Map Thread XI

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Awesome. What does "navettbuss" mean?

"Shuttle bus", from French "navette", as I don't think English influence exists ITTL. Of course, a modern form of Latin is probably more spoken than Gallian (alt-French) but I'm not a fan of the whole surviving Roman Empire with eternal unchanging Latin scenario that some people like, so I'm avoiding Latin where I can and making it more Italianish where I can't. :p
"Shuttle bus", from French "navette", as I don't think English influence exists ITTL. Of course, a modern form of Latin is probably more spoken than Gallian (alt-French) but I'm not a fan of the whole surviving Roman Empire with eternal unchanging Latin scenario that some people like, so I'm avoiding Latin where I can and making it more Italianish where I can't. :p

I doubt the word "bus" would exist ITTL - it isn't attested before roughly 1820, and supposedly comes from the name of a hat shop in Nantes which the local bus station was located in front of - a hat shop named as a pun on its owner's name (Omnès - the shop was named Omnès Omnibus, which is almost Latin for "all for all").
I doubt the word "bus" would exist ITTL - it isn't attested before roughly 1820, and supposedly comes from the name of a hat shop in Nantes which the local bus station was located in front of - a hat shop named as a pun on its owner's name (Omnès - the shop was named Omnès Omnibus, which is almost Latin for "all for all").

Well... That's inconvenient. :eek:
Abbyssus: Imperium Resurgam!

After the death of the Emperor, Carloman the Great. The Empire was in deep mourning. As was common during the time, his lands were split between his sons. Luitpold, the oldest was given Austrasia. The ancient home of the Germanic people in the east. Carloman, his middle son was given Neustria. The fertile and rich lands in the west. His youngest, Friedrich was granded Campania. The lands between the Cappedon River and the Dolomite mountain range. The title of Emperor passed to Carloman because Luitpold was not deemed fit enough. He was sickly from birth and was not expected to live long enough to keep the peace in the Empire. The first few years where reasonably peaceful. But soon the foundations of the Empire were shaken. Upon his deathbed, Luitpold revealed to Carloman that his younger brother was plotting to take the Empire as his own. Friedrich had closed a alliance with the Slavic principalities to the south. Now it was Carlman's time to hatch a cunning scheme. Under the guise of discussing the inheritance of their late brother, Friedrich was invited to the strong hold of Königsberg together with his family. During the obligatory diner, Friedrich and his where murdered. With one enemy less, Carloman took the fight south and forced the Empire's supremacy on the Slavic Princes. nearly doubling the size of his father's empire. The whole period is now known as the "Versöhnung" or the Reconciliation.


Authors note: I think I'm gonna retire this "series" of maps, and how to end it better then with a decent looking map!"
The next part of my Dogger Bank series. It is the peak of WW3, with the French, Italians, Hungarians, Serbs, Bulgarians and the Qian having conquered vast swathes of territory, and now even having their influence spread into the Americans. Dreams of a Gran Colombia have been reignited by a local dictator, who has invaded the German and British colonial possessions in order to realise Bolivar's dream, while Peru takes advantage of this and attacks Brazil (the occupied territory is shown as is the territory they claim), all the while Paraguay and Uruguay face a communist uprising. Germany has been overrun three ways as the rebellious poles have taken advantage of its weakness, forming a fascist government that has completely partitioned the country with France and Hungary. Even the British are not completely unharmed, as the French and Chinese have attacked their colonies, and a massive Irish uprising is taking place as well, under Oliver O'Flannagan and his Irish nationalists try to free themselves of British oppression. Italy dominates the Balkans, and the collapsing Ottomans are on the brink of annihilation, with Bulgarians launching a genocide on the natives in order to claim Constantinople as their own. To protect their remainder, Sternberg, ruler of Turkestan, launches a Blitzkrieg of Ottoman territory to prevent it falling into French or Italian hands, though now the Qian are on his tail and taking his eastern most provinces under their belt. The Qian have occupied vast areas of China with their forces, having repelled the Japanese and the corrupt Qing via a significant amount of popular support, as the incompetent republicans struggle to keep them in check. The invasion of the Federal Republic of Siberia has been quite successful, though they fight hard and the winter is very costly. They have even sponsored a Yakut uprising in the far east to back them up, though their status would ultimately be temporary as to the ultimate aim of gaining Shēnghuó kōngjiān (living space) for the Han people. The Napoleonic armies marching across Europe and the Qian through Asia terrify much of the world, but the seeds of their downfall are also under-way. The Poles and Romanians have attacked Russia and Ukraine now, a fight that is considerably costlier than they had anticipated, and now the Mexicans have launched a surprise attack on San Diego and Texas, thinking the debt-filled Americans would simply give them the money they need. The year is 1946, and the darkest hour has a silver lining.

I have the previous map saved so that I can continue after this. Anyone have ideas for what a post war peace treaty should look like after the 'Revanchists' are defeated?
These two maps are just an idea that popped into my head the other day. The POD is that Alexander Hamilton never has an affair in his younger years, which leads him to being slightly more respected and eventually avoiding his duel with Burr. He ends up defeating Jefferson for the Presidency in 1804, making the Federalist Party survive longer. I plan on making a series of electoral maps to go along with this, but for now, here are some modern day maps of this US (note that the state Seminole should be Cherokee in both).


The Americans are throwing tactical nukes with gay abandon, and are starting to pay a logistical price of it as they've irriadiated most of the good roads. The Soviets and Germans have been much more strategic, Germany striking the key focal points of American military command (doing even more damage to American logistics), while the Soviets have focused on German regional command sites hoping to keep themselves from gaining too much German attention. The Soviet invasion of the Ottomans on the otherhand is much more absolute (they want Mecca). Japan's and the rest of the East Asian Economic Federation (which is actually surprisingly nice for non-Japanese people) has decided to try to take the last remnants of Republican China while the Soviets are busy. India is hoping the Germans and Soviets will kill each other for a long time yet.

The premise of this world is that the fate of the Conservatives and Liberals are reversed, with the Conservatives/Unionists fading into relative insignificance by the late 1920s, and a strong two party system of the Liberals and Labour dominating British politics. Butterflies flap their wings rather liberally throughout.

The year is 1958, and the world is divided into roughly three power blocs. The first is dominated by the British Commonwealth, and her arms-length-ally, the United States. The second is the Socialist block lead by France and dominates most of Europe and a great swathe of Africa. The last block is the weakest, lead by Japan and Russia.

The British Commonwealth is increasingly dominated by the Dominions, of which there is an increasing number since Labour came into government in 1952 after twelve years of Churchill. The Empire is whithering, but the states left behind are invariably Commonwealth members. An unusual member of the Commonwealth is the Indian Empire, a Dominion organised as a weak Confederation and whose representation in the Commonwealth Parliament is drawn on regional lines rather than national ones. The United States prefers to keep its nose out of world affairs, but enjoys the ease of access to British markets across the globe and the business opportunities which are opening up in decolonised Africa and Asia. The last important members of this block are the Scandinavian and Baltic states. They were liberated from Russian occupation by the British during the World War and entered into alliance when the war came to an end fearing the new order which had emerged. Britain's economy is somewhat socialist with a well entrenched welfare state some twenty years old already and a variety of industries and services have been nationalised and are run by mutual co-operatives. In some respects, Britain is more socially conservative than in our world's 1950s, bearing more of a resemblance to the OTL inter-war period.

Europe is solidly Communard, dominated by the French Fourth Republic. The Republic is organised into two tiers, one considered developed and 'revolutionised', the other backwards and necessarily 'bourgeois'. This has excused keeping France's former African and Asian colonies in a state of extractive economy, though there is talk of raising parts of West Africa to the upper tier. Europe is united to France through the Communard Concert of Europe, a military alliance-cum-economic union. Germany was dismantled during the World War and French tanks are very much required to keep the peace. The most prominent states within the CCE are Jugoslavia and Italy. Brazil is not properly Communard but has aligned at least partially with France in opposition to the growth of Argentina.

Russia was the big bad of the World War, spurring a Second Exodus of Jews from Europe who have mostly found themselves in Britain or America, or in the Republic of Victoria. While Moscow and Petrograd are now irradiated ash, courtesy of the RAF, the capitol of Omsk still stands. Russia despite its apparent losses gained enormously from the war, reuniting the country and securing their Central Asian conquests. The nationalists who militarised the country remain in power and a 'stab-in-the-back' myth has started circulating which claims that Russia's victory was stolen from it by Bolshevists, the British and the Jews. Despite their apparent strength, this comes almost wholly from their size. The real power is Japan. The Japanese deftly weaved a peace from the World War which gained it Vladivostok from Russia, most of China, and allowed it to seize control of the Dutch East Indies. Japan is a thriving, modern, industrial power, in stark opposition to their somewhat backwards Russian allies. The Japanese do however share an insufferable level of nationalism and militarism, and having certainly not lost the war, are looking to further expand their empire.

There are few neutral states in this world, but the most prominent are China and Argentina. China is a rump state, created by political expediency. While the Japanese carved out puppets in the north, the British and French fought a guerrilla war in the south, against each other and the local warlords. When the Russians turned cloak and attacked France, the two warring powers shook hands and fought solely against the guerrillas. A shaky republic was established, and in the post-war era has found itself struggling with an uneasy neutrality between the two superpowers. Argentina on the other hand has ambitions in its own right. In the aftermath of the Grande-Guerre and the Grumbling Twenties, Germany was Europe's premier power. She had ambitions to establish an empire in the new world to match her empire in Europe and her growing one in Africa. German settlers were welcomed to Argentina with open arms. When Germany fell during the World War, millions more fled their homeland. They went all over the place, but many went to Argentina. The young Spanish-speaking children of these immigrants now plan to make Argentina the new Grossdeutschland and have ambitions to bring all of South America under the Argentine heel. Chile and Uruguay have already slipped into their sphere. Attempts by any of the three major power blocs to court this player have been spurned, the memories of British ignorance and dilly-dallying, and Franco-Russian invasion too sour for the new Argentina to bear.

The map is kind of semi-Munroified.



Mecca? Why would they want that headache?


Maybe they want to destroy it to show the Muslims in their country that not even their holiest place is safe from them, thus breaking their will. Of course, what would actually happen is that all the Muslims would get very very angry and just resist the Soviets more, but the USSR doesn't have a history of understanding Muslims - as evidenced by the fact that when they banned women wearing burqas in Central Asia, the number of women wearing burqas skyrocketed (previously it had been a garment only worn by wealthy, middle class women, but the law against it gave the Muslims a common enemy, and burqas were worn as a sign of resistance and solidarity).
The premise of this world is that the fate of the Conservatives and Liberals are reversed, with the Conservatives/Unionists fading into relative insignificance by the late 1920s, and a strong two party system of the Liberals and Labour dominating British politics. Butterflies flap their wings rather liberally throughout.

The year is 1958, and the world is divided into roughly three power blocs. The first is dominated by the British Commonwealth, and her arms-length-ally, the United States. The second is the Socialist block lead by France and dominates most of Europe and a great swathe of Africa. The last block is the weakest, lead by Japan and Russia.

The British Commonwealth is increasingly dominated by the Dominions, of which there is an increasing number since Labour came into government in 1952 after twelve years of Churchill. The Empire is whithering, but the states left behind are invariably Commonwealth members. An unusual member of the Commonwealth is the Indian Empire, a Dominion organised as a weak Confederation and whose representation in the Commonwealth Parliament is drawn on regional lines rather than national ones. The United States prefers to keep its nose out of world affairs, but enjoys the ease of access to British markets across the globe and the business opportunities which are opening up in decolonised Africa and Asia. The last important members of this block are the Scandinavian and Baltic states. They were liberated from Russian occupation by the British during the World War and entered into alliance when the war came to an end fearing the new order which had emerged. Britain's economy is somewhat socialist with a well entrenched welfare state some twenty years old already and a variety of industries and services have been nationalised and are run by mutual co-operatives. In some respects, Britain is more socially conservative than in our world's 1950s, bearing more of a resemblance to the OTL inter-war period.

Europe is solidly Communard, dominated by the French Fourth Republic. The Republic is organised into two tiers, one considered developed and 'revolutionised', the other backwards and necessarily 'bourgeois'. This has excused keeping France's former African and Asian colonies in a state of extractive economy, though there is talk of raising parts of West Africa to the upper tier. Europe is united to France through the Communard Concert of Europe, a military alliance-cum-economic union. Germany was dismantled during the World War and French tanks are very much required to keep the peace. The most prominent states within the CCE are Jugoslavia and Italy. Brazil is not properly Communard but has aligned at least partially with France in opposition to the growth of Argentina.

Russia was the big bad of the World War, spurring a Second Exodus of Jews from Europe who have mostly found themselves in Britain or America, or in the Republic of Victoria. While Moscow and Petrograd are now irradiated ash, courtesy of the RAF, the capitol of Omsk still stands. Russia despite its apparent losses gained enormously from the war, reuniting the country and securing their Central Asian conquests. The nationalists who militarised the country remain in power and a 'stab-in-the-back' myth has started circulating which claims that Russia's victory was stolen from it by Bolshevists, the British and the Jews. Despite their apparent strength, this comes almost wholly from their size. The real power is Japan. The Japanese deftly weaved a peace from the World War which gained it Vladivostok from Russia, most of China, and allowed it to seize control of the Dutch East Indies. Japan is a thriving, modern, industrial power, in stark opposition to their somewhat backwards Russian allies. The Japanese do however share an insufferable level of nationalism and militarism, and having certainly not lost the war, are looking to further expand their empire.

There are few neutral states in this world, but the most prominent are China and Argentina. China is a rump state, created by political expediency. While the Japanese carved out puppets in the north, the British and French fought a guerrilla war in the south, against each other and the local warlords. When the Russians turned cloak and attacked France, the two warring powers shook hands and fought solely against the guerrillas. A shaky republic was established, and in the post-war era has found itself struggling with an uneasy neutrality between the two superpowers. Argentina on the other hand has ambitions in its own right. In the aftermath of the Grande-Guerre and the Grumbling Twenties, Germany was Europe's premier power. She had ambitions to establish an empire in the new world to match her empire in Europe and her growing one in Africa. German settlers were welcomed to Argentina with open arms. When Germany fell during the World War, millions more fled their homeland. They went all over the place, but many went to Argentina. The young Spanish-speaking children of these immigrants now plan to make Argentina the new Grossdeutschland and have ambitions to bring all of South America under the Argentine heel. Chile and Uruguay have already slipped into their sphere. Attempts by any of the three major power blocs to court this player have been spurned, the memories of British ignorance and dilly-dallying, and Franco-Russian invasion too sour for the new Argentina to bear.

The map is kind of semi-Munroified.
Nope nope nope, clearly Habsburg Hegemony. Pax Habsburgia and all that... A Habsburg for every throne, with France as a puppet... the Guises or maybe they just did away with pretense and installed Marie Antoinette. Seriously, I saw this, thought I was in love and then had my heart brutally crushed.
Nope nope nope, clearly Habsburg Hegemony. Pax Habsburgia and all that... A Habsburg for every throne, with France as a puppet... the Guises or maybe they just did away with pretense and installed Marie Antoinette. Seriously, I saw this, thought I was in love and then had my heart brutally crushed.

I had another look, and could see what you meant. I swapped the pink, and then things got out of hand...

Ultimately, I ended up virtually completely Munroifying the thing.

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