what if

  1. CrashBandicam

    WI: No PlayStation?

    So, what if Sony never entered the console market with the PlayStation, or just didn't bother with the idea of a game console at all, thus leaving Nintendo to compete with only Sega in the console wars? How would that happen? How would a Nintendo vs. Sega console war play out without Sony? Would...
  2. CrashBandicam

    WI: Nintendo-Sony-Philips SNES-CD?

    (This is a revisit of a old thread that I made a year ago. Click here to see the old thread: https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/wi-nintendo-sony-philips-partnership.520368/) So, what if the SNES-CD was made by both Nintendo, Sony AND Philips? How would that happen? How would that...
  3. WI: Czech Corridor Established After WWII

    The Czech Corridor was a proposal that was brought up after WWI to connect Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia together. It didn't make it far and was ultimately rejected. But let's say the idea is brought back up after WWII. Hoping to find a good excuse to punish the Austrians and Hungarians for...
  4. SunZi

    WI: The Gowrie Conspiracy succeeded ?

    The adult life of James VI and I was punctuated by plots against his person (assassinations or kidnappings) which all failed, most chronologies take the Gunpowder Plot as POD but none deal with the Gowrie Conspiracy, from the 5 August 1600, last plot against the King of Scotland before his...
  5. What if the Hays Code as we know it never came to be?

    There was a surprising amount of creative freedom in late 1920s and early 1930s Hollywood. While the content itself is mostly rather tame by today's standards, it can still be surprising to see Golden Age movies with that sort of thing. To give a few examples, Little Caesar is about a gangster...
  6. WI: Tito Partitions Bosnia Between Croatia and Serbia?

    After WWII and after Tito and his party take power in Yugoslavia, let’s say he decides to split up Bosnia and Herzegovina between Croatia and Serbia with much of the Muslims going into the Serbian part of it. He does this as a way to placate both the Serbs and Croats since he fears that a...
  7. WI: Single fourth generation US fighter

    What if the US defence department seeing the benefits in procurement, maintenance, training etc of the Phantom being used by all branches mandated that the USN & USAF have to share its replacement airframe. What would end up being used; what affect would this have on the procurement of other...
  8. DarkoRatic

    RSFSR with real Autonomy

    For example, since the RSFSR in our timeline had no anthem nor a branch party of the CPSU and KGB of its own, and most of the institutions were under direct control of the central state of the USSR, what if Khrushchev or Brezhnev had introduced them, would it have influenced the course of USSR...
  9. CrashBandicam

    WI: Earlier Nintendo-Philips partnership?

    So I'm sure that some of you have heard of the SNES-CD by now. It was going to be a collaboration between Nintendo and Sony, with Sony making a all-in-one hybrid console called the PlayStation, until Nintendo dropped Sony out of the project, and instead went with Philips to make the add-on...
  10. CrashBandicam

    WI: Non-video game characters in Super Smash Bros.?

    So, what if at a certain point into the Super Smash Bros. franchise, Masahiro Sakurai decides to pull the "Game characters only" rule and lets characters from all kinds of pop culture (ranging from TV to movies to comics and whatnot) in Smash? How would that happen? I mean, I could see...
  11. M1ngo

    Redrawing Borders for the US PNW States

    So what if back when the borders of the Pacific Northwestern states, Washington, Oregon and Idaho, were being drawn, instead of the Columbia River for the most part deciding the borders it was the Cascades? How would this come about? What would the POD be? I just love the idea of Western...
  12. KuboCaskett

    WI: Real Life Spectre-Cobra like organization?

    Recent news about proxy groups this and proxy groups (especially ones involving Iran) got me thinking about how would a fictional organization on par with the likes of Spectre of James Bond and Cobra of GI Joe in fiction function in reality? Sure, one can point to the example of Wagner Group...
  13. Asukai15

    WI - President McGovern

    The loss of presidential candidate George Stanley McGovern to incumbent President Richard Milhous Nixon during the 1972 United States presidential election remains one of the most embarrassing defeats of any presidential candidate to this date, and the margin of victory for President Nixon was...
  14. What if marijuana never got criminalized?

    Marijuana, a drug derived from the cannabis plant, has a long and complicated history. While there had been anti-marijuana legislation before the 20th century, it was generally isolated cases. That changed in the 1920s, when opposition to marijuana began to snowball worldwide. In 1961, the...
  15. CrashBandicam

    WI: Nintendo partnered with Panasonic on the SNES-CD

    As you may know, Nintendo was going to team up with Sony on a CD-ROM add-on for the Super NES, as well as a hybrid console named the PlayStation. However, the partnership would have granted Sony more creative control, which Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi began to grow wary of, and deemed...
  16. What if Napoleon had a son by Joséphine?

    Napoleon's first wife was a woman known to posterity as Joséphine Bonaparte or Joséphine de Beauharnais. When he had himself crowned Emperor of the French in 1804, she became his empress. However, because they never had children, Napoleon had their marriage annulled and married Marie Louise of...
  17. What if the An Lushan Rebellion never happened?

    The early days of the Tang dynasty were a true high point in Chinese history. It extended its control further west than any previous Chinese dynasty, its law code would form the model all future Chinese governments followed, and Chinese science and culture reached new heights. To this day, most...
  18. [WI] What if Basil II married a commoner and had an heir?

    So I know the title is a little out there but bare with me. It is known that Basil II was a very cautious leader and tried to lessen the power of nobility around him. It is for this reason, (regarding many others) that he didn’t marry a woman from the Byzantine nobility in order to not...
  19. What if Mao Zedong's father wasn't abusive?

    Much has been made of how Hitler and Stalin's boyhood experiences may have shaped how they grew up, but you don't hear much of this regarding Mao despite his own troubled youth. Mao Zedong's father, Mao Yichang, was a fairly prosperous farmer who also acted as a grain dealer and a moneylender...
  20. KuboCaskett

    WI/PC: Second Korean War after Successful Blue House Raid?

    Reading up on the Blue House Raid attempt got me thinking that if successful (resulting in the death of Park Chung-Hee that is), aside from South Korea possibly retaliating by doing the same towards Kim Il-Sung, how will it lead to a resumption of hostilities in the Korean peninsula? And if so...