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And again a repost:

The Coptic Empire

The Coptian Empire is the natural continuation of the millenary traditions of Egypt and Ethiopia. Its history roots back to the 6th century BC when , to resist the Persian superpower, the Egyptian pharaohs allied dinastically with Nubia and in the next century marched on Ethiopia, adding that huge land to the already wide Egyptian-Nubian empire. The conquest of Ethiopia brought explorations to such an extent that ancient Egyptians are still considered the founders of the geographical science. The Egyptian control of the Red Sea with its wealthy traffics made the empire increasingly rich, its merchant navy established trade and military posts throughout the Indian Ocean from the land of Opunt-Zimbabwe to Si-lon (Ceylon). After finally expelling the Persians in 363 BC, the Egyptian Empire was briefly overrun bey Alexander the Great, but the State survived in Nubia and retook its homeland against Alexander's diadochus Tolomaeus. Long struggles with the Seleucids were followed by the Roman invasion under Julius Caesar. Anew the Court transferred the capital in Nubia, were a brand new capital was build, City of the Gods. In the 2nd century AD Trajan almost managed to subdue even Nubia, but finally Adrian had to retire and grant Egypt its independence on the condition that it remained vassal to Rome providing it with food, slaves and spices. The accord lasted until the Roman Empire entered its 3rd century crisis: the Egyptian managed to conquer the kingdom of Palmyra, then were defeated by Aurelian and obliged to fully honor their commitments.
The penetration of Christianity was a decisive development. The tolerance of the Christian cult was officially declared in 250 as a response to Decius' brutal persecution in the Roman Empire, and the ancient millenary heathen religion was slowly replaced by a local version of Christianity with Neoplatonic, Gnostic and Monophysite infuxes called "Copt" (as it was the name of the Egyptians themselves). In 381 the capital was renamed Christopolis (Greek was always a popular language of culture in the empire, and with the advent of Christianity that went even better). After 395 the ancient enmity with Rome was replaced by a harsh boundary quarrel with Byzantium, often with doctrinal issues to pour gas on the flames amongst reciprocate excommunications and accuses of heresy and apostasy. During the 5 and 6th century the empire underwent a deep cultural change as the millenary traditions of old Egypt were finally replaced by the new Faith in Christ. Due to the abandoning of imbalsamation, the country had to endure severe epidemics of plague, that are calculated to have killed up to one-fifth of the population.
Religious sectarism and power struggles at court were also a problem. On the throne of the Pharaohs there was even a Gothic warrior of the Imperial Guard, Ildibada, who assuming the name of Ramses XXI (542-559) founded the XLVIIth Dinasty (till 645). However Egypt remained a viable power, and when in 640 the Arab Muslims invaded the Low Egypt, they couldn't remain there for more than few years. General Sam-Nafak liberated the Low Egypt defeating 'Amr in the battle of Heliopolis in 644, adate which marks a legend in Coptian history. From then on a century-long, fierce struggle with character of "holy war" (agiopolemon) and jihad respectively was fought between the Caliphate and the Coptian Empire. The major issues were control of the Holy Land and of the Indian Ocean trade. While in the former the Arabs proved generally winners, in the latter the Coptians managed to hold many of their trade posts and colonies and explored furthermore the ocean. In 972 the first Coptian embassy reached Sung China.
When the Turks overrun the northern tiers of the Caliphate, another enemy appeared on the horizon: the Western Crusaders, whose campaigning in Syria and Palestine was horrendously brutal and fanatic. When in the 13th century they twice tried to subdue the Low Egypt, they were routed and decimated by epidemics. San Francesco d'Assisi, a much respected figure in Egypt, brokered a lasting peace in 1221 with the Charta Menfitana.
In 1260 the country experienced the risk of being invaded by Hulagu Khan, which was avoided by paying tributes to the man that, after all, had forever destroyed the Caliphate. In the following centuries Egypt thrived economically, with its stong ties with Indian and Chinese commerce in the ocean and the Venetians in the Mediterranean. In 1271 two Genoese brothers, the Vivaldi, first circumnavigated Africa since the times of the Phoenician expedition under Egyptian mandate in the 6th century BC. Meantime the Coptian preached Christianity, converting to Coptism Ceylon, parts of Southern India, Madagascar and some Swahili kingdoms, besides sending missionaries into the mysterious wilderness of inner Africa, but they couldn't avoide the Islamicization of the Malayans and Indonesians. Some military questions over control of Libya arose with the Zenete Empire, but the countries were too distant to make war seriously. In 1440 a Copt fleet brought astray by a storm discovered Brazil. The news remained secret for less than two years, then the race to America began. The empire tried to hold its own but by 1525 Portuguese and Spaniards have chased them from the Atlantic.
The most terrible menace of modern Egypt came from the Ottomans. When they in 1517 crushed all the Muslim sultanates of Syria and Palestine they came in direct contact with the "polytheist" Copts. A strict alliance with the Hapsburgs ensued in 1530. The final defeat of the Ottoman plans to subdue and Islamicize gypt came with the failed siege of Thebes in 1690. From then on the Ottoman power declined. After a period of unrest, epidemics and religious disputes in the 18th century, the Coptic Empire began an astounding modernization under Joseph XVI (1830-1859). Only the oppositon of France and Britain kept Syria and Palestine in Ottoman hands after the victorious war of 1838-1840. Just before the Copts had helped with many men the independence of Greece and Serbia from the Turks.
With modernity came industrialization, at least in Egypt proper (many regions of Ethiopia were still at the Neolithic or something like this, and scarcely known). In 1854 the Canal of Suais, a work in progress since millennia, was opened, and in 1859, with the Pharaoh dying, the first Imperial Constitution. When WW1 came the Empire stopped the Ottomans with British help on the Canal, then the Coptic armies overrun the Turks in the battles of Gaza, Jericho, Samaria and Damascus. When the armistice of Mudros was signed, they were occupying Aleppo. In 1920, on Franco-British pressure, Egypt was obliged to leave again Syria and Palestine to Western mandates and had to write down a fully democratic Constitution (though the divine right of the Pharaoh remained). Meantime in Arabia another wave of fanaticism under the al Saud tribal clan had risen to power. This caused havoc in the Italian colony of Northern Yemen and when the Italians were overrun in 1927 (causing a brief crisis to Mussolini's fascist regime) Egypt was charged by the League of Nations to intervene and sane the situation. From then on a fanatical, bloody and cruel guerrilla war dragged on for decades till the Copts retired in 1962.
During the Second World War the Coptic Empire initially stayed neutral, but was attacked by Italy in June 1940 on the issue of Libya. In August the Italians had tken all of Libya, but a counterattack led by Grand General Yakob Boutrian defeated them in the battle of Port Apollonia. When the Italians were on the point of being overrun came Rommel with its excellent Afrika Korps, and in November 1941 the Copt 1st Army was severely defeated and routed in the Batlle of the Thousand Mile Sands. On Christmas day, 1941, Rommel reached the Canal but couldn't cross it. On the other side there were Copts, British, Australians, South Africans, Free French, the Hebraic Legion. Besides this he risked to be overrun from the south, where the Copt 7th Army stopped him in the battle of Lake Phayim. Meantime an integralist Islamic filo-Nazi insurrection in Jordan was crushed by the British. The Saudi king sided with Hitler but his forces were defeated on the ground by the Desert Rats in the spring of 1942 (it was the beginning of the Arabian War which was to be fought painfully until 1957). The Battle of the Canal dragged on till the two-pronged Operation Circle of October 24th, 1942, when the Copt 3rd Army and the British 8th Army attacked through the Canal under the fire of a thousand great-caliber guns and the same number of aircraft, whereas the 7th Copt Army and the 1st Anglo-American Army under Patton crushed the Italo-Germans in the bloody tank battle of Menfi. The entire Axis army in Africa was captured after a vain attempted breakthrough near Daba: 200,000 prisoners were made. After that, all of Lybia up to the Punian border in Leptis Noa was retaken by the end of December 1942.
After the liberation of Malta in April 1943 and the invasion and conquest of Sardinia and Corsica in June-August 1943, the Copt XXIIIth Mechanized Corps was sent along with the Allied invasion force in Italy (AIFI) that landed around Brindisi and Taranto on the 9th September, 1943. The XXIIIth Corps distinguished itself at the battles of Bari (after which Italy surrended formally), Termoli and Ortona until it was retired on inner politics issues in March 1944 to be replaced with a smaller Copt Task Force of two divisions, the celebrate 7th Cavalry and the 13th Mechanized. This two units were destined to the Balkan front after the landing at Pola (Istria) on the 6th of June 1944, same day as Normandy, and took part in the battles of Pisino, Capodistria and Trieste. The 7th Cavalry liberated Udine on the 15th October 1944, then the two Copt divisions were sent to battle in Slovenia and Hungary and finished the war, after the conquest of Vienna in Febrauary 1945, at Passau on the Danube, where they received the surrender of the whole German Army Group F with its commander, Feldmarschall Tolsdorf "The Mad".
In 1945 the Coptic Empire entered the Un and in 1959, not without debate, had itself accepted as associate member in the NATO. Its protracted help to Israel after 1948 and its presence in Northern Yemen exposed the empire to the not-so-glad attention of Arab terrorists, both nationalist and religious fanatics. The most terrible of this acts of violence was the hijacking on an El Al airplane in Christopolis crushed on the local soccer stadium during the final of the World Championship in 1998, France-Brazil, which killed more than 50,000.

The Republic of Liguria

The Republic of Liguria is one of the most ancient states in Europe, going back in its roots to the Medieval Comune of Genoa (XIth century). It occupies a stretch of land between the Vars and the Po Rivers, the Apuan Alps and the foothills of the Aemilian Appennines. Its borders are with Provence (west), the Kingdom of Savoy (north) and Italy (east). Southwards it opens on the Ligurian Sea.
The prigins of the Ligurian people are lost in the mist of times. About 3000 BC they occupied completely all of today's Provence and the western half of Northern Italy. Besides thata it seems lilely they have colonized some regions in the Pyrenees and, it seems, Portugal. The Ligurian language is unrelated to any other language in the world, with the notable exception of Basque, which shows some elements in common with. One of the most credited hypotheses is that the two non-indoeuropean languages were part of a paleo-european linguistical macrofamily of which some caucasian languages too (notably Georgian) would be the remnants; but there's much debate about this.
The Ligurians had their first impact with Indo-Europeans when the Umbrians colonized the Padan Plain giving today's Lombardy the name of Insubria. Then, after a brief period of Etruscan influence, came the Celts (VIth century BC), whose presence and domination deeply affected any land inhabited by the Ligurians. Provence and Lombardy were Celticized to such an extent that no trace of Ligurian language survived beyond the epoch of Hannibal. Liguria proper and Piedmont (along with an isolated pocket in the Aosta valley, the Salssi), however, developed a mixed Celto-Ligurian civilization in which both languages survived influencing somewhat each other. When the Romans came and conquered all of Liguria and Piedmont except the remotest alpine zones (181 BC) the Romanization of the land slowly began. In 30 BC the Salassi were ethnic-cleansed by the Romas, and in the centuries of the Roman Empire Piedmont north of the Po river
romanized deeply, till both Celt and Ligurian disappeared as spoken languages in favor of Latin. In Liguria and the low Piedmont, however, only the Celtophones and a minority of the Ligurian-speaking people passed to Latin. The cities and the hamlets along the Roman ways of communication were Latinized, the people of the inner mountains and hills kept on speaking their ancient mothertongue (also for religious purposes). The difficult and slow penetration of Christianity (from the IIIrd century onwards) endangered seriously the survival of the language, but the stubborn resistance opposed by the mountaineers preserved it through the storms of the High Middle Ages. After the fall of the Empire and the Ostrogoth kingdom, the land was fiercely battled between the Lombards and the Byzantines (571-640) till the former prevailed. Then, after Charles the Great, the territory was divided into three "marks" which soon fragmented for dynastical reasons, leading to a complete feudal chaos, while the Saracens dominated all of Provence and the Western Alps and regularly pillaged the land, just like the Magyars and the Vikings (Hasting's destruction of Luni, 862). During the XIth century the power of Genoa began emerging with the free Comune and the First Crusade. From that point on the power of the city-state rose steadily and unstoppably. By the end of the XIIIth century Genoa controlled all of the Riviera di Levante (east of the city) incorporating many little local feuds. Its enemies were Savona in the Riviera di Ponente (west of the city), the marquis of Monferrato (north, in the low Piedmont), Milan and the brigand-like feudal lords of the Appennines in the east (Fieschi, Malatesta). After various wars, only in 1528 Savona was brought under Genoese power (the Del Carretto marquisade of Finale fell to Spain in 1588, and to Genoa in 1714). After the XVIth century, with political stabilization, the alliance of Spain and the banking role of Genoa enriched the prominent families of the city. Now, with the liquidation of the Fieschi power (1547), the most notable menace were the Savoyards from Piedmont. Monferrato fell piece by piece in Genoese hands until it disappeared in 1630. With the elimination of the last "robber barons" in the east Appennines, the Landi, around 1690, Genoa controlled the bulk of current Liguria. After the Revolutionary Wars the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) assigned to Genoa all the seaports of Savoy giving it uninterrupted control over the coast from Nice to Carrara, confirming and enlarging its possessions in the low Piedmont and the Appennines. The Republic of Liguria (no more of Genoa) soon became a model of democracy in Southern Europe. When attacked by Austria in 1852 as a political menace, it astoundingly won a great victory with the allied Savoyards in the battle of Marengo, and helped the Italian unification movement. During WWI Liguria took the part of the Allies, contributing to the Italian victory against Austria-Hungary.
During WW2 the country kept neutral and remained unmolested, then entered NATO in 1958 (after much debate, the Communists were very strong in the country) and the EEC in 1960.
The economy of the country is based on the triad heavy industry-tourism-high quality agriculture. The industry is concentrated in and around the great ports of Genoa-Voltri, Savona-Vado and La Spezia and in the Bormida and Scrivia valleys. Tourism, both at seaside and in the lovely mountains, is massive, for the most part they are Savoyards from Piedmont and Lombardy but there are many Germans too.
Agriculture has always been dificult for the rugged mountainous terrain, but its productions are highly renowned. Ligurian wine (produced mainly in the Langhe and Monferrato subregions) and oil (on the Rivieras) are amongst the best in the world. Fruit and vegetables are cultivated throughout the territory and expecially in the Langhe and the Riviera di Ponente, and even exported abroad.
Even today Liguria is quite dominated by the sheer weight of its capital, Genoa, with its 1 million inhabitants (hinterland included, the city has 500,000). Other important cities are Nice (350,000), Savona (150,000), Spezia (250,000), Sanremo (100,000) and Alessandria (100,000).
The total population of the country is about 4.3 millions (2003). All of them can speak and write both in Italian and in Ligurian; there are newspaper and TV broadcast stations, both public and private, in both languages.
Today, as always in the last 2,000 years, Ligurian is currently spoken in family in the inner zones, with authentic strongholds in the Maritime Alps and all the Appenninic subregion, and in the smallest towns along the coast, while Italian is spoken in the cities and in the Monferrato area. Ligurian is all but an endangered language.
And the final (shorter) blow:


Ladinia is a long stripe of land in the East of the Alps, from San Gall (OT Sankt Gallen) to Grizza (OT Gorizia/Nova Gorica).
The country began forming around the counties of Tirol and Gorz in the XIIth century, and was well defined after the XIVth century, when the two counties were united via dynastical marriage. The unity of the country was made possible by the Neolatin language (even with great vernacular differences) spoken between Switzerland and Slovenia, and the mountainous character of most of the land, which permitted Ladinia to resist succesfully to every invasion, from that, early, of the Bavarians (VIth century), who were partially absorbed and formed a strong German minority in Tirol, to the Avaro-Slavs (VIIth century), stopped in the mythological battle at the Drava sources around 680 AD. After being part of the Empire of Charles the Great, the land was divided in counties in the ensuing period of feudal anarchy. It emerged united in the XIVth century struggling against the Hapsburgs, then against Venice. Its hated ally was the Ottoman Empire, which earned the Ladinians the nomea of "renegade Christians" amongst the neighbors. Another important allied was France, whose help proved crucial in the long and harsh years of the War of the Thirty Years (1618-1648) and throughout the XVIIth and XVIIIth century.
THe Napoleonic Wars that ruined Europe between 1796 and 1821 affected little Ladinia, a neutral power despite menaces from every country involved in the great struggle. After the fall of the French Empire of Napoleon, Ladinia helped the Italian nationalist movement to crush the old regimes and democratized slowly, following with deep interest the politicl debate in England, only slightly affected by the democratic revolutions of 1830 and 1848. Ladinia took part in the Crimean War with a small expedition corps, then was involved in the long and bloody War of the Four Crowns (1866-1869) as an allied of Prussia against Austria-Hungary and Italy. The final victory didn't bring any territorial advantage, the country was ruined and bled white and closed in a strict neutrality well guarded by the new German Empire.
The following years saw a great development in transportation with the construction of important railways across the Alps which reaffirmed the strategic position of the country, whose neutrality was consolidated a historic pact of mutual defence with Switzerland (1885). The First World War (1906-1909) saw the country maintaning the strictest neutrality, while banking and selling food and weapons to every part involved in the conflict. This enriched the country. The Second World War (1931-1938) saw the country warring for its survival in the last two years against the crazy German regime of the SS (Sigfried's Sons). The American army liberated the country, who suffered 60,000 casualties in the war, in the last days of the war. From then on Ladinia was a proud member of the NATO alliance and a sincere friend of the US and the UK. During WWIII (1962-1968) Ladinia was targeted by three tactical strikes on Uden (OT Udine), Pordenons (OT Pordenone) and near Ruareda (OT Rovereto), and suffered some 0.8 megadeaths from nuclear blasts, famine, biochemical warfare and land battles. Good state-led organization (ladinia was social democrat from 1936 on) and anti-atomic refuges prevented worst damages. The final victory of the Western Block ensured its position as a strong power in a devastated world. From then on, Ladinia has often sent his armed forces in policing actions throughout the world, holding, together with Switzerland, Ireland and Sweden, the Four Founders' Seats at the European Grand Council and at the AFW (Alliance of the Free World, successor to the US-led UN). Nowadays its most powerful enemies are the Neo-Ottoman Empire and the Greater Slavonian Kombinat.
Today (2003) Ladinia extends for about 100,000 square kilometers with about 5,5 million inhabitants. The capital is the 300,000 inhabitants-town of Borsanna (OT Bolzano/Bozen), as it was since 1574. Other cities of importance are San Gall (250,000), Treint (OT Trento, 150,000), Grizza (200,000) and the newly-built Cidad es Friuls (100,000). Uden and Pordenons were never reconstructed and left as a permanent monument of WWIII.
Nowadays the king is Peter Paul VII of the House of Tirol-Grizza. His Prime Minister is Anselm Da Curtz, of the Conservative Peasant Party (from 2001).

In this TL, the Mexican Revolution did not occur due to Zapata being not refused in reclaiming land as occupied by another party. There was also the added POD that Diaz being more liberal towards the end of his last presidential term, thereby helping to usher Mexico into first world status in the late 1910's and early 1920's. This really threw off US foreign policy as other Latin American countries began to follow Mexico's path and trying to find their own road to first world status. In 1925 the Organization of American States was founded amongst Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico in order to help to safeguard their fragile economic status. [which was in full swing due to World War 1 and it's aftermath]

As a result of OAS becoming the local powerhouse, the US became more aggressive in it's foreign policy [in the idea that they could find other avenues of income than depending on illegal labor from S. America]. World War 1 happened on schedule with the US annexing much of the Pacific colonies that Germany had, as well as to increase it's investment in China. This started another rivarly with Japan that led to more US 'advisors' to appear in China to protect their investment, which gave reason to a Pacific War occuring in the late 1938/9. [The Great Depression ocurred only for 5 years with the OAS stepping in to help it's northern neighbor. Nethertheless, this really humbled the US that they were now dependent on the country that they had once treated like dirt.]

The turmoil that started World War 2 never really started off due to the heavy dependence that Europe had on the OAS powers. In it's stead, there were several 'socialist' revolutions that occured in Germany, Italy, and Spain that forced the Allied Powers to form a "Peacekeeping Force" in order to stop dicatorships from happening. However, such revolutions did have a cost with Russia reformatting itself into a Consitutional Democracy that had desires of lumping much of Eastern Europe within their new republic. This lead to a 10 year long Cold War with the European Union [consisting of all W. European countries] being founded in order to combat any 'annexation' that Russia had beyond Hungary/Yugoslavia. Luckily, the OAS stepped in 1951 to stop the Cold War from continuing because it was endangering it's interests in Africa and Asia.

By the year 1996, Mexico has literally become the country that the US had the potential to be. Much of Mexico's economy is both based on agriculture and industrial companies that are spread around the country. A unique system has been in place since the 30's whereas a welfare policy was established to help landless peasents support themselves without big businesses exploiting them. Voter perecentage and literacy rates are at 100% due to the a wide spread public educational system that helps lower income classes to increase their economic status. By OTL's terms, Mexico has become a welfare state along the lines of the Nordic countries, given a few deviances due to it's unique culture.

As for military actions, much of Mexico's armed forces are tooled to counter terrorists crossing the US/Mexico border as well as US-sponsored insurgents. The only formal military expiditions that Mexico has been in are mostly associated with mediated int'l quarrles (i.e. the breakup of the Yugoslavia). In the eyes of the international community, the OAS has become a psuedo-United Nations that strives for world peace as well as other humanitarian problems.

However this definition does not apply to the on-going problem with the United States. It is a known fact to historians that as Mexico increased it's status in the world, the US's status went down. The United States fell into internal turmoil as two factions started to gain power: the "White Fist" movement that advocated the disruption of Mexican infrastructure so that the US could gain that success, and the normal democractic movement that advocated more 'reformist' policies so that they could catch up with Mexico. This soon lead to the Southwestern states becoming more and more pro-Mexican due to their position along the Mexican border. In 1986, a White Fist terrorist attempted to blow-up a meeting of OAS heads in Zapatista [OTL Leon]. After much 'discussion', it was found out that some elements within the US Army actually assited in this assassination.

Thus the 'American War' occured, lasting 9 long years, with the US literally shattered into individual countries and protectorates. Both Texas, New Mexico, California, AZ, UT, Nevada are formally recognized as Mexican states. Much of the northern Western states are under Canadian jurisdiction. Both the Southern and the Northern states are under formal OAS 'guidance'. [i.e. they have their own gov't but OAS officials to keep watch over them]

This action has not gone well with the international community, especially China, which has become the destinaton for many refugees from the US. [China has a lot of American citizens, weapondry, and technology from the US due to the Pacific War. ] There is some rumor that China seeks the alliance of other states in order to counter the OAS's "illegal occupation of sovereign American soil". However, much of China's actions is severly curtailed due to it's squabbles with Russia and Japan.
Fun Facts about Mexico

-> Zapatista is regarded as a resort capital and home city of the Labor Party, which advocates reform to the peasent class

-> Mexico City is referred to as "Spanish Hollywood" due to the massive amounts of film produced there.

-> There are constant refugee problems in the Northern States as people from the Eastern US try to immigrate to Mexico for a better life.

-> Both English and Spanish are spoken in the Northern States, however, much of the English that is spoken has A LOT of Spanish words mixed into it as well as Spanish grammar.

-> Freedom of religion is allowed in the Northern States. Already there has been an increase of Roman Catholic missionaries in these areas to "convert" their increased flock.

-> MTV is regarded as a channel that not only airs popular music but critical commentary on world affairs. It currently is aired from Zapatista.

-> Much of the Native Americans have been extended the rights under the Gomez-Garcia Act of '28, which grants them a tax exemption and donations to allow them greater economic oppertunities.

-> The Mexican Space Agency is celebrating it's second anniversary of launching the first Lunar Base on the Moon. [currently serving as a telescope/observation post]

-> Mexico City is the largest city in the world, rivaling London or Paris.

-> There are three major political parties: the Labor Party [for lower class], Liberal [for economic measures], and the Conservatives [military/industry].

-> President Fox is the first Conservative President elected in 30 years. Much of his predecessors have been either Labor or Liberal.
Kingdom of Brittany

POD: The Bretons fight off the Viking-invasion of 914. The old dynasty remains on the throne and the country is not obliged to submit to France's feudal overlordship to kick them out again.
Playing off England against France Brittany retains its independence throughout the Middle Ages. During the Reformation it remains staunchly Catholic. In the 17C its dynasty dies out, leaving an heiress which is married to James II of England. Thus when James loses his British kingdoms in the Glorious Revolution he retreats to Brittany. Under the Stuarts Brittany is a staunch ally of France. The French Revolution sees the Stuarts driven out and fleeing to Spain and Brittany annexed to Revolutionary France. This state of affairs lasts till Napoleon is exiled to Elba. Despite the presence of a Breton Legion in Wellington's army that served with great distinction, the British at the Congress of Vienna appear loth to restore the Stuart's kingdom. When Napoleon lands in France again therefore a number of exiles take matters in their own hands, land in Brittany and raise the people. Napoleon is forced to detach a portion of his army under Grouchy, something to which he ascribes his defeat at Waterloo. After which there is no question about the kingdom of Brittany's independence. Since 1848 it is a constitutional monarchy. During WWI it remained neutral. In WWII it endured 4 years of Nazi occupation. Since the war it has been a founder-member of NATO and has become a prosperous member of the EU.
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The republic of Nieuw-Zeeland

The beginning of our realm on the Amazon consisted of a fortified trading-post opposite the mouth of the Rio Xingu first founded in 1607, that came to be the city of Prins Mauritsstad. The fledgling colony was in its first twenty years under repeated heavy attack from the Portuguese until these were finally dislodged from their stronghold of Belem at the mouth of the Rio Tocantins in 1624. [In OTL it was of course the other way round. The Zeelanders concentrated on Essequibo, Berbice and Demerarij, now in Guyana] The tough merchants from Zeeland who financed this enterprise also had to see off English interlopers before they could enjoy the trade of the greatest river of South America. Crucially the Portuguese were the second quarter of the 17C preoccupied by our conquest of Northeast Brazil, which gave the colony of Nieuw-Zeeland the chance to grow and develop.
By 1700 the colony counted ca.15.000 whites and mestizos, while epidemics had reduced the native population to some 200.000. The economy was based on the export of forest products, principally sarsaparilla, although there were some sugar plantations in the neighbourhood of Mauritsstad. Rice and water buffalos were intriduced. The import of African slaves was limited, most of the colony's slave population being the product of raids on hostile Native tribes. The colony's territory extended a considerable distance beyond the junction of the Amazon, Madeira and Rio Negro, where it came upon the first Spanish missions, with which there were frequent clashes. During the War of the Spanish Succession the frontier shifted considerably upstream.
During the 18C the non-Native (mostly mestizo) population rose to 250.000, now outnumbering remaining Native Americans. The Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars saw the colony occupied by the British, but they gave it back after Waterloo. The British did however push the frontier with Spain yet further upstream. There followed the great days of the Rubber Boom, during which hundreds of thousands of coolies were brought in from Java and British India to make the rubberbarons' fortunes and rubbertappers pushed our borders close to the Andes. The Peruvians were at first disagreeable but a brief naval war (18901-1893) changed their tune.
But the Rubber Boom did not last. Impoverishment characterized the 20C. In 1964 the country was granted independence. It now has 5.1 million inhabitants. The economy is still largely dependent on forest products and agriculture. Attempts to foster manufacturing have had indifferent results but there are high hopes of tourism.
The kingdom of Bohai

This started with a disgruntled prince of the Jin dynasty called Mengde who, because of his scandalous realtionship with his sister was banished as governor to one of the farthest provinces of the empire, Bohai [centered on what today is Vladivostok]. Shortly after Chinggis Khan started his campaigns against the empire. The disgruntled prince offered alliance and submission, which was accepted. Many refugees thereupon flocked to the new kingdom fleeing the Mongols' devastating campaigns [in OTL they wiped out agriculture in the region for the next 700 years]. Mengde and his successors were faithful Mongol vassals till the demise of the Yuan. A period of independence was followed by vassalship to Korea. This was terminated by Bohai's support for Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasion of Korea, the failure of which left Bohai on its own again, only to be incorporated in the growing Manchu empire. The kingdom was forcibly opened to outside commerce in 1871 by a Russian fleet. Following the fall of the Manchu's Bohai found itself under Russian overlordship, which changed to Japanese in the wake of the latter's intervention in the Russian Civil War.
The kingdom came to an end with the Russian invasion of 1945 and its conversion to a Sovjet-republic.
Nowadays the country is a struggling ex-sovjet republic of 11.8 million people, 95% Manchu-speaking.

Grey Wolf

JHPier said:
The kingdom of Bohai

This started with a disgruntled prince of the Jin dynasty called Mengde who, because of his scandalous realtionship with his sister was banished as governor to one of the farthest provinces of the empire, Bohai [centered on what today is Vladivostok]. Shortly after Chinggis Khan started his campaigns against the empire. The disgruntled prince offered alliance and submission, which was accepted. Many refugees thereupon flocked to the new kingdom fleeing the Mongols' devastating campaigns [in OTL they wiped out agriculture in the region for the next 700 years]. Mengde and his successors were faithful Mongol vassals till the demise of the Yuan. A period of independence was followed by vassalship to Korea. This was terminated by Bohai's support for Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasion of Korea, the failure of which left Bohai on its own again, only to be incorporated in the growing Manchu empire. The kingdom was forcibly opened to outside commerce in 1871 by a Russian fleet. Following the fall of the Manchu's Bohai found itself under Russian overlordship, which changed to Japanese in the wake of the latter's intervention in the Russian Civil War.
The kingdom came to an end with the Russian invasion of 1945 and its conversion to a Sovjet-republic.
Nowadays the country is a struggling ex-sovjet republic of 11.8 million people, 95% Manchu-speaking.

I like this, this is very imaginative and well realised

Grey Wolf


Grossbayern, or how the mouse thrashed the dog and ate the cat.

It is late October 1813 and Napoleon and the Grande Armee is on the retreat through Germany after the defeat at Leipzig. At Hanau near Frankfurt am Main the head of the long collumn is stopped by 45.000 Bavarian and Austrian troops under the Bavarian General Wrede waiting outside the Lambois forrest. Napoleon himself rides forward to get an impression of the situation. After watching for some minuttes from the forrest edge he says: “I made Wrede a Count, but.....” and then he suddenly drops over hit by a stray Bavarian bullet in the forehead. The rumour instantly spreads “the Emperor is dead!” and panic follows. The Marshalls all want to be the one that saves the day and in that process waste the remaining cream of the Grande Armee in uncoordinated attacks against the pale plue and white line. As the last battalions of the Old Guard are wiped out by Austro-Bavarian grapeshot the Grande Armee simply dissolves, and the next couple of days is one long combination of massacres and mass surrenders as the head-less columns enters Wrede’s meat grinder.

Soon all Germany knows: “The Tyrant is finally dead and the Liberator is Wrede!” but Wrede do not rest on the laurels. In a few days all the neighboring principalities recieve envoys informing them about the vincinity of Bavarian troops and the good idea in joning now a Bavarian lead South German League. They are all bled pale by decades of war and the popular sentiment is certainly for the Bavarians. Only a few intelectuals have higher ideas about a Prussian led pan-germanism. Wienna isn’t asked and although somewhat nervous about the independently acting Wrede, Metternich sees him as a useful instrument against the Prussians and Russians. So before any Prussian or Russian soldier have reached the Rhine a peace agreement is dictated to France pushing back the borders to pre-revolutionary time and restoring the Bourbons, but letting the Napoleonic nobility keep their titles and loot. The British are happy about getting rid of “ol’ boney” but the Prussians and Russians feel like having had their candy stolen, and at the moment they really can’t do anything, especially as the British subsidies stopped as they got the news of the hole in Napoleon’s forehead.

In Wienna and London the moode is complacent, but in Moscow, Berlin and Munich they each plan how to expand. In Moscow Alexander sees himself as Christ vs. 2.0 and expects the Prussians to be his prophets. The Prussian King is hesitating to throw his country into another war but the Queen is effective.

By 1825 the situation is tense and over some tedious detail Prussia and Russia declares war on the South German League. But before the Russian troops can unite with the Prussians the Bavarians strike first and decisively defeat the Prussians in the famous battle in the parks around FrederickGreat’s old castle and grave at Sans Souci on 30th of Ocotober 1825 (I know it is an extra humiliation ofthe Prussians, but I feel evil today). Next the Bavarians wisely retreat before the huge Russian army approaching from the East, but the Russian army now experiences a new 1812 campaign – the French way. The constant rain and wind and temperatures around zero degree Celsius plus the always raiding Streifkorps take a heavy toll. The Russians soldiers complain that had it at least been freezing they would know how to cope, but this windy and wet climate is worse than anything they have experienced before. By December the Russian Army is down to a fraction of its original strength and have so far only dealt out blows into blue air. Then the shock suddenly strikes – Alexander dies – and back home in Moscow the new zar is powerless with the army and the guard suffering in Germany and circles among the higher nobility use the opportunity to take power and Russia is drawn into isolationism. All this things brings trouble elsewhere too. The Swedes had been uncautious enough to openly support the Prussian and Russians (paying back for getting Norway in 1813), but the incapacitation of both Russia and Prussia suddenly leaves Sweden alone. Revolt is soon in full outrage in Norway and a Danish army is landed in southern Sweden. Pressed from two sides the Swedes are soon in full retreat, but in Copenhagen a British “we are not amused!” signal is received. The British can in no way accept that one power again controls the Baltic approaches and there is nothing the Bavarians can or will do to help against the Royal Navy. But at the peace congress in Nuremberg the next year the King of Denmark is allowed to propperly annex the Duchies of Slesvig and Holsten into the Kingdom, and the King also gets sovereignty of Hamburg, Oldenburg, and Pommerania, but as a Duke in the loose but Bavarian led German Federation. Norway gains full independence and in Finland the long bloody road to independence in 1878 is started. Prussia is reduced to something like before Frederick the Great, even a small Poland is allowed with hesitating Austrian support.

Complacency is now prevalent in Bavaria, but concerns are growing in Vienna – in Paris the Bourbon King is fighting to be taken serious as a real King. The Austrians change from anxious to mad when they in 1848 learn about apparent Bavarian support behind Italian rebels, but this time the Austrians will strike first and sends an army into Bavaria and one into Northern Italy. Now the French are ready again however and soon enter Italy from the west and next Hungary is in rebellion. In Germany there is widespread dissatisfaction with the rather conservative (and Catholic) Bavarian hegemony, but nobody really can see the point in rebelling against the Bavarians if that only brings the Austrians. So all in all the Bavarians are allowed relative peace and quiet to assemble their own army and the federation forces to strike back. In Vienna the Emperor Ferdinand is forced to abdicate and as the new young Emperor Frans Joseph is killed while heading a valiant but foolhearted cavaly charge the Habsburg monarchy quickly disintegrates. Bavaria gets Austria itself and Bohemia and Moravia, while a number of French puppets are created in N. Italy. An independent Hungary is created taking all the remaining apart from that taken by the new Polish-Saxon alliance (Galicia and Silesia). The Poles and Saxons next turn on the isolationist Russia and soon carves out most of Ukraine, Belorus and Lithunaia. In the north there is wide spread rebellion amongst Germans against the Danish rule, but absent of outside support the rebels are defeated in a very bloody three year war where a lot of Scandinavian volunteers take part on Danish side. The war soon evolves into one big organised hate crime, but especially the well organised ruthlessness of the Danish troops awakes disgust around the world. In UK there is a widespread wish for supporting the peace and freedom loving Germans, but as the Germans in Hanover are not that happy about British rule either, support never exceeds empty words and some warm clothes.

In France one of Napoleons decendants now shows up and eventually claims to be Napoleon III – and, as usual, hears from his minister of war that the army is ready down to the last gaiter button – so war is declared on the German Federation – which is lost – as usual, but this time the opponent of the French also utilise the opportunity to subdue the Italians. So the scenery is unforgettable as the flamboyant (and raving mad) Ludwig of Bavaria is crowned Emperor of Rome at Versailles. The next couple of decades are know as a golden age with Ludwig building fairytale castles and supporting all kinds of culture everywhere. When France and UK by early 20th century finally had found together against the Roman Empire it was too late and the French could not resist the pressure from both the east and the south east. It had been hoped that the Saxons and Poles could have pressed the Romans from the east, but they were already heavily engaged in a fight with the cruel and barbarian Scandinavian Union over the Baltic areas. And the Hungarians were as usual bussy carving out lumps of the Ottoman Empire.

After the victory in the Christmas War (called so because it ended on Christmas day in 1914) there followed some happy decades with increasing wealth and poltical and social reforms, although the fascists in France and Spain had to be taught a lesson in the late 30’s. But all in all the Roman Empire with a Wittelsbach as the Constitutional Monarch was happy with doing business and having a good time.

The British tried to forget about Europe (giving up Hanover in 1915) and focused on the Empire. That worked OK, and the world had three major powers – The Roman Empire and vassals on the European continent, the British Commonwealth in GB, Africa and Asia and USA in the Americas and the Pacific Region. Brazil’s ambitions had collapsed with the rubber market but Japan was a rising power and the Roman Empires need for oil had kept the Ottoman rule over the Mid East survive in order to keep the British out. The colonies of the Roman vassals remainded under formal rule of the vassals, that saved the usually socialdemocratic governments in Munich of a moral problem, but secured a lot of overseas commodities. The Japanese got overconfident in the 1940’s and were told the consequences by the old powers. Pretty much the same happened to the Ottomans in the late 20th century, but by that time oil wasn’t that importnant a source of energy anylonger.

In 2005 King Kim of Korea announced that his scientiest had successfully tested the old theories about plutonium being extremely explosive if an uncontrolled fission could be initiated. All around the world governments asked for reports on how much plutonium was on stock in the numerous civilian reactors...


Steffen Redbeard
The empire of Ahmad Gragn

In 1526 an ambitious soldier, Ahmad ibn Ibrahim, called Gragn, the Left-Handed, by Christian Ethiopians, made Harar his power base, killing the previous ruler & assumed title of imam (in this context meaning the chosen one, i.e. the leader of the jihad), then, supplied with firearms by the Ottomans, set about the conquest of Ethiopia.
In 1529 his forces inflicted a major defeat on Lebna Dengel, the Christian emperor and by 1535 Muslim troops had overrun almost all of Christian Ethiopia and the emperor had been reduced to a fugitive in what had once been his own kingdom. In 1541 Ahmad destroyed a small Portuguese expedition of 200 men, [In OTL, this expedition of 400 well-armed men managed to fight its way through to the remnant Ethiopian Christian resistance and in 1543 defeat and kill Ahmad in battle. Without his charismatic leadership Muslim forces collapsed and the Christian empire was restored.] and by the 1550's Christian resistance was crushed. In the course of the next century most Christians converted to Islam, reducing Christians to a despised minority of ca.10% carrying out those crafts ordinary Ethiopians felt themselves too good for.
Ahmad's sons and grandsons proved unable to keep the empire together. The empire fell apart in provincial amirates in their civil war and the pagan Oromo were able to overwhelm the southern parts of the empire. By the 17C Oromo slave soldiers (or Janissaries) were the core of the armies of the successor amirates, and one of them in 1715 deposed the last amir of Ahmad's line.
The country remained disunited until first an army sent by the Mahdist caliph (1887) and shortly after the Italians put paid to their existence.
The Free Republic of America:

During the 1990s, the United States experienced a profound decline in political stability as the federal government grappled for control with various militant far right groups. Starting around 1992, a sizable assortment of far right groups, many vehemently opposed to the government and its policies arose. At first, these groups really didn't have much of an active following, but there were many people who joined the movement after what was perceived as government oppresion occured when the US Government went after several far-right groups. These actions were widely perceived as not having been executed for valid reasons, the government attacking militia groups not because of legal violations on the part of the militia groups (there were actually valid legal violations on their part; a number of white supremacist groups conducted drug and firearms smuggling) but rather due to ideological disagreements with said groups. The tensions between the government and far rights groups steadily rose, until it finally boiled over in 1993, during the government's siege of the Branch Davidians, holed up in Waco. As the government forces began to move in, a number of militiamen appeared on the scene, attacking the FBI. At the same time, various terrorist groups began a campaign of terrorist attacks on the federal government, and sizable numbers of members of far right groups rose in revolt, proclaiming the Free Republic of America. This was not a wise move on their part...national opinion was galvanized against them. The short lived Free Republic of America was crushed like an overripe apricot and completely destroyed.


PaleHorseRiding said:
One question for Xen why would greece go for independace from an Empire it Controled.

Man this timeline is well over a year old and was my first venture into mideval times. Before this timeline my limits of knowing the Byzantine Empire was it once was called Romania, therefore I wrongly thought Romania was the last surviving remnant of the old Byzantine Empire. Eh live and learn, I know much more about the Byzantines now, and know they were Greek not Romanian. Before attempting this I concentrated only on history from the American Revolution up. So what can I do? Cant change my ignorance from the past
some years ago ....

Some years ago ..... i have heared about a virtually union french-germany :
Framania and this had inspired me these:

Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania aren't Slavic.. Latvia and Lithuania are, I believe, Baltic, while Estonians are a Finnic ethnic group (I may be wrong, though.)

And Moldova is a Romanian ethnicity.. If it's going to join any country, it would be Romania. Of course, Transnistria is another story.
Some more questions:
- Why didn't Denmark join Scandinavia?
- Why is Scandinavia a Republic? I don't see Sweden or Norway abolishing their monarchies..