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  1. Red Alert - Our 1953 USSR

    Malenkov or Mikoyan
  2. A surviving Weimar Republic by 1960 - Schadenfreude rather than Revanche, is the main feeling to former WWI enemies & German Republic "sits pretty"?

    A full fledged Soviet-Chinese alliance plus worldwide decolonization rebellions and a still isolationist USA in the 50s = Red Alert Scenario. But to answer your question, while the general civilian consensus would point to complacency, the political and elites' attitudes would likely still...
  3. Best case scenario for Japan in WW2

    A panicked (or badly advised) Chiang Kai-shek secretly offers docking rights to the Germans in exchange for advisors and weapons, and Germany complies, hoping that future U-boat campaigns from the Chinese mainland can destabilize the British Asian possessions and trade if China holds; but this...
  4. WW2 with independent Ukraine,Belarus,Caucasus

    Without a mighty Soviet Union, the Nazis may not exist or be a viable party, and their elements cannot ascend within the DVNP. Without Hitler's rise, there's a good chance that the SPD and KPD are tied into a coalition, and Germany becomes a communist state instead. WW2 would be VERY different...
  5. A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

    Wait, did you just cancel the T-90 program? I urge you to reconsider, India has shown great interest in a heavily upgraded version of the T-72 and is potentially willing to acquire up to 1000 of these units, so it would be a huge income boost for our industries. (Based on OTL T-90 Bhishma...
  6. TRSR: The Red Sun Rising

    Watching thread, keep up the good work!
  7. Crisis in the Kremlin - Our 1982 USSR

    1) B. It doesn't seem like India will drift away from the Soviet partnership, it's not in their interest to do it, so respect the democratic procedure 2. Support of the plans of @Kriss and @Rysesaka
  8. WI: Discord didnt exist?

    Apps like Teamspeak and Ventrilo were widely used and had pretty much the same functionalities, I doubt much will change overall.
  9. Our Soviet Union (USSR)

    B, if the revolutions in North and Central America gain too much ground too fast, the US will send troops and squash them anyway.
  10. December 7, 1941. The Day Japan Attacked the Panama Canal

    The 1942 Río Protocol can now be enforced a bit more forcefully in favor of Peru, with American arbitration being more closely followed. It's likely to butterfly away the 1981 Falso Paquisha conflict and the 1995 Cenepa war.
  11. Seven Days to the River Rhine: the Third World War - a TL

    You guys are right, but this is a world where the IMF has been nuked and Washin.. I mean Oklahoma, forgave all Latin American debt.
  12. Seven Days to the River Rhine: the Third World War - a TL

    Curious to see places like New Zealand in the top10 list instead of Argentina and Mexico. These two had all kinds of natural resources and a significant industrial base. In the case of Argentina, it was still richer per capita than Brazil by far, for example, and its debts would be wiped out...
  13. Seven Days to the River Rhine: the Third World War - a TL

    Peruvian here. IF (and that's a big if) we manage to stabilize the food and advanced imports situation long enough, perhaps we can do well. Especially since it doesn't seem that the nuclear exchange was large enough to cause a true nuclear winter. Food will be in high demand and Peru is still an...
  14. Could Japan had won the war in the pacific if they had not invaded China, but allied with the nationalists and directed all their resources against US

    There were serious propositions of true Pan-asianism in Japan after WW1, but they never had much support from the Japanese establishment unfortunately. If they succeeded it'd had to be before the end of the Taisho democracy most likely, since the armed forces were always expansionist.
  15. A Brave New World: An Anglo/American – Nazi War Aftermath

    Great chapter, will follow!
  16. AHC Japan as a superpower

    Pretty much this, it's very doable if China breaks down, Japan avoids the financial crisis and the US is distracted and weakened enough (maybe if Dick Cheney takes full control over Bush's government and invades Iran).
  17. WI: 1914 Mexican-American War

    No Zimmerman Telegram and likely less sales of military equipment to the Entente: Greater chances of German victory.
  18. 共存共栄 - Kyōzonkyōei - Common Peace, Common Wealth

    Great TL, keep up the good work!
  19. No Second World War

    My take: - Germany gets the DVNP in power, right wing dictatorship that still gets the Anschluss of Austria but doesn't go further. - Yugoslavia shatters due to internal pressures plus Italian meddling, which expands its sphere of influence to Croatia. - Butterflies get Mao killed before Japan...