
  1. Filo

    The Southern Roman Empire.

    I am a little bit tired of Scifi. So i'll start this new project (not new at all, being another setting for GURPS i'll created many years ago). In This timeline, Heraclius the Younger, instead of sailing from Carthage to Constantinople, decided to stay in African City, dooming the Empire in the...
  2. The Kingdom Of The Chauhans - A victorious Prithviraj III TL
    Threadmarks: Prithiviraj, Victorious!

    It is said that history is written by the victors. Those that survive the battle, even though they lose, gets to keep their narrative alive. This story that I am about to tell you is somewhat similar but with much….. greater effects it has in the history of Bhārata. First Battle of Tarain...
  3. WI Islamic Revolution failed in Iran

    Suppose that the Islamic Revolution failed; specifically, that interim PM Shahpour Bakhtiar did not invite Khomeini back to the country to create a "Vatican in Qoms" and so the theocrats fail their violent coup of the provisional government. How does Bakhtiar govern? What happens when...
  4. Persia retains Armenia and Azerbaijan in 1804-1813?

    The Russo Persian War of 1804-1813 was simultaneous to, and deeply affected by, the Napoleonic Wars. The Qajar dynasty, young, unstable and weak, sought foreign aid to turn its army into a force capable of standing up to the Russians, but the shifting dynamics in Europe screwed them over: the...
  5. WI : Indepedent Armenia & Azerbaijan Annexed By Iran?

    What would have happened to the Soviet Union had they not been able to retake Armenia AND Azerbaijan and consecutively WW2 and then the Cold War ?
  6. KMT_Enjoyer

    Two mountains, one bridge. A KMT Victory and No Indian partition
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Europe had been left in rubble by the Second World War, and the European empires could only remain empire for a short time. Now global politics would not be decided by the demands of London, Paris, or Berlin, but instead commanded by Moscow and Washington. Meanwhile in the orient, a new world...
  7. Saddam successfully develops nuclear weapons

    Assuming the Israelis do not destroy the Iraqi Nuclear Program, and Saddam is able to test a nuclear bomb and then further develop nuclear weapons during the Iran-Iraq war, how would that change the timeline? Iran's reaction? Israel's reaction? Other Arab countries reactions? And finally, the...
  8. Taunay

    Which side could most plausibly win the Iran-Iraq War?

    With a POD of exactly when the war started, which country (Iran or Iraq) had the highest chance of winning the war? And what would be the impact of this? Would an Iraq victory cause a collapse of the Iranian government? Would an Iranian victory cause a rise in Islamic revolutions across the...
  9. Taunay

    Ford '76 victory impact in the Middle East

    Before Carter won, the US had a mostly anti-communist, pro-Israel militarist view towards the region. Under Carter, however, the view towards the Middle East became more conciliatory, which led to the Camp David Accords. While they were definitely not perfect, those Accords were a step up from...
  10. AHC: Create a homeland for all followers of the Baháʼí Faith

    The Baháʼí Faith is a relatively new religion teaching the essential worth of all religions and the unity of all people. Established by Baháʼu'lláh in the 19th century, it initially developed in Iran and parts of the Middle East, where it has faced ongoing persecution since its inception...
  11. After the Assassination of George W. Bush - An Alternate History of the early 21st century
    Threadmarks: Chapter I: The Bush Years, 2000-2005.

    I've been working for a while on a TL with a PoD in 2005, which is obviously the assassination of President Bush as the title suggests. This TL will focus primarily on how the world develops after that. This is the first chapter of that TL. After the Assassination of George W. Bush Chapter...
  12. Qajar Persia retakes Azerbaijan from Russia in 1826-28? Following more than a decade of military reform, spearheaded by crown prince Abbas Mirza, and a minor but victorious border war against the Ottoman Empire, the Qajar dynasty attempted to reconquer the territories it lost to the...
  13. Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar isn't assassinated?

    Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar was the first member of the Qajar dynasty to rule Iran, reunifying a country which had been torn apart by countless civil wars ever since the death of Karim Khan Zand in 1779. A brilliant but brutal conqueror, he reasserted Iranian authority over northern Azerbaijan and...
  14. What if the Soviet connected the Caspian sea to the Persian Sea by flooding the Ararat Plain?

    What if the following depression was flooded by building a dam to block the Aras river? Geographically the aras river flow trought a 10 km wide choke point. You can use the mountains and build a series of 2 km, 1 km, 2 km and 1 km dam to cut the flow of water and create a lake. There is...
  15. WI: Increased Zoroastrianic migration into the Indian subcontinent

    Zoroastrian migration to the subcontinent occured somewhere around 7-9th century due to increased persecution by the Caliphate (destruction of the Fire temples, etc). They settled around areas like the Sindh, Gujarat and Maharashtra. The rulers of these areas while fascinated by the religion...
  16. Sarthak

    Neo-Sassanid Restoration in 1925 Iran.

    In 1924-25 when the Iranians were hunting for a new monarch for the country, according to مسابقه برای یک سلطنت جدید a minor Iranian noble from Khorasan, Farhad Qademe Al-Malik was offered the Iranian throne. He was the last documented direct descendant of the Mikalid Dynasty, who were the last...
  17. PC : Earliest Elamite conquest of Iran

    Plausibility check : How early can Elamites Conquer and assimilate Iranian plateau ?
  18. Mardavij isn't assassinated?

    Mardavij was a Zoroastrian Persian warlord who, in five years, conquered a large portion of what is now Iran, creating a state that stretched from the Caspian Sea to Shiraz and from Hamadan to Isfahan. However, he was murdered in 935 and his kingdom fell apart soon after, quickly being reduced...
  19. The_Persian_Cat

    WI: Khomeini's letter to Gorbachev had a wider impact?

    In January 1989, the Ayatollah Khomeini wrote an open letter to Mikhail Gorbachev. In the letter, Khomeini applauded Gorbachev for recognising the need for reform within the USSR and for supposedly seeing the ways that Marxism was insufficient as an ideology. However, he warned that, the way...
  20. AdamNeuser

    Plausible outcomes of Timur not coming to power?

    Timur's reign is largely considered to have been quite detrimental to Ottoman expansion and the survival of the Golden Horde and Delhi Sultanates. What would some of the outcomes have been had he not come to power?