These were intended to be a basic (non-flightworthy) introduction to ballistic missiles
The missile began to be copied in April 1958. On November 5, 1960, the first missile was successfully test-fired in Jiuquan , flying 550 kilometers and hitting the target area. On December 6 and 16 of the same year, flight tests of the second combat bomb and the third telemetry bomb were conducted, and both were successful.
On 6 December 1957, the Russian State granted a production license for the SS-2 “Sibling” to China. A team of Russian rocketry specialists was sent to China along with blueprints. The project was also aided by Qian Xue-sen,
The main research units for this missile are the Missile Engineering Department of the Chinese National Revolutionary Army Military Engineering Institute and the 5th Academy of the Ministry of National Defense (Missile Research Institute) located in Harbin .
In Chinese use, the DF-1 was limited by the same issues as the “Sibling” in the Russian State It’s range was too short to threaten India or Japan The DF-1 could not carry the Pr.596, China’s first nuclear warhead. Only a small number of DF-1s were built. Operated by the NRA’s 2nd Artillery Corps, they were retired at the end of the 1960s.

The Sukhoi Su-27, one of the top fighter jets of the Silent War
In 1972, the McDonnell-Douglass F-15 'Eagle' made its first flight over the California wilderness, painted a dazzling camouflage and tested in absolute secrecy. It was a direct response to the Combined Syndicates' Grumman-Cooperative VF-70 'Tomcat' fighter, which had flown first in 1970 and entered service the next year. The Pacific States of America and the Combined Syndicates,, commonly considered to be the masters of aeronautical engineering and the makers of the best aircraft in the world, had now created a new generation of aircraft, with five other world powers scrambling to catch up.

However, there were other eyes looking as well. Ever since the introduction of the immensely fast and high-flying MiG-25 fighter, several countries had developed so-called counters for the aircraft. This terrified the Russian Air Force, notably Air Marshal Alexander Novikov, who demanded a replacement. In 1970, Pavel Sukhoi was already in the beginnings of designing a new aircraft made for long-range interception and air superiority, and he was immediately granted a contract by the Russian State in 1972. Seeing a spy-plane picture of the F-15, OKB Sukhoi set to work on developing a direct countermeasure towards it. However, there were competitors. Russian Aircraft Corporation named after Mikoyan-Gurevich, commonly called MiG, and JSC Yakovlev Aircraft Production Plant, were working on their own 4th-gen fighters of equal or greater capability.

However, they would all be beaten.

In 1978, the plane first few under the designation T-10, and it impressed the VVS so much that they immediately placed Sukhoi under pressure to get the production moving as fast as possible. With a few tweaks, including the implementation of a Phazotron-developed radar outputting more power, with more transceivers, and a Tikhomirov-designed IFF system, the plane entered service on June 5th, 1980. A decade behind the F-15, but no doubt an equal. The Su-27, as it was designated, entered production by government order at five aviation plants, with another built in Nizhny Novgorod, called 'Sokol-2' to accomodate the desire to implement the Su-27, which would be completed in 1987, in time for the tooling to accommodate the Su-27SM upgraded version.

The Su-27 was truly groundbreaking for it's generation. It had a maximum altitude that was highest of any frontline aircraft in the Russian fleet, second only to the MiG-25 interceptor, and it was fast, with a top speed of more than Mach 2.5 at 15 kilometers altitude, and a maximum ground speed of Mach 1.3. It carried up to ten mounting slots for missiles and it was the first supermaneuverable fourth-generation fighter. The Sukhoi made it's combat debut in 1984 in China, where it faced it's predecessor aircraft, the MiG-21 under the local designation J-8. It scored perfectly, setting up a 12-0 Kill-Death ratio and setting the first dozen kill benchmark. However, the race with others was not yet over.

The Mikoyan Corporation had thought up a successor to the MiG-25, called the MiG-31. This aircraft was in development at the time of the Su-27's implementation, and development was delayed. However, it entered service in 1981, just eight months after the Su-27. The MiG-31 was not very maneuverable, but it was unbelievably fast, using massive engines and efficient airflow to create a stable Mach-3 at maximum altitude. It also carried the world's most powerful fighter-mounted radar, a Passive Electronically Scanned Array with almost twice the range of the F-15's radar, and approximately 1.5x the range of the VF-70 Radar, with an inter-aircraft datalink to assist guided missile accuracy.

While the Americans had pioneered the trend, it was now foreign countries that had fully adopted the newest generation. The Japanese had begun a development based on their own F-1 fighter, and the Syndicalist bloc in western Europe had begun producing a fully domestic 4th Generation, the Mirage 4K, based on a French design, as well as a German aircraft made by the Messerschmitt Trade Union 'Tornado' Multirole.

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McDonnell-Douglas F-15 Eagle fighter. Still one of the most dangerous aircraft ever.
The race was on. As the 1980's rolled into the 1990's, almost every major country operated mostly 4th Generation combat aircraft, with some third generations sticking around, such as the Japanese F-1 interceptor. However, the Sukhoi Su-27 was still the king. Even though Novikov died before his baby came to fruition, his legacy of absolute excellence still stood in the Su-27. In 1990, the Russian Air Force, the VVS, operated more than two thousand Su-27s of all variants, including trainers. Russian pilots sought after the deadly and beautiful aircraft, and were trained well in them.

File:President John F. Kennedy Meets with the Mayor of West Berlin, Willy  Brandt.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

German Political dissident and write Willy Brandt (real name Ernest Frahm) meets with US Senator from Massachusetts John Fitzgerald Kennedy, circa May 1961
The foreign policy of the League of Nations towards leftist and syndicalist powers is at best cold and at worst openly calling for the countries ruling party to be overthrown. This is largely a consequence of the years of proxy conflicts and an entire world war fighting leftist powers and is unlikely to change given the intense anti-leftist sentiment felt by the public and the political elite. Despite this, countries in the League often play host to liberal to left leaning political dissidents from across the Reichspakt, mostly as a way to demonstrate their democratic credentials as opposed to the authoritarian Reichspakt, which isn't that far off from the truth anyway.

While Brandt's opposition to continuation of the French and Portuguese colonial empires earned him some critics among the League, his staunch opposition to the totalitarianism of both Germany and the Republic of China has earned him many supporters, particularly in the United States. Brandt had been a member of the SPD during the 1930s, a participant in the non-Marxist, pro-action, 'Young Turk' faction of the SPD. He opposed Chancellor Schleicher from the beginning, correctly assessing in June 1936 that,

"...our recently appointed chancellor, who was not selected from among the Reichstag but instead a military man from the Prussian War Ministry, has very little loyalty to even the idea of democracy. He pays lip service to it, but I think he ultimately has a low opinion of the March Constitution. He may care to an extent for the plight of the worker in Germany, but the broader trade union movement he is so close to will ultimately find that Schleicher is a poisoned chalice. I sometimes find myself agreeing with that man Kleist with but one except; he is an opportunist, yes, but he has a vision. And I'm not sure we will like it."

He opposed the Brunswick Socialist Republic, even briefly supporting the Reichsexecution that swiftly brought an end to the nascent revolutionaries. However, the fear and shock of socialists attempted to overthrow the Kaiserreich from within quickly faded to the realization that the Chancellor would use the Enabling Act to undermine German democracy. Brandt would help organize demonstrations and protests against the Red General and his regime, only to increasingly find his efforts stifled by the police and the government. As more and more politicians found themselves dead in ditches and as democracy was unraveled in Germany, it became increasingly clear that the Red General would not be falling anytime soon. The breaking point for Brandt would be the arrest of Adam Stegerwald, leader of the Zentrum Party and an early supporter of Schleicher, whom he supported out of the belief that he could gain concessions for the trade union movement. Following this, Brandt left for neutral Switzerland, where he would stay for most of the Second Weltkrieg in Zurich, ironically the same city Vladimir Lenin had stayed in during the First.

The September 11 attacks, commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated Scottish suicide terrorist attacks carried out by the Liberation Front of Scotland against the United Kingdom in 2001. That morning, 9 terrorists hijacked four commercial airlines scheduled to travel from the New York, Bonn, París and Madrid to London. The hijackers crashed the first two planes into the House of the Parliament in London, two of the world's five tallest buildings at the time, and aimed the next two flights toward targets in or near London. The September 11 attacks killed 2,797 people, the deadliest terrorist attack in human history, and instigated the multi-decade global war on terror, fought in Scotland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Ruritania.