holy roman empire

  1. Sarthak

    The Sapphire Throne: A Swedish Timeline
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Introduction "Let there be no man who deems Sweden to be a weak nation." - King Charles X Gustav of Sweden "He is an independent monarch and a powerful one at that. His rule see's Sweden ascendant for eternity." - Pope Innocent XII on Charles XI of Sweden "There is no confusion. The Carolean...
  2. WI: Habsburg Victory in 80 Years’ War

    What if Austria/Habsburgs won the 30/80 Years’ War? Would this lead to an earlier centralized Germany? What would be the long terms of effects of this?
  3. The_Persian_Cat

    WI: no Florentine Republic?

    The Republic of Florence was a very important state in late medieval and Renaissance politics. Florence is commonly considered the birthplace and centre of the Renaissance, and was the hometown of such eminent figures as Dante, Giovanni Boccaccio, Leonardo da Vinci, and Niccolo Macchiavelli. The...
  4. AHC: Make the Holy Roman Empire holy roman and a true empire.

    With a pod of your choice but before 1440 make the HRE constituational and culturally closer to the ancient Roman Empire with it truely deserving the name. Bonus points of they own more of the old empire.
  5. Effects of the Habsburgs losing the Italian Wars?

    The OTL end result of the seemingly endless slogging match that was the Italian Wars was an overwhelming Habsburg victory, with them gaining and keeping control of Milan and Naples. What would be the effects on both branches of the dynasty (Spanish and Austrian) if they instead lost both of...
  6. The_Persian_Cat

    WI: Italian electors in the HRE?

    Hey all, So, as we all know, the Holy Roman Emperor was elected by the various prince-electors, all of whom held their main titles in Germany and Bohemia. However, the HRE ruled much of Italy for a long time, and the Emperor was legitimised by the Catholic Church and was always crowned by the...
  7. GameBawesome

    Discussion: Who had the WORST claims to being the successor of the Roman Empire?

    There is a great debate and discussion on who the successor to the Roman Empire is. From the Holy Roman Empire, to the Ottomans, to the Russians, it stems the points of culture, language, lineage, legality, religion and location, on who truly is the successor to the Roman Empire... This isn't...
  8. Napoleon invades ottoman empire along with Austria, Russia, Spain, Persia in 1798

    what if Napoleon jointly invades ottoman empire ? by negotiates a ceasefire with Austria, Russia, Spain forms alliance with them and Qajar Persia against ottoman empire and supports nativist and religious rebellions all over the ottoman empire invaded ottoman Egypt and Syria along with Austria...
  9. Charles V centralizes HRE reuniting Germany

    What if Charles V centralizes HRE by using and intensifying French and ottoman threats debt trapping constituents and raising larger armies with New world gold and silver also avoiding hyperinflation in Spain francis imprisoned until ceded domains are occupied executing Luther, Calvin and...
  10. How would France develop if they won the Italian Wars?

    Like it says on the tin. What if France managed to consolidate their control over Milan instead of being kicked out of there by the Habsburgs after the Battle of Pavia? Would the kingdom's finances be affected to a considerable degree (Lombardy was pretty rich after all)? What about the Wars of...
  11. Cymry-Korean

    A Successful Papacy for Clement VII?

    As someone with an interest in the 16th century, Pope Clement VII has always fascinated me. He seems to have been a politically and religiously savvy leader but nearly all of his initiatives seem to have failed. He was unable to prevent Hapsburg domination, curb the Reformation, or even keep a...
  12. Louis II of Hungary survives Mohács?

    IOTL Louis II managed to flee the battle, but fell into a stream while doing so and drowned because of the weight of his armor. What if he survived? I assume he'd be forced to sign a treaty with the Ottomans recognizing the loss of Belgrade and any other important border fortresses, and pay...
  13. Guatemalan Revolutionary

    "The Imperial Eagle Over England" A Habsburg Britain TL
    Threadmarks: Of Eagles and Roses

    After bringing England back to the catholic flock, queen Mary married Philip of Spain, a young lad with an astonishing look that delighted the queen, she got pregnant in the first month of 1554, the pregnancy lasted almost ten months, which made most of the courtiers doubt of the veracity of...
  14. Could the Habsburgs "unify" Germany in the 16th/17th centuries?

    Like it says on the tin. Could the House of Habsburg, assuming lots and I mean lots of things go right for them, plausibly impose their power over the principalities and electorates scattered throughout the HRE in the period starting with the onset of the Protestant Reformation and the ending...
  15. Maurice of Saxony lives longer?

    Maurice, a member of the Albertine line of the House of Wettin, ruled Saxony first as a duke and then an elector from 1541 until his early death at the Battle of Sievershausen in 1553. He was, according to Wikipedia, a skilled political operator who successfully played both sides of the...
  16. Ottomans take Vienna in 1683, Louis XIV as Holy Roman Emperor?

    I've seen it mentioned in books on the matter that Louis XIV was aspiring to the position of Holy Roman Emperor and would likely have thrown is hat in the ring had Vienna fallen to the Ottomans. The idea was that this would've gravely weakened the position of the Habsburgs. How likely is it...
  17. William the Rich kept control of Guelders?

    William the Rich was duke of Julich, Cleves and Berg from 1539 until his death, but he also controlled the Duchy of Guelders for five years (1538-43) before being forced to yield it to Charles V in the Treaty of Venlo. What if he managed to hold on to Guelders for whatever reason? Say the French...
  18. An Emperor's True Love: Katherine Tudor marries Charles V
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    An Emperor's True Love Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor PROLOGUE "11th of June, 1522. Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, the first King of a unified Spain and ruler of many other large patches of land all over Europe (and the world) married the English Princess, Katherine Tudor. Katherine was the...
  19. WI: Napoleonic German-Hungarian Split

    Let's say the coalition does better in the early phases of the war but are only able to stalemate with France. Napoleon manages to conquer the German borderlands and keep Holland, Italy, and Spain within his sphere of influence but gets injured in Germany making him more agreeable to a truce...
  20. WI: Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II's daughters survive?

    Joseph II had two daughters, neither of whom outlived him. What if they had?