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  1. Indicus

    Ottoman Republic?

    I suspect there would be a lot of bickering about the exact borders of the states which I assume would be on ethnic lines, probably a few ethnic cleansings on that basis, and the federal government would end up a dead letter with the several states formally declaring their independence. Things...
  2. Indicus

    EIC In A British Revolution

    The UK was also far more unequal in its land distribution than France due to primogeniture and all - especially in Ireland, and to a somewhat lesser extent in Scotland and Wales, but also in England - so a republic could pretty easily win a lot of rural support by land reform. There were quite a...
  3. Indicus

    EIC In A British Revolution

    Ernest was not just unpopular, he was widely regarded as a murderer. There was an attempt to exclude him from the throne in OTL even after Victoria was sworn in, and Whigs such as Macaulay mused about a second glorious revolution being necessary if he ever took power. And he was not just a...
  4. Indicus

    EIC In A British Revolution

    It might try (and putting aside plausibility that would be a fun scenario) but the EIC's control was dependent on British soldiers on the ground, and while a section of the officers might try to stay loyal to Ernest I can't really see the rank-and-file (which generally came from poorer - even...
  5. Indicus

    EIC In A British Revolution

    The EIC was long an issue on the political stage - see Fox's East India Bill and the impeachment of Warren Hastings - as it was scandalous for its atrocities in its own time, and opposition to it was strongest among the political opposition to the Crown and administration. I broadly expect that...
  6. Indicus

    Reconstruction: The Second American Revolution - The Sequel to Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid

    I’m not sure if it would be. The OTL decline of Jefferson’s reputation is a pretty recent thing, and before that he was widely viewed as a hero of radical democracy with his slaveowning regarded as a reluctant thing. Notably, the Republican Party is named after Jefferson’s Republican Party, and...
  7. Indicus

    Reconstruction: The Second American Revolution - The Sequel to Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid

    Mount Rushmore was built for the proximate reason of attracting tourists to the Black Hills, after the area's economy declined following the gold rush there. It's sadly quite unlikely this butterflies away the Black Hills Gold Rush and the war and land-thefts that followed - but I do wonder if...
  8. Indicus

    WI: Warren Hastings successfully prosecuted

    Edmund Burke's sympathies for Irish Catholics had more to do with his parentage - he was Irish, his mother was a Catholic, his father was a convert from Catholicism, and his sister was a Catholic - than any ideological position, and even here his elite sympathies make their head as he only ever...
  9. Indicus

    WI: Warren Hastings successfully prosecuted

    I did do some more research on the subject - it seems a great issue of the impeachment was over whether impeachment was a political deliberative process with a looser procedure and more flexible rules of evidence, or a criminal trial subjected to the same stiff requirements of proof and with...
  10. Indicus

    WI: Warren Hastings successfully prosecuted

    It may surprise many that Edmund Burke (1729-1797), remembered chiefly as the British nationalist advocate of reactionary established order, was also a very extreme critic of the British Raj. He saw it as "systematick iniquity and oppression", he wrote he would fight for justice in India...
  11. Indicus

    What is a common thing or trope that always seem to happen?

    There is a classic alternate history book, Warlord of the Air by Michael Moorcock, about an alternate world in which, in the absence of World War I, colonial imperialism has continued forever and so most of the world is colonial vassals of a select few empires which, while looking utopic on the...
  12. Indicus

    Lichtenstein Alaska: Was it a real proposal?

    Checking it out, it looks like an “oral tradition”, and the current head of state of Liechtenstein claims the reason no documents on this exist is because they were destroyed in the Russian Revolution - awfully convenient, but does close the door on finding real proof that this offer ever...
  13. Indicus

    Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

    I will say, the historical record is pretty clear that Lincoln’s father moved northwards partly because of his hatred of slavery. I’d go so far as to say that if Illinois became a slave state (as it nearly became) Lincoln would have instead been a Hoosier. I hate nowadays to call things that...
  14. Indicus

    WI: Second American Civil War of 1876

    To get to this sort of situation I would envision avoiding Hayes getting lawfully elected at all. The article I linked above mentions that Tilden was very much opposed to the House Democrats acceding to the Electoral Commission - that may be a way to start. I think you do have a point that a...
  15. Indicus

    General Reginald Dyer Is Punished

    A lot of Brits get very pissy over it. Liberals (like Churchill at the time) did want to punish Dyer, less out of a sense of morality and more to salvage the imperial project (they had even tried to censor spread of news of it into Britain but a sympathetic Brit smuggled it over - BG Horniman...
  16. Indicus

    WI: Second American Civil War of 1876

    This article seems relevant - it's long but very informative. There's a real possibility of McClellan leading a march on Washington on behalf of the Democrats. And there would be a number of northerners, including the New York state government, who would play their cards in with the Democrats...
  17. Indicus

    Hail, Britannia: A New History

    Love the map. There are so many wonderful details, but my favorite has to be that Texan Caribbean colonial empire which is, as they say, very, very
  18. Indicus

    Map Thread XXII

    Well for the river state borders, Cheyenne has its strange panhandle because Minasota was for a long time the “North-West Indian Territory” and the US wanted full control over the Missouri river. Pembina’s comes from its origin as a territory for a railroad, and for a while Websteropolis was the...
  19. Indicus

    Map Thread XXII

    The United States is still a resource-rich country even without the Mexican Cession, and it still has a lot (albeit about half as much) oil, so it still has a lot of power to throw around. The Rust Belt is still a pretty impressive center of industry because the US has much less of the Sun Belt...
  20. Indicus

    Map Thread XXII

    Bilingualism is the law nationwide but in general you can imagine language in this country as a gradient, Spanish in the southern part of the west coast and English in the northern part of California. English is perhaps more dominant as San Francisco, here the center of a grand metropolis and...