family stories

  1. AHC: World's Most Inbred Family

    Hi everyone! Recently I have been getting into geneology and family tree building, and that got me wondering about how incestual relationships would present on said trees... they aren't usually designed to have them be easily shown given the very nature (and rarity) of them, so I found it a fun...
  2. Brita

    Dragon King: the Many Wives, Mistresses and Children of King Henry VIII (1491-1577)
    Threadmarks: Henry VIII's wives and mistresses

    Original posts here. Dragon King The Many Wives, Mistresses and Children of King Henry VIII (1491-1577) The series’ title Dragon King derived from one of Henry VIII's badges, the Red Dragon of Cadwaladr. In 2015, History Channel 2 launched Dragon King, an ambitious TV series about the life...
  3. AHC; The most US presidents from the same family?

    Your challenge is to concoct a scenario in which a political family (Roosevelt, Kennedy, Bush, etc.) has the most individuals hold the oval office. My personal best bets would be the Roosevelts or Kennedys, which is why I've posted this in post-1900, but earlier is definately allowed too! Good...
  4. Brita

    Dragon King: the Many Wives, Mistresses and Children of King Henry VIII (1491-1577)
    Threadmarks: Dragon King: the Many Wives, Mistresses and Children of King Henry VIII (1491-1577)

    Dragon King The Many Wives, Mistresses and Children of King Henry VIII (1491-1577) The series’ title Dragon King derived from one of Henry VIII's badges, the Red Dragon of Cadwaladr. In 2015, History Channel 2 launched Dragon King, an ambitious TV series about the life of England's...
  5. "It is my privilege to award you the Mother's Cross of Honour, Mrs. Hitler"...

     Prelude This is probably just going to a be one-and-done, though I hope you enjoy! I always found it strange that despite the Nazi's championing female fertility and large, traditional families, Hitler only got married on his deathbed and never had any children (despite pretty much every other...
  6. Queen Anne's Brood - The Grandmother of Europe

    Hey everyone! Recently I've been looking through the British royal family tree, looking for any curiosities in the many lesser known children low down on the lines of succession. It has been quite interesting, and has gotten my mind wandering about a few scenarios (one of which being the Henry...
  7. The 50 children and 10 wives of King Henry VIII (1491-1577) --- I challenge you to beat either number!

    Just something fun I wanted to do, give the man obsessed with having kids and wives his wish. I challenge you to beat either number! I specifically went with higher born wives, so there is much room for the various lower nobles he married in our world, too. ------- 1 - Margaret of Angouleme...