people's republic of china

  1. Mr_ Bondoc

    "All the Children of China": A Collaborative TL

    Everyone likes to talk about the idea that one of the biggest changes was the "One Child Policy" of China was s a population planning initiative in China implemented between 1979 and 2015 to curb the country's population growth by restricting many families to a single child. The program had...
  2. TheDoofusUser

    WI : Tiananmen Square is more Successful and Kim Jong-Nam succeeds Kim Jong-Il instead

    In our own history, the Tiananmen Square Protests erupted largely calling for a soft form of liberalization and government reform only to be brutally supressed, eventually leading to the leadership of Xi Jinping. Meanwhile, south of the Yalu River, Kim-Jong-Il had three sons - Kim Jong-Nam, the...
  3. Sarthak

    Swap the fates of Taiwan and Hainan

    With a PoD of 1946 make sure that the PRC still wins the Chinese Civil War, but they successfully manage to take Taiwan but the ROC remains doggedly in Hainan. What would the effects of such a swap be in the geopolitics of the region?
  4. Ryker of Terra

    Implications of pro-Soviet China?

    IOTL the Sino-Soviet split had a huge impact on the Cold War, with the USSR having to contend with dissent in their own corner (which they couldn't brush off as easily as Tito), and the US courting China to counter Soviet influence. But what if the split didn't happen, or was delayed at least...
  5. World Mapping

    WI: China invades Taiwan on 2022/02/24?

    Idk if this qualifies as alternate history, but here we go. Asking out of curiosity, what would have happened had China invaded Taiwan on the 24th of February 2022, the same day Russia invaded Ukraine?
  6. WI: Mao dies in 1956

    "Had Mao died in 1956, his achievements would have been immortal. Had he died in 1966, he would still have been a great man but flawed. But he died in 1976. Alas, what can one say?" These are the famous words of Chen Yun. And they got me wondering. What if Mao really had died in 1956? Who might...
  7. The PRC became a democracy in the late 80s/early 90s?

    How could the reformist faction within the Chinese Communist Party (represented by Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang) defeat the conservatives in the dispute that took place in the late eighties and ended with the crackdown on the Tiananmen protests? A turning point that was just as important as the...
  8. Alias_The_J

    AHC: Have the PRC collapse along with the USSR

    Basically, with a point of divergence after 1949, what is the smallest possible change that would see the USSR collapsing in about 1991 plus the PRC collapsing by 2018 (giving the PRC the same 69-year lifespan of the USSR), but preferentially also around 1991? I can see maybe the PRC not...
  9. WI: Mao Zedong dies in 1956

    What if Mao, like Lenin before him, had died seven years after coming to power? How might this have altered the course Mainland China might've taken?