east pakistan

  1. What does modern day East Pakistan look like?

    OTL Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan (East Pakistan) until the liberation war in 1971, triggered by Operation Searchlight - an attempted genocide by the Pakistani army. This was in many ways inevitable, Bengalis were ethnically, racially (according to the Pakistani army atleast), linguistically...
  2. Agartala Conspiracy Case leads to a crackdown?

    In 1968 the Pakistani Government arrested a number of persons including Mujib in connection with the Agartala Conspiracy Case but the case had to be dropped by the Government due to a popular uprising in East Pakistan without even completing the case. The case was filed in early 1968 and...
  3. Sarthak

    Effects of these PoDs in Pakistan and Beyond?

    I was rifling through the history of Pakistan and India during and after Partition and looked at these potential PoDs. Let's say....... [1] - In 1948 Jinnah agrees with the opposition parties and makes English the governmental language, whilst making each province (including east pakistan)...
  4. Accommodation of Bengali; no Bangladesh?

    If the central government of Pakistan had agreed to the demands of the population of East Pakistan in the late 1940s/early 1950s to make the Bengali language (and script) the official language of Pakistan, or one of the official languages, and consequently there was no massacre of student...