A Map Thread

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Diamond said:
Here's the world of the Sumaeteran Empire, one of the nations I made for Practice ME:
Pretty nice; seems like Norway has done pretty well for itself… hey, is the Michigan/Wisconsin/Illinois/Ohio region unclaimed, or what?


Hermanubis said:
hey, is the Michigan/Wisconsin/Illinois/Ohio region unclaimed, or what?
No, it's an indigenous kingdom. In this TL, Chinese traders brought Eurasian plagues to the Americas in the 1300s, allowing the natives time to build up some resistance before colonization really got into full swing.
Diamond said:
No, it's an indigenous kingdom. In this TL, Chinese traders brought Eurasian plagues to the Americas in the 1300s, allowing the natives time to build up some resistance before colonization really got into full swing.
Ah, ok… how are they compared to the colonial powers, btw?


Thanks to the squabbling and wars and one-upsmanship between the colonial powers (China, Asturias, Gaul, Norvay, Mercia), there are quite a few fairly powerful native american states, who've benefited from Eurasian technology. The Plains Indians in this TL are heavily Buddhist-influenced and are starting to become sedentary rather than semi-nomadic; within two or three generations you'll start to see kingdoms forming on the Great Plains. In the south, the Tenochca and Inca are going through serious civil and religious crises, but if they can survive, they'll be all the stronger for it.
A Napoleonic Empire map

This is a map that a cooked up. I don't have a detailed timeline but the POD is that Kutuzov persuades the Tsar and Austrian Emperor to avoid battle with Napoleon at Austerlitz. Prussia joins the 3rd Coalition against Napoleon in early 1806, and Napoleon is unable to decisively defeat all 3 powers at once. He makes peace with them, and with Britain about a year later. He decides that Britain is the greatest enemy, and begins a program to build up France's navy, industry, and colonies to compete with Britain. The 19th century that follows is a long colonial and naval rivalry between Britain and France. Ironically, Russia and France end up as (sort of) allies because of their common rivalry with Britain.

With most of Germany and Italy still divided up between small states that are dominated by France, there is no successful unification movement in either country. Prussia and Austria remain major powers, but Austria survives nationalist pressures by decentralizing into a more federal structure in the late 19th century.

The Ottoman Empire is friendly with Britain, but has lost quite a bit of territory in the Balkans to Russia. Egypt is still nominally part of the Ottoman Empire, but is virtually a separate state that is dominated by France.

China is nominally independent but is totally divided between Russian, British, and French spheres of influence. Japan was forced open by the western powers a little earlier, but failed to modernize. It too is nominally independent, but divided into Russian and French spheres of influence.

The French established bases in western Australia around 1820. The British were outraged, but not prepared to go to war over the issue. Australia ended up split between the British and French

The US gets more territory from Mexico but settles for the Columbia river as the boundary in the northwest. The US Civil war occurs in the late 1850s instead of the early 1860s. The Confederacy establishes its independence with French aid, while Britain remains neutral. The Confederacy is still friendly to France, while the US has grown closer to Britain.

Napoleonic World 1900.GIF


This is a map, perhaps, of the future of the Mediterranean in Answers for Milinda. White areas are not civilized enough to be considered states.

gaul united.gif


B_Munro said:
Hey Diamond - map of the Sumatrean world 2005? Pretty please?


P.S. - great work on the maps!
Sorry; TL doesn't go past 1800. Maybe someday I'll flesh it out and post it, but its basically just random thoughts and notes right now.
Paul Spring

When I first saw your Napoleonic map, before reading the accompanying text, I thought that somehow Prussia had conquered Egypt :rolleyes:
Here is a map from midgardmetal's "ATL Dark Age" TL. Note: this map is from a failed attempt at what happens after the end of the world so....

Everything yellow is either contaiminated or "Don't Go Here"

Wendell said:
What causes Japan's advances?
Well, pretty much they get out of the analogue- Sengoku (Which ends much sooner) looking for Imperialism, and don’t get Isolationist, and China stays pretty weak (Due to The Mongol Russia)
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