2010 US Presidential Election

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Sunday March 6th 2011

Carter "I am ready, we are ready, the people are ready" as he demands a General election

Andrew Carter speaking on the last day of the Conservative Spring Conference in Nottingham called on Prime-Minister Green to call a General election claiming that he ,his party are the british people where ready for a Conservative Government.

He also attacked the Prime-Minister who has accused him of not wanting to talk about policy "I want to talk policy, I want to talk about this failed economy, why we have rising taxes, why we have rising crime, failed schools, why families are struggling to make ends meat. If the Prime-minister wants to discuss these issues, then name the time and place and I will be there".

He said "any election would be a hard fight, because the Prime-Minister would do or say anything to hang onto power".

Andrew Carter was introduced onto the stage by the MP for Nottingham East, Ian Elliott who had defected from Labour to the Conservatives last month.
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politico.com, Sunday March 6th

Singer Making Little Impact On South Carolina Race

Many observers had predicted that incumbent Governor Christine Jackson would be in trouble with the entry into the race of former White House Chief of Staff Nate Singer, but the first raft of polls of the race suggest that Jackson is mounting a strong defense and holds a strong lead over Singer.

Jackson, who became Governor in 2007, has had a tough time governing a traditionally red state and has an approval rating of only 39%. That is not reflected amongst Democrats where she is more popular with a 58% approval.

Governor Jackson has hit Singer early in the campaign painting the four term Congressman as a “Washington insider”.

Singer has been a street fighting politician for many years so expect him to come out swinging sooner rather than later but for the moment Jackson is more than holding her own.

On the Republican side, the strength of the field backs the belief of the GOP that this is a huge pick-up opportunity. Lawton Barclay is yet to declare but seems to be leaning towards being in, former Congressman Brad Maxwell is already running and everyone is expecting Secretary of State Dean Maskell to announce that he’s in on Tuesday - all three look like top tier candidates.

Primaries for both parties are scheduled for late June.
realclearpolitics.com, Sunday March 6th

Primary Gubernatorial - 2011 Elections Polling

South Carolina


Jackson 47, Singer 36


Barclay 30, Maxwell 22, Maskell 18, Fox 11, Welton 8



Ellerby 54, Dolan 26, D’Albino 10


Hodder-Shaw 32, Matthews 30, Watts 24, Norris 5



Cartwright 23, Nicholls 15, Fasano 12, Dinning 11, Leonard 10, Wolfe 10



Martin 65, Keeley 21


Jobling 42, De Mario 20, Palmer 7



Mannix 42, Lawrence 40, Deans 6



Kay 31, Chang 25, Redford 17, Connell 14


Heffiner 41, Ryan 37, Donnelly 9
cnn.com, Sunday, March 6th, 2010.

US Ambassador to England Burgess Calls Green "Utter Moron;" Also States that "We Can't Wait for Carter to Be PM."

Caleb Burgess, the former Governor of Georgia and head of President GlenAllen Walken's transition team, recently appointed as the Ambassador to Great Britain, made a blunder after giving a speech on US-British relations at the US Embassy

The speech was attended by several high-ranking members of Parliament, the Foreign Ministry, and some staff from Prime Minister John Green's office, though the Prime Minister himself did not attend, nor did Foreign Minister Malcolm Cutter, who is currently in Palestine.

Burgess' speech was being televised, so the Ambassador was mic'ed up. After his speech, it appeared that the microphone was not turned off properly, and was still broadcasting onto the cameras, though not into the audience.. Burgess was speaking to a member of the US embassy staff, and said:

"God, I hate this crap! Talking about good relations with someone who isn't even going to be here in a few months. Green's an utter moron, everyone even in America knows that. We can't wait for Carter to be PM, have a real, effective leader in here that we can actually work with. What a joke."
The microphone was then cut off.

There has been no comment from either the US Embassy, Foreign Ministry or Walken Administration as of this moment.

Two presidents meet, former president Jimmy Carter and future President and then Governor Bartlett on a panel discussion in 1986 discussing the Democratic primary battle between D Wire Newman and Roland Pierce shortly before super tuesday. Bartlett supported Pierce and Former president Carter had just endorsed Newman which helped to put him over the top.

BTW, it looks like 1986 Republican VP candidate Jim Hohner was also on that episode. He really worked well across the aisle.

(And in 1986, Bartlet was a Congressman, not a Governor yet). Great picture.
Realclearpolitics.com, Monday March 7th

2011 Gubernatorial Primary Dates

South Carolina – June 21st

Mississippi – August 2nd

Vermont – August 23rd

Oklahoma – July 26th

Oregon – May 17th

Clarkson sees drop amongst liberal support

Yesterday, California gov. Kevin Clarkson announced that in an attempt to rid the state of deficit, he would drop the public option healthcare plan he so heavily campaigned on, and recently passed. A poll taken by the LA Times after the event has some telling numbers for the governor. While his overall approval rating recovered slightly, to 53%, his support amongst self-described liberals, has dropped from 76% past week, to 54% now. His support from independents has risen from 48% to 51%.

But for someone who has identified as a liberal for his entire political career, and whose support drove him to office - twice now - it must sting a little bit that their support is tapering off. Many believe that it's his decision to drop the very popular public option healthcare plan that he passed through the state legislature and had it's own approval rating around 58%. Now he must trended the budget fight, only this time without his left flank.

Texas: Prior has hidden deficit problems

Today, a month after giving his state of the state address, Governor Phil Prior announced that the state has accumulated over $13.5 billion in debt, more than 30% of the state's total budget. Only three other states - New Jersey, Illinois, and Nevada - are in worse shape. Even California with its current standoff between Governor Kevin Clarkson and the GOP minority in the state legislature, doesn't have as bad of problems as Texas, where spending levels are 22% of the budget.

But none of that is really the problem. The problem, especially for most Texans, is that Governor Prior lied. Big time. In his state of the state address, he frequently referred to Texas as the envy of the country, and cited the no state income tax as the primary reason why, but he also brought up the state's ever growing economy. And until today, many would have assumed he was right. Yet now it seems clear that he's in just of dire straits as Clarkson is in California. But there is one key difference. In Texas, democrats actually control one of the house of the legislature.

Senator Antonio Cruz is the majority leader for the democrats and is heading into the coming budget fight with just a few things on his mind. "I'm going to make sure that with the coming spending cuts, the burden falls on all Texans, not just the poor and impoverished. I strongly believe, and the senate version of the budget will reflect this, that their needs to be a slight tax increase on cap gains. It's one of the most logical ways I can see the state surviving, without cutting essential services."

The young state senator has become the democrats leader in opposition to Governor Prior and is seen as a rising star for the party. He will be attending the recently refurnished Governor's mansion tomorrow to meet with the Governor and Speaker, Roland Frost, on a compromise to figure out the budget.
Forgive my cultural ignorance here. I had to research about 90% of this, and I might've gotten some historical details wrong, and almost certainly the Arabic. I made sure not to call Pakistan a Middle Eastern country this time:

Saeb Mukarat

President Mukarat in Ankara (AP/2011)

Abū Hussam Ṣāʼib ‘Abd Muḥammad al-Bayt (أبو حسام ساب أبد محمد البيت) was born August 13, 1948 in the city of Jerusalem during the Arab-Israeli War. His father, Abdul Muhammad, was killed in the conflict and the family left for Transjordan as part of the 1948 Palestinian exodus.

Young Saeb was raised with family in Transjordan, where he was exposed to American culture, adopting the nickname of "muskrat", later arabicized to Mukarat. In 1963, his uncle Rahman al-Bayt payed to send Saeb to Turkey where he enrolled in the Middle East Technical University, majoring in biology. He graduated in 1969. Saeb attempted to enlist with Jordanian forces during the Six-Day War in 1967, but was unable to secure passage out of Turkey in time.

A young biologist, Saeb settled in Ankara, marrying a woman of modest means and working with the government on a Jordanian visa. He was working his way towards Turkish citizenship when he learned of his younger half-brother's death. Husam al-Bayt had been born in Transjordan but ran away to Israel as a teenager in 1965. He was killed by Israeli Defense Force soldiers in 1970.

Saeb, angered and saddened by his brother's death, moved to Israel later that year to work and help establish a Palestinian state. He joined with the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Although not a soldier, Saeb adopted his childhood nickname of 'Mukarat' as an alias and worked under junior minister Nizar Farad to help develop 'alternative' warfare techniques. Rumors of biological warfare developed by Saeb have been denied.

Saeb al-Bayt led a secret life as Mukarat for most of the 1970s and 1980s in Gaza. On the one hand, he held a respectable university position and raised a family of three children. But on the other, he was working directly under Yasser Arafat and Nizar Farad as one of the chief scientist's in the PLO employ. It was at this time that Saeb gained a reputation for ease at clandestine behavior and espionage activities. Farad's posthumously released letters referred to Mukarat as 'one of the best tools in our human intelligence program.' Saeb had worked closely with Israeli biologists during this time.

He was discovered to be Mukarat in 1989 and imprisoned for a year before being released among a group of several dozen other PLO prisoners during negotiations with the United States. In the interim, his family had been taken care of by the PLO and he was given a hero's welcome, adopting the name 'Saeb Mukarat' in common style. Mukarat joined the Palestinian National Council and started moving towards a more moderate approach to politics. Although a senior member of Fatah, Mukarat kept himself outside of Arafat's inner circle. He was elected by a large margin in 1995 when the Palestinian Legislative Council was founded.

By the late '90s, Mukarat was seen as the leader of the moderates within the Fatah Party. Following Arafat's death in 2000, Mukarat surprised many by supporting hardliner Nizar Farad for Chairmanship of the PLO and Presidency of the Palestinian Authority. In 2003, he was elected Prime Minister as an alternative to Farad in negotiations, although he had moved towards the left in his speeches, accepting Farad's views on being completely anti-Israel.

Following the 2005 terrorist attack that killed US Congressmen Daniel DeSantos and Thomas Korb, Mukarat used PLO agents to contact the White House to negotiate a new peace treaty with Israel without Chairman Farad's presence. Whether this was legitimate and Farad found out, or it was all a ruse by Farad and Mukarat to get America and Israel to the table (who otherwise would not negotiate with former terrorist Farad) is unknown, but Farad prematurely made the announcement of the talks, forcing the 2005 Camp David Accords to take place.

As Prime Minister, Mukarat attended the Camp David Accords, and made impassioned pleas towards a middle ground, often being seen as the driving force to move Farad towards accepting some otherwise unacceptable ideas. He has been praised for his flexibility at Camp David by both Toby Ziegler and Kate Harper in recent books.

Mukarat, strongly anti-Hamas, helped with wording that outlawed the party in Palestine. This would lead to a backlash involving Chairman Farad's assassination, and continued escalation against UN peacekeepers, that erupted in what is referred to as the "Gaza War". Following a 60 day period after Farad's death, Mukarat was elected President of the Palestinian Authority and Chairman of the PLO on October 17, 2006.

Mukarat's term in office was mostly dealing with ramifications from the Camp David Accords and the onslaught of the Gaza War. The third President of the PA, Mukarat was the first without a strong terrorist past, and was more accepted by Israeli authorities, despite his previous imprisonment and suspicions of biological warfare involvement. He survived numerous assassination attempts on himself and had his family moved to Turkey for the duration of the War.

He recently was heavily involved in the Ankara Agreement at the behest of US Secretary of State Arnold Vinick and finally agreed to the movement of the Palestinian capital from East Jerusalem to Ramallah. He is currently working with US diplomat Lawrence Lessig on developing a Palestinian Consititution and has announced his plan to run for President in the June elections.


Jackson: "Singer is an elitist idiot."

Governor Chrstine Jackson of South Carolina is locked in a tough primary battle against former congressman and white house chief of staff Nate Singer. While she still leads by about 9 points in against Singer, his rapid rise in polls (when he declared two months ago, he was sitting at 20%, now he is anywhere between 35-40%), coupled with her continued low approval ratings (39% at last check), the Jackson camp has got some problems brewing.

Today, she launched her first primary ad in which she claims Singer is "an elitist idiot, who knows nothing about the strife facing South Carolinans." The first debate between the two is scheduled for Thursday, March 23rd at University of South Carolina in Charleston. For Singer, the problem is certainly no money, most at the DNC, even Josh Lyman, believe that he has a better shot of holding the seat than Jackson. The problem is ideology. Both him and Jackson are open blue dogs, and moving to the left in South Carolina has only worked once, and that was in 2006. This is likely to be one of the most gruesome and bloody primary contests of the season.

Thursday March 10th 2011

Government loses vote on Post Office Bill-Rumours of Opposition tabling "Vote of No Confidence"

The Government may have felt that it had survived but tonight it lost a vote on a Bill on changes within the Post Office.

The Goverment whips had been very hopeful of winning, with many Conservatives not around to vote. But when the vote came the Government was defeated, with it looks like 15 rebels voting with the Opposition and 18 more abstaining.

Many Westminster insiders reckon the Conservative tactics to that of the Famous "sit-in" vote in the US Congress five years ago, when Democratic members hid away and pretended not to be around for a vote.

The rumours tonight in around Westminster is that the Opposition are preparing a formal Vote of No Confidence in the Government. The Governments majority is 2, and one of those is the MP Guy Royston who is in hospital dying of Stomach cancer.

Friday March 11th 2011

Breaking News Breaking News Breaking News

Oppostion tables "Vote of No Confidence" Speaker confirms Vote to be held on Tuesday.

After an early morning meeting Conservative leader Andrew carter and Liberal Democract Richard Corbett, as well as telephone calls with the Leaders of various nationalist Parties, the opposition has formally tabled a motion of "No Confidence" in the Government.

Speaker Richard Ryder, announced a few minutes ago that the vote will be held on Tuesday.

Andrew Carter told the press "now is the time to end this shambles of a Government, we need a General election. I argue all Labour members of the House, to ask themselves "do you really want this mess to carry on for another year?"

The Prime-Minister has yet to make a statement, but Deputy Prime-Minister Peter Kennedy attacked the motion "typical poltical action. This country needs governing that is what we are doing. We can serve for five years, now this un-holly alliiance is going against the will of the people".

Klein-Kershaw Act passes house, heads to senate

The popular Consumer Protection Act, proposed by congressman Jacob Klein and senator Nicole Kershaw, passed through the house with soaring colors. All 230 democrats voted for the measure, and four republicans joined them. Riley Church, Charles Widen, Robert McCallister, and Brian Wayne all voted against party lines and joined the democrats - something worth noting? Both Church and Widen are part of the house GOP leadership.

"It's important that we don't become seen as the party of the wealthy and elite, that's the quickest way to see ourselves thrown out of power and into the political doghouse. I wish more in my party could see that all this bill does, is help people," Church said. "This is a great step for the American people. It is the governments job to ensure that never again will the bad bets of wall street destroy - quite literally - main street. We must protect our people."

The bill will now head to the senate, where many expect it will be shot down by the republican majority. Even with senate majority leader Robert Royce supporting it, it's unlikely to pass, with 60 votes needed to pass without filibuster. Which would require 18 republican senators to join the democrats.
thestate.com, Friday, March 11th, 2010.

Congressman McCord Endorses Singer in Governor's Race; Calls Him "A Good Friend and Superb Leader."

Former White House Chief of Staff and Congressman Nate Singer got a big boost in his chances at the Governor's Office today, as he was endorsed by Congressman Sam McCord, Singer's successor in the 5th District, and younger brother of South Carolina junior Senator Tim McCord.

Appearing with Singer at a rally in Lancaster on a brisk day, McCord gave a sterling endorsement of his predecessor, stating "I'm proud to call Nate Singer a good friend. But that's not why I am endorsing him. I'm endorsing Nate Singer because I believe that he will be the best Governor for the state of South Carolina. I'm endorsing Nate Singer because he has the vision to lead our great state, to continue to advance our education policies, to reform health care and push for a healthier state, to balance our budget in a fair and equitable manner, to ensure that our state is a leader in restoring jobs, leading the way in energy independence, and expanding our light rail and other alternative transportation services."

McCord succeeded Singer in a special election following Singer's appointment as Chief of Staff in June 2009. A former Major in the Marine Corps., McCord was serving as State Senator when he announced his run for Singer's seat. He was elected to a full term in the general election, defeating former State Comptroller Devon Bell by 54% of the vote.

McCord continued: "Nate has been working to better his country and his state all of his life. As a lawyer, then as a city councilman, Congressman, and finally, White House Chief of Staff. Through all of that, he has continued to call Rock Hill home, and he has never lost sight of serving the people. He will bring that same focus to the Governor's Mansion."

McCord did not take questions after his endorsement, and did not offer a reason as to why he was endorsing Singer over Democratic incumbent Governor Christie Jackson. His brother Tim McCord has indicated that he will remain neutral until after the primary, which is to be held on June 21st.
theoregonian.com, Saturday, March 12th, 2010.

New Poll of Primary Voters Gives Chang Narrow Lead, Opponents Make Minor Gains on Ryan.

A new poll of likely primary voters conducted by The Oregonian gives good news to Congressmen Paul Chang and Curtis Ryan, both of whom are running for Governor.

Likely Democratic primary voters, many of whom tend to be more liberal, rated Chang higher than his main opponent, Portland Mayor Steven Kay. With the question being, "If an election was held today, who would you choose?" 31% of voters chose Chang, with 29% choosing Kay. Candidates Cliff Connell and Paula Redford each received 18% of the vote, with the other 11% going to minor candidates. Chang's voting support has been bolstered by younger voters, as he's been touting his connections to the Youth in Revolt movement, as well as promising to work to lower education costs.

On the Republican side, Congressman Curtis Ryan lost some support, as his fumbling of a question on gay marriage cost him support, as 42% of likely voters said that they would vote for him. The two announced candidates, Lewis Abernathy and Rebecca Wilder, gained 5% each, with Abernathy being bounced to 14%, and Wilder to 10%. The other 44% was either distributed to other candidates, or former Congressman John Heffinger, who has not announced if he is running.

The primary will be held on May 17th.

Prior: "All special elections to be held on April 18th," Chavez to run for 25th

Texas Governor Phil Prior, currently seeing his approval ratings plummet into the low 40s due to keeping the states deep debt problems secret until last week, through the election in November, announced yesterday that the three special elections to fill congressional seats, will be held on Monday, April 18th. While the other two seats still have no contenders, Austin mayor Diego Chavez announced this morning he would be seeking the seat of the recently deceased William Mulder.

Chavez is a staunch support of the Youth in Revolt, speaking at nearly all of their rallies in Texas (many of which have been hosted in his home city), in direct contrast to Mulder, who was an old-school Texas democrat. However, the district is very liberal (based in Austin) and barring another candidate running for the democratic nomination, Chavez should have a cakewalk.
townhall.com, Saturday March 12th

Matthews/ Hodder-Shaw Clash As GOP Primary Turns Bitter

With the high Republican leaning of the state of Mississippi it’s widely expected that the GOP primary will determine the next Governor of the State.

Up until this point the three way battle between Katie Hodder-Shaw, the daughter of former Governor Stephen Hodder, Kim Matthews and businessman Jonas Watts has been fairly civil but exploded into life today (Saturday) after Matthews accused Hodder-Shaw of using her contacts to run for office and that having spent most of her life outside the state gave her little understanding of the challenges it faces.

State Attorney General Matthews held a press conference outside his home and said “Ms. Hodder-Shaw has spent most of her life living in Virginia, and returned here out of political expedience - how can that give her the understanding of what this state faces.”

Hodder-Shaw fired back quickly saying that she had “spent the a lot of time in the state as a child and has had a residence there for ten years. I have a great affinity with this state.”
politico.com, Saturday March 12th

Clarkson Struggling To Rediscover His Rhythm

California Governor Kevin Clarkson was under fire again tonight after a former aide suggested that he was “not interested in solving the state’s financial crisis”.

Tim Palmer, who worked on Clarkson’s first election campaign told the Sacramento Bee that the Governor’s strategy was designed for much higher goals than maintaining his popularity in his state.

“Clarkson was developing a strategy to run for President since his second year as Governor, what you’ve been seeing since his re-election is his attempt to establish himself as the figurehead of the liberal wing of the party - he believes that (former Vice-President Wendell) Tripplehorn, (former Vice-President Robert) Russell and (Wisconsin Governor Mark) Katzenmoyer would all be running on more centrist, moderate tickets and feels he can carve out a route to the nomination by opposing them.”

Governor Clarkson was already facing strong criticism for canceling a meeting with state Republicans to attend a Democratic fundraiser in New Hampshire - a key early state in future Presidential primaries.
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