
  1. PaulLev

    90-minute lecture and discussion of alternate history stories on the screen

    at the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County, 15 February 2023
  2. MNM041

    Terry Gilliam's Watchmen
    Threadmarks: Background

    In 1986, the first issue of the maxieseries Watchmen was released. It, alongside The Dark Knight Returns, ushered in a new era of comics, and studios were quick to attempt a film adaptation. The first attempt came in 1986, the same year that the comic start, by 20th Century Fox, and script...
  3. MNM041

    AHC: President Robert Redford

    I recently rewatched the HBO's Watchmen series, and it's mentioned at one point that Robert Redford was president of the United States. Now, ignoring the stuff that led to that happening within the context of the show, are their any scenarios that could lead to him becoming President?
  4. Mr_ Bondoc

    Masks Beget Masks: A TL for Vigilantes

    POD: August 8, 1925,.... The Ku Klux Klan marched with impunity across Pennsylvania Avenue, and in front of the White House. It would be ironic to note that this event, would actually serve as the inspiration for the rise of vigilantes and superheroes in the United States and across the globe...
  5. treefreak32

    Alt-History Aftermath Scenarios Implied by Media

    Essentially, what endings to Movies, Games, Books, etc. do you think imply interesting Alt-History scenarios? Sort of like how Independence Day 2 created a scenario out of the aftermath of the first film, or how the Watchmen show furthers the original's TL using the events of the first and...
  6. Mr_ Bondoc

    Watchmen (HBO-TV) Series

    Watchmen has officially joined HBO’s 2019 lineup. Here’s everything to know so far about Damon Lindelof's new series. What’s the story? Based on the graphic novel of the same name, Watchmen is set in an alternate history where “superheroes” are treated as outlaws. And while Lindelof (The...
  7. Born in the USSA

    Watchmen in the High Castle

    This unholy thought popped into my head today, based on the fact that the new Watchmen series (premiering tonight) focuses on race and policing, and also that a trailer for the new season of the Man in the High Castle was released recently: What would a combination of the "superheros in a...
  8. modelcitizen

    found a Watership Down/Watchmen crossover fan-fic

    and it's not bad! I thought it was shorter than I expected it to be, but I liked reading it. I came across it when someone referred to it in the comments on a clip from the bbc Watership Down adaptation, fwiw. So I figured I'd mention it in this...