
  1. Worse/Longer Wars of the Roses?

    Could the Wars of the Roses, long as it was, be even longer and worse than it already was? How much longer can the York/Lancaster feud get and could even more third party actors like the De La Poles and the Tudors and even more take a bigger role? I was thinking of extending the three decade...
  2. Atterdag

    Possibilities regarding Ingeborg of Norway (1301-1361)

    Ingeborg of Norway (1301-1361) was the only legitimate child of Haakon V of Norway, and early in her life it was recognized that her marriage would be crucial for Norway's dynastic future. She ended up marrying Erik Magnusson, Duke of Södermanland and brother of King Birger of Sweden, but not...
  3. WI: Henry III of England Does Better in Trying to Conquer France

    Henry III of England tried to reconquer the lost territories in France his father John I lost to the French. Unfortunately for him his attempts at retaking those lands ended up in failure every single time. However if Henry III does a better job and enjoys some better success (does not have to...
  4. Dystopian Pre Industrial Societies/States

    As it says on the tin. Dystopias tend to be an almost exclusively post-industrial topic when brought up in history, politics, and fiction. Share some examples of what you think are the most dystopic premodern states, societies, and regimes. If you'd care to, provide some examples of possible...
  5. Areas and Peoples that can pull of an “ Islam” than Arabia

    Basically a preacher or a prophet takes over an area and his successors embark on a rapid expansion spreading the teachings the teachings of their Prophet or the founder of the religion of their religion along the way . Minimum PoD is 476 AD and maximum is 1600 AD. Edit; Interesting this post...
  6. Entrerriano

    The Three Carolingians: A Different Outcome to a Great Empire
    Threadmarks: OP - Prologue

    The Three Carolingians A Different Outcome to a Great Empire Charlemagne had four legitimate sons to survive infancy. The eldest, Pepin the Hunchback, became a monk after rebelling against his father, dying in 811. His second son, Charles, died heirless in 811, and his third son, Pepin of...
  7. Effects of an Arctic and Siberian route to China during the Roman Empire and Middle Ages

    Hi everyone, I was reading old threads recently when I came across a very interesting post, suggesting that the Roman Empire, had it explored the coast of Scandinavia and Russia, could have found a quicker, easier route to trade with China that would have completely bypassed Persia and most of...
  8. MegaPrem

    African colonization of the Americas

    What could have happened for African countries to colonize the Americas? Countries like the Mali Empire seemed to have enough resources at home to focus on, as well as lacking the naval capabilities to travel west. It seems the criteria would be a country with a strong navy (or the potential for...
  9. Ottonian victory at Stilo/Crotone?

    What if Emperor Otto II defeated the Sicilians at Stilo? Could the Ottonian realm have successfully absorbed southern Italy in the aftermath?
  10. If Christianity were just one religion among many, in what areas would it be more widespread? In urban and rich areas or in rural and poor areas?

    A few days ago I had an idea for a CK3 mod, an alternative history with many point of divergence (Like a much more Hellenic Roman Empire more weak and less extended but more resistant, Celtic and Scythian migrations instead of germanic, Kush still ruled by queens, a more successful and...
  11. Challenege/WI: Assyria Regains Independence During the Medieval Period

    Assyria had been under various foreign powers for a while after the fall of the Neo-Assyrian Empire and never regained its independence ever since. So right after the year 1000, is it possible for Assyria to regain its independence? At that time the Assyrian population hasn't gone through the...
  12. What if Rum was the Ottoman Empire of this world?

    In an alternate universe after 1,000 years of life, the flag of Rum waves victoriously over Constantinople. Rum, once a small sultanate in southern Anatolia, has grown to dominate the region. now the question is, what's next for rum? who will they invade next? will they stray from their Greek...
  13. No Islam TL

    I am making a TL where Islam does not exist. Tell me what you think. So Mohammed converts to Christianity before he invents Islam. He converts many Arabs to Christianity and is canonized after his death as the Apostle to Arabia. Without the Arab invasions, Byzantium and Persia slowly recover...
  14. Atterdag

    The Sons of Semiramis - A house of Folkung Kalmar Union
    Threadmarks: Part 0 – A day in August [1387]

    Part 0 – A day in August [1387] Scandia, a great island in the northernmost parts of the world, as Pliny the elder described it. The sun seemed to offer no warmth that day in early August, it’s rays seemingly being blown away by cold winds, unusual for the season. In the fields of southern...
  15. SunKing105

    AHC: Make the "Dark Ages" true?

    Despite the name, the "Dark Ages" period of medieval history was not dark at all, far from it. While the old political structures associated with Rome had either collapsed or significantly changed, population grew in some areas, and Roman roads, infrastructure, and laws continued in some form...
  16. Western Europe: No Mongols

    (The timeline this is for.) What would the politicial, economic, and social situation be in Western Europe if the Mongol hordes never arose? Please no regurgitaton of the Chaos TL. Holy Roman Empire's situation. Consequences of a unified Poland (by the Silesian Piasts) on the HRE. Effect on the...
  17. Eridan: Revamped

    Hello all! I've made other threads about this world in the past, but, in all honestly, those versions were horrendous. I'm starting anew this time, and I am going to try and make this world believable.
  18. WI: Andalus’ Almoravid Revival?

    The Ghaniyyids were the remnant Almoravid princes-turned-warlords of the Western Mediterranean. They took over Majorca for a while and ruled it for over 50 years. How would you make the Almoravids of Majorca, or their affiliate contemporary butterflies, prevent or at least reduce the effects of...
  19. Hawkeye

    Hnefatafl as popular as Chess

    Lately I've been spending a lot of time playing a game called Hnefatafl or Viking Chess as some might call it. For those unfamiliar, Hnefatafl is an asymmetric chess like game where the goal for white to get it's king to safety and for black to capture white's king. Under the Copenhagen rules...
  20. kasumigenx

    To wear two Crowns an Anglo-French timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    On 1194, Mathilde of Brittany is married to Frederick of Austria with a generous dowry with 35,000 of silver to end the incarceration of Richard I and for that reason, Philippe Auguste would demand the hand of Eleanor of Brittany to his son Louis, the son of Philippe Auguste and Isabella of...